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Archive for the ‘oral cancer’ Category

Leeds Dentist Raises Awareness of Oral Cancer

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Any form of cancer can devastate lives. Cases of oral cancer have been rising in recent years. It is important to understand the causes and how you can limit your risks. The good news is that new treatments are becoming increasingly successful at treating oral cancer when it is recognised early, for this reason it is vital to know the signs and symptoms of the development of oral cancer.

The most commonly found form of oral cancer is ‘squamous cell carinonas’. The cancer does not develop on your teeth but in any soft tissue in or around the mouth: gums, tongue, or mouth lining. The symptoms of oral cancer are varied and wide ranging. Red and/or white patches, persistent mouth ulcers, or swelling that does not disappear after several weeks can all be indicators. Pain when swallowing, or in the ear or neck can also be a sign of oral cancer. There are, of course, several causes for these symptoms, and so it is highly advised that you visit your local Leeds dentist for a full check up. Your dentist will refer you to a specialist if they believe you are at any risk of oral cancer.

While everyone is at risk from cancer, there are some things that can increase your chances of developing oral cancer. Smoking is a major cause of oral (and other) cancer, a large majority of all oral cancer cases are linked to smoking tobacco. High alcohol consumption also increases the chances of cancer. The spread of HPV (human papillomavirus), a STI, is thought to be the cause of rising cases of oral cancer in recent decades.

Horrible Oral Cancer in Central Leeds

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

The number of people that have been diagnosed with oral cancer is on the increase in central Leeds which rather makes the disease difficult to isolate and cure altogether. A lot of the reasons only seem to be conjecture as it can strike one person and not another, even if they live identical lives. Yet, the way some of us live our lives has been considered to be conducive to the disease; our dietary habits, stress, poor oral hygiene, smoking and drinking- all of which are considered to be contributory to the problem, and if we tend to be care-free and lazy, we’d probably overlook issues in the mouth until it was too late- which is the most important element in fighting the disease- early diagnosis. We should know when something feels or tastes ‘off’ in the mouth and should get any problem looked at immediately, things like repetitive sore throats and ulcers, neck and ear aches, sores on the lips. It is so easy to get checked out, all you need to do is get down to the dentists or the doctors and after a few tests, a diagnosis can be made. If your worst fears are realised, then deciding on how advanced the problem is, you will have either of three types of surgery, radio, chemotherapy or physical surgery in order to remove the problem. It won’t be easy and the recovery period will be a delicate time- things will have to change, possibly the way you live your whole life, but a lot more people are coming through this illness smiling and with a lot of care and support, oral cancer can be beaten

Oral Cancer Screenings can Help Save Lives in Central Leeds

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Oral cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, many people are still unaware of the symptoms and causes of oral cancer, and, as a result, most cases are not diagnosed until at an advanced stage. This is the stage at which treatment is less likely to be successful. In the UK, the number of cases of oral cancer has doubled in the last decade alone, and more young people are being diagnosed with the disease than ever before.

What causes oral cancer?

There are various risk factors that have been identified for oral cancer; smoking and drinking are major risk factors for the disease, with people who do so 40 times more likely to develop the disease than other people. Recently, research studies have indicated that the HPV (human papilloma virus) is also a risk factor. This may be associated with the increase in cases among young people, as HPV can be spread through sexual intercourse. There is also evidence to suggest that a poor diet may increase the risk of oral cancer.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of oral cancer include red or white patches in the mouth, abnormal lumps or swellings in the throat or mouth, and sores that take a long time to heal. It is important to see your dentist or GP as soon as possible if you notice these symptoms, as early treatment can increase the chance of survival by up to 90 percent.

Oral cancer screening in Central Leeds

Patients’ health is our top priority and we offer oral cancer screening checks to detect early warning signs of oral cancer. Early diagnosis is key to the fight against oral cancer and can make the difference between life and death. The screening lasts just a few minutes and there is absolutely no pain involved.

Confronting Oral Cancer in Leeds

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

It is a life-changing event if you are diagnosed with oral cancer, and you will more than likely have many unanswered questions and worries. This is where the battle really begins and you need to rally yourself for the fight and get as much support from family and friends as you can.

