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Archive for the ‘mouthguards’ Category

A Well Fitting Night Guard Can Cure You of Teeth Grinding, Says City Of Leeds Dentist

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Have you noticed that your teeth have been worn down considerably? Does your jaw hurt or your head ache most of the time? Do you have difficulty sleeping, and have you experienced loss of appetite. According to a City of Leeds dentist, the presence of most of these symptoms means that you have to see a dentist immediately because you probably suffer from Bruxism.
This means that you grind your teeth when you sleep at night. If you are unsure, you could ask anyone to observe you as you sleep so that your doubts can be answered. Most people who suffer from Bruxism are unaware that they have this ailment.
If you do suffer from Bruxism, your dentist is certain to fit you with a night guard for your mouth. This device will not let your upper and lower sets of teeth meet, thereby preventing you from doing the teeth grinding which has become a habit by now.
You might have heard a lot of negative feedback regarding the night guard, but the most likely reason for that is that they are ill fitting. You therefore need to go to a reputed dental practice only so that you can get a well fitted night guard. You will begin to see positive results almost immediately since it will not let you grind your teeth together.
You will get freedom from headaches and you will also protect your teeth from cracking or breaking. Dentists also use night guards to cure bad bites.

Buy Mouth Guards in Leeds Central for Proper Dental Health

Friday, July 9th, 2010

Mouth guards are protective appliances that are worn over the teeth to prevent it from injury during sporting events or from teeth grinding. There are different types of mouth guards that are available in Leeds Central; these are inexpensive and should be bought depending for what purpose it is to be used.
The first type is the stock mouth protector which is ready to wear and is not custom-created. Hence these are very cost effective and are easily available at all stores selling sports goods. The disadvantage of using this type of mouth guard is that it is slightly bulky and does not fit well for all and hence can make talking and eating difficult. These are generally used only by amateurs for small time sporting events.
The second type of mouth guard is called as boil and bites protector and though it provides a better fit than the first, is still not custom made to suit the shape and size of your teeth. This is also easily available at all department stores and is made from thermoplastic material which softens on putting in hot water. This makes it pliable and easy to wear over the teeth.
Custom made dental mouth guards are slightly expensive as these are specifically designed to suit the shape and size of your teeth. You can obtain these protectors at a specialized dental clinic as measurements have to be taken and the mouth guard created accordingly. This offers the best and most comfortable fit and is ideal to protect your teeth from any kind of injury during extreme sports.
There is also another type of mouth guard called bite splint which is used by people who have the habit of grinding teeth in their sleep. So it is important to select dental mouth guards depending on your need and the purpose of use.

Prevent damaged teeth with mouth guard from city of Leeds dentist

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Mouth guards are protective devices worn over the teeth to prevent dental injury. They are often worn during sporting activity and to protect teeth against sun-conscious grinding, known as bruxism.

There are three main types of mouth guards called stock mouth protectors, boil and bite mouth protectors and custom-fitted mouth protectors. Both stock and boil and bite mouth protectors are the generic mouth guards that can be bought from most sporting goods suppliers. Dentists do not recommend either of these as they often offer very little protection because they are not designed for the individual patient’s teeth. Custom-made protectors are individually designed and fitted for your teeth by a dentists and offer a high level of protection. The dentist will manufacture the guard from a mould taken from your teeth to ensure a close and protective fit. Because this type of guard involves work by the dentist it may be more expensive but it does provide the most comfort and protection. It is also worth noting that a knocked out, chipped or damaged tooth will be extremely expensive to fix so the best prevention is better than the cure.

Mouth guards are usually only fitted over the top teeth but a City of Leeds dentist may also decide to make a guard for the lower arc. An effective mouth guard should be tight fitting, durable, easy to clean and very resistant to tearing and other damage. Dentists recommend that anyone taking part in any physical or sporting activity should wear a guard, even if the activity is non-contact such as skateboarding or gymnastics. This is because over half of the dental injuries in the UK are caused by some form of sporting activity.

Mouth guards should be cleaned with cold water, a toothbrush and toothpaste before and after each use and stored in a container when not in use. Only very occasionally should the mouth guard be washed with soapy water. It is important to replace mouth guards that have become worn, as the protection may be limited. It is also important to remember to upgrade children’s mouth guards as their teeth develop and grow. Have a mouth guard fitted at a City of Leeds dentist and prevent painful and costly dental treatment.

Prevent sporting dental injury with mouth guard from City of Leeds dentist

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

If you have ever suffered from a knocked out, chipped or cracked tooth you will know exactly how painful it can be. Not only is the pain immediate, but it may require months or even years of painful and costly dental surgery to repair the damage. Knocked out teeth cannot always be replaced and you may require a dental implant or bridge to artificially replace it. Chipped and cracked teeth can usually be repaired with dental bonding, but if the structural damage is too severe, it may require a crown or a veneer to prevent any further damage. All of these artificial dental substitutes will require replacing at various intervals throughout your life.

Nearly half of all dental injuries are caused when playing sport or doing some kind of physical activity and nearly all of these could be avoided with appropriate dental protection. This would usually involve wearing a mouth guard specially prepared for your teeth by a dentist. Although it possible to buy mouth guards from sporting good shops, these are often generically designed and do not provide adequate protection for your teeth. An ill-fitting mouth guard is only marginally better than not having one at all. The real protection comes form the well placed padding and protection offered by a tight-fitting guard.

Wearing a mouth guard may not be the most comfortable thing in the world and let’s face it, it really doesn’t look that cool either, but it does look a lot cooler than having missing teeth and having to wear a partial denture when you’re only in your twenties. It also makes much better financial sense to shell out a few pounds to have mouth guard properly fitted by a dentist than to have to pay thousands for a dental implant or porcelain crown.

This is a case where prevention is certainly much better than cure. Ask a City of Leeds dentist about having a mouth guard fitted and it might be the best money and half an hour of your life that you’ll ever spend.