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Booking in for a check-up in Central Leeds

So why do we have to keep popping along to our dentist in centralLeedson regular occasions? Well for all we strive to do at home to keep our mouths healthy, it is always good to have the ultimate back-up, the dentist to check for things we may have casually overlooked- and it’s easy to do. Miss brushing sessions for a couple of days because you have been having a ‘bit of a party’, bacteria will take over very quickly and plaque will start to form. This branches of to many evils such as gum disease and tooth decay and any brushing you do will be hard pushed to reverse the problem. This is where your dentist can help you out in a single sitting. An X-ray will identify any signs of decay within your teeth and then your dentist will repair them if necessary. Any build up of tartar will be removed and then your teeth will be polished. Extensive treatments such as root canals fillings or the fittings of crowns can be used to treat more serious problems. But when you are having a check-up, it is also a perfect time to sit down with your dentists and discuss any other issues you may have about your welfare or about any titillating cosmetic treatments you may have seen and would like to have done yourself. A dental check-up should be used to get your mouth up to scratch to ensure you keep both mouth and body healthy.

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