The greatest chance you have is if you can catch the problem in its infancy and the general signs can be a repetitive sore throat, sores or constant lumps and ulcers. You know when something is awry in your body and you’d be straight down the doctors if you felt something wrong. Similarly, you should do the same in concerns to your oral health and get to the dentists if something doesn’t feel right in your mouth.

Through a series of tests, the dentist will be able to ascertain if there is an issue, and if so, check you straight in for treatment. Early diagnosis has proved effective, for there is a high recovery rate in Leeds from oral cancer. But the fight doesn’t just stop when you are given the all-clear. You must then sit down and analyse what got you into this pickle in the first place and that means taking a long hard look at your lifestyle leading up to the diagnosis. Did you smoke, eat badly or drink excessively, because those habits will all need to be stopped to ensure that the cancer doesn’t come back.

There are a lot of support groups in place that can help you through this hard time in your life and your dentist can help to point you in the right direction.

What are the Symptoms and Treatments for Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the UK today and although oral cancer isn’t one of the most well-known types, it is one of the most easily recognised and diagnosed. Oral cancer normally occurs on the tongue or in the floor of the mouth, underneath the tongue. From here, the cancer is able to spread throughout the oral cavity, the lips and even begin metastasis (the process by which cancer spreads around the body) to the neck via the lymphatic system.

Oral cancer can be recognised by patches on the inside of your mouth or lips that are either white, red or a mixture of the both. Dentists are professionally trained to recognise the symptoms of skin cancer so it is essential you visit your local practice in the City of Leeds regularly to ensure an early diagnosis of any problems. Other symptoms that you should keep an eye out for are: sores that won’t heal, earache, bleeding in the mouth, lose teeth or a lump in your neck.

The people who are at the most risk from developing oral cancer are smokers, individuals who drink alcohol on a regular basis and who eat high levels of processed foods, these all contain carcinogens (cancer causing substances) that can trigger the formation of an oral tumour.

Treatment for oral cancer will only begin once a biopsy of your tumour has been taken and the stage at which it is at has been determined. If possible, the bulk of the tumour will be removed from the oral cavity, at which stage any addition therapies may begin. Therapies include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and anti-cancer drugs. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, these tumours will also be treated and hopefully the spread will be halted.

The most important message in the diagnosis of oral cancer is to keep regular appointments with your dentist, or to visit them if you are worried about any symptoms you may have. As with any cancer, early diagnosis is the most crucial step in curing the disease.

The Picture of Oral Cancer in Central Leeds

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

The chances of getting through oral cancer are greatly enhanced if it is identified as quickly as possible. The signs to look out for are things like constant jaw, neck and ear aches, repetitive ulcers and sore throats, general lumps in the mouth and cold sores on the lips. The causes however are not always that easy to identify but the disease has been linked to having a poor immune system and diet, over exposure to sunlight and probably the most obvious causes have been linked to smoking and drinking. If these symptoms persist, you should get yourself to your dentist in centralLeedsand express your concerns. A series of tests will be done and if they come back as positive, you will undergo a course of treatments: depending at what stage the cancer is, you will either have actual physical surgery or radio/chemo therapy. Post treatment recovery can be as harsh as the moment you were first diagnosed. But there are some good people out there that will nurse you and comfort you with therapy to get you through. This is also the time you will need you family and friends for support. One creature comfort to draw from if you have been diagnosed is that the percentage of people recovering from the disease is massively on the increase.

Getting yourself aware of Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

It’s a day you will never forget in the city of Leeds when you are diagnosed with oral cancer- your world has suddenly changed beyond all recognition and life looks horribly different. You will probably never know what caused it- it even baffles dentists too. Did you smoke, drink, were you under an enormous amount of stress, were you run down, bad diet? These are the normal things associated with the disease, yet if you did none of these things, then you are extremely unlucky indeed. You’ve obviously had the tests for them to come back positive and now you have to have the treatment which could involve chemo, radio and/or possibly physical surgery too. If it’s been caught early, there is every chance that your pull through and then the fight to prevent it returning begins. Your lifestyle must change completely and you must get as much support as you can to get you through the first few months. Some people change beyond recognition, take up yoga, get fit- some people swear that becoming vegetarian has helped. But the ray of hope, and it shines very brightly is that the number of people making a full recovery from the disease is soaring; sadly though, so is the number of people suffering from it. So, if you are having trouble swallowing, have neck and ear aches, constant ulcers in the mouth- anything untoward that you are unfamiliar with, please, get it checked out immediately.

