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Posts Tagged ‘worn teeth’

Leeds and the Dental Veneer

Monday, November 26th, 2012

You have to ask yourself from time to time just what it is that bothers you as you get older and the loss of your youth can drive you up the wall. Your teeth are a perfect example of this because if they start to fade, then so does your smile and inevitably, the light that shines from your soul. However, it’s not necessarily the end game if you are prepared to take a trip down cosmetic dentistry lane in Leeds. Yes your teeth will show signs of wear and tear over the years- cracks will develop, they may look worn down and the gums may recede but all this can be rectified in a couple of weeks if you have dental veneers fitted- these beauties can turn back the clock. All you have to do is get your dentist to prep your teeth and have a few moulds taken so that your fittings can be made up in a lab somewhere and when they are done and returned, they will be cemented into place and you will look stunning. And let’s not underestimate the rejuvenation and confidence that having veneers fitted can do that soul of yours. The moment the dentist holds up that mirror and you see yourself for the first time with this amazing new look….priceless!

You have to ask yourself from time to time just what it is that bothers you as you get older and the loss of your youth can drive you up the wall. Your teeth are a perfect example of this because if they start to fade, then so does your smile and inevitably, the light that shines from your soul. However, it’s not necessarily the end game if you are prepared to take a trip down cosmetic dentistry lane inLeeds. Yes your teeth will show signs of wear and tear over the years- cracks will develop, they may look worn down and the gums may recede but all this can be rectified in a couple of weeks if you have dental veneers fitted- these beauties can turn back the clock. All you have to do is get your dentist to prep your teeth and have a few moulds taken so that your fittings can be made up in a lab somewhere and when they are done and returned, they will be cemented into place and you will look stunning. And let’s not underestimate the rejuvenation and confidence that having veneers fitted can do that soul of yours. The moment the dentist holds up that mirror and you see yourself for the first time with this amazing new look….priceless!

A Well Fitting Night Guard Can Cure You of Teeth Grinding, Says City Of Leeds Dentist

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Have you noticed that your teeth have been worn down considerably? Does your jaw hurt or your head ache most of the time? Do you have difficulty sleeping, and have you experienced loss of appetite. According to a City of Leeds dentist, the presence of most of these symptoms means that you have to see a dentist immediately because you probably suffer from Bruxism.
This means that you grind your teeth when you sleep at night. If you are unsure, you could ask anyone to observe you as you sleep so that your doubts can be answered. Most people who suffer from Bruxism are unaware that they have this ailment.
If you do suffer from Bruxism, your dentist is certain to fit you with a night guard for your mouth. This device will not let your upper and lower sets of teeth meet, thereby preventing you from doing the teeth grinding which has become a habit by now.
You might have heard a lot of negative feedback regarding the night guard, but the most likely reason for that is that they are ill fitting. You therefore need to go to a reputed dental practice only so that you can get a well fitted night guard. You will begin to see positive results almost immediately since it will not let you grind your teeth together.
You will get freedom from headaches and you will also protect your teeth from cracking or breaking. Dentists also use night guards to cure bad bites.