Oral cancer successfully treated after it is spotted by Leeds dentists

Friday, August 19th, 2011

At your six month check up with your local dentist they will be looking out for the potential signs of a number of nasty dental conditions. They will look at your gums for indications of disease and your teeth for signs that cavities are forming. But at the more serious end of dental conditions, dentists are now trained to look for the any signs that you might be developing oral cancer.
This is a good job too because if cancer of the mouth is diagnosed early and then treated appropriately, the recovery rates are high. Your dentist will be looking for discoloured patches in your mouth and this is something that you can keep an eye out for at home too. These patches might be somewhat hardened too. Other common indicators can be a sudden period of weight loss without any other explanation.
Rates of oral cancer are highest in men and there have been links made with smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol regularly in excessive quantities. But everyone should be vigilant because a third of all cases of oral cancer do not come from one of these ‘higher risk’ groupings.
If your dentist spots the signs of oral cancer they will put in motion a referral to an oncologist so that you can be looked at by a cancer expert. The chances of catching a potentially fatal condition like oral cancer before it has the chance to take hold is another excellent reason to visit your Leeds dentist for regular appointments where your mouth can be checked. Don’t hesitate to book an appointment, even if it has been a while since your last. Your oral health is very important.

Oral cancer diagnosed in a dental surgery thanks to City of Leeds dentist

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

There are many great reasons to go and see your dentist on a regular basis. They will be monitoring your teeth and gums for any signs of problems which need treatment. This is what they spend years training for and building up a wealth of pertinent experience. In recent times dentists have been trained to look for something else in the mouth which used to be the preserve of general practitioners.
Oral cancer can manifest itself in hardened, rusty coloured patches in the mouth and your dentist will be keeping vigilant for them during your six months check-ups. If you are an adult male who smokes and drinks then you are in the high risk groups but this doesn’t mean that others can be complacent as a quarter of all cases of oral cancer patients are not from any of these groups.
Once your dentist has spotted a warning sign he or she will know the procedure of referring you to specialist as soon as possible so that you can be more thoroughly examined by an oncologist. It might be that chemotherapy or radiotherapy is required. Oral cancer actually has very high survival rates compared to other cancers but it needs to be spotted early before it gets out of hand and begins to spread.
Make sure that you go and visit your City of Leeds every six months so that they can keep an eye out for signs of this potentially fatal condition in the mouth. It is always better to report something if you are worried about it too. Your dentist won’t think that you are just making a fuss; they will take your concerns seriously.

Understanding and Fighting Oral Cancer in Leeds

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Cancer is a shocking disease- the fact that it is on the increase in Leeds is frankly, alarming. A lot of this has been put down to the stresses of modern living, the foods we eat, smoking and excessive drinking. But the gene that causes cancer can also be hereditary. Identifying it- In the early stages, you may suffer from jaw ache, sore throat swelling in the neck, difficulty in swallowing or suffer constantly from weeping sores in the mouth; this is the time to get a check-up. Blood tests and tissue biopsies will identify any signs of the disease. Treating it- Normally to remove the cancer, you will require chemo or radiotherapy. In some case, physical surgery will be called upon. Healing- Once you have been cleared, you have to sit down with someone and take a long hard look at your lifestyle, because it has to change. Some people choose counselling and then opt for a new regime- vegetarian foods, healthy diets, physical exercise, stopping smoking, cutting out drinking and a strong oral hygiene program- all these have been tried by people post-cancer, because the psychological affect the disease can have on your mind can be traumatic and by healing it with a new regime, it can help you to battle against the problem returning. Cancer means a fight and if you are ready, you’ll beat it and the proof is in statistics- more and more people are beating the disease than before.