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Archive for the ‘teeth whitening’ Category

Home Whitening Could Make Your Summer Shine

Saturday, July 5th, 2014

3492515_blogThe sun is shining and the summer is finally here, so what better way to celebrate than treating yourself to a whitening makeover? If your teeth are looking a little dull or you fancy giving your smile a touch of glamour, why not try our amazing home whitening treatments?

Home whitening is a convenient, safe and effective way of lightening and brightening your smile and the process couldn’t be simpler. Before you start treatment, we invite you to pop in and see us so that we can make an impression of your teeth; this is then sent away to make your custom-made whitening trays. Once your trays are ready, treatment can begin.

Treatment takes place in the comfort of your own home and all you are required to do is wear your whitening trays for a set period of time each day. We recommend wearing the trays at night so that treatment doesn’t disrupt normal day to day life and most treatment periods last between 10 and 14 days. At the end of treatment, your teeth will look beautiful and white and you can top up your treatment in the future if you wish to by repeating the treatment process. It really is as easy as it sounds; you simply wear the trays and then get ready to enjoy the results! A bright, beautiful smile could be yours in just 2 weeks without any hassle or pain!

Is tooth whitening painful?

It is fairly common to experience mild sensitivity with tooth whitening, but the process is completely painless and any sensitivity you do feel will be short-lived. We use tried and tested home whitening systems to give you a gorgeous, radiant smile.

Whitening is a perfect option for those looking for an affordable, painless and simple way of transforming their smile for the summer. Call us today to make your appointment!

Enlighten Your Summer Smile With Our Whitening Treatment

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

297243_blogSummer is fast approaching and many of us will be preparing to look our best for special occasions and holidays. Whether you’re trying to lose a few extra pounds in preparation for showing off your beach body or you’re treating yourself to a new hair colour, there’s no doubt that you feel more confident when you look good. If you’re eager to impress this summer, why not try our amazing whitening treatment? A bright white smile is a sure-fire way to make you look and feel gorgeous.

About whitening treatment

We offer premium home whitening kits, which gradually lighten the shade of the teeth to create a brighter, more beautiful smile. With home whitening treatment, you can fit treatment around your normal daily schedule and enjoy all the benefits of a gorgeous, radiant smile without even having to leave the house.

Whitening treatment has purely aesthetic benefits in terms of oral health, but it can have a really positive impact on your confidence and make you feel more attractive, which is important if you’ve got a summer of fun ahead.

How does whitening work?

Home whitening is really simple and easy. Before you begin treatment, we will have a quick consultation to check that treatment is suitable for you and to create impressions of your teeth, which will be used to make your whitening trays. Once the trays are ready, you can then start your treatment and look forward to a sparkling summer smile!

The process is really easy and all you have to do is wear your whitening trays at home for around 10-14 days; we recommend wearing them at night because this means that treatment won’t interfere with your work or social life. The trays contain whitening agent and you will notice the difference almost immediately. By the time you complete the fortnight, your teeth will look lovely and white.

Walk Away With Wondrous White Teeth Through Our White Rose Whitening Treatment

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

3492515_blogAt Leeds City Dental we offer clients amazing whitening treatments to give the teeth a wonderful white glow! If you’re looking to brighten up your smile in time for the summer, now is the perfect time to give us a call and book your appointment!

Tooth whitening is one of the simplest, safest and most affordable ways of making your smile look amazing! We offer home whitening treatment to give you a beautiful smile with the added bonuses of convenience and comfort.

About home whitening

Home whitening treatment is brilliant for people who have hectic schedules, as it enables you to enjoy the benefits of treatment without even leaving your home. Before treatment begins, we ask you to just bob into the clinic so that we can make an impression of your teeth; this is used to make your whitening trays and once they are ready, treatment can begin. You simply take your trays home and then wear them at night. The trays are similar to gum shields, which are worn for sport and they contain whitening agent. You will gradually notice your teeth looking lighter and you can top up your treatment very easily if you want to do so in the future.

Home whitening has many benefits; it’s really simple, there’s no pain involved at all and it’s easy to continue treatment further down the line if you want to give your smile a boost. The whitening trays are comfortable and they are moulded to fit your teeth perfectly. Treatment only lasts a short period of time and it should have minimal impact on your day to day life.

We recommend using our home whitening kits for 2 weeks for the best results.

White Rose Whitening For That Gleaming Smile

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

3177025_blogWe offer amazing home whitening treatments in the heart of Yorkshire to give you a beautiful, gleaming smile. With our treatments, you don’t even need to leave home to get a stunning white smile.

Home whitening is a quick, effective and very convenient means of whitening the teeth and creating a brighter, healthier looking smile. The process is very simple and involves just one quick visit to the clinic. During this visit, we will create an impression of your teeth, which will be used to make your whitening tray. Each tray is custom-made for the patient so that it fits perfectly and is comfortable. Whitening treatment is very safe when provided by a trained dentist and side-effects are rare. Some patients experience mild sensitivity, but this only lasts a very short period of time.

The whitening trays contain bleaching agent, which works to gradually lighten the teeth and you will start to notice the results after just a couple of days of wearing your trays at home. We generally recommend a treatment period of 10-14 days and most people prefer to wear their trays at night; this means that treatment does not have any influence on your day to day life. After the initial treatment period, you can also top-up your treatment to give your smile a boost.

If you are interested in a bright white smile for the summer, now is the perfect time to call and make an appointment!

Stains Are a Thing Of The Past with Teeth Whitening In LS1

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

3129552_blogThe daily grind can take its toll on your teeth and even the most diligent dental patients can find that their teeth start to look a little dull. If you’re partial to a coffee or a cup of tea of a morning or you enjoy a glass of red on your return home from work, discolouration can be a real problem, but there’s no need to panic, as we offer amazing whitening treatment in the centre of Leeds.

We offer home whitening using premium whitening products. The treatment process is incredibly simple and you will start to notice a difference from day one of treatment. Home whitening is simple, easy and convenient, as all you have to do is wear a specially designed, bespoke whitening tray for a period of time at home. Most of our patients prefer to wear the tray while they are sleeping, so that treatment doesn’t interrupt normal daily life. We recommend wearing the trays for between 10 and 14 days. At the end of your treatment, you will have a dazzling, bright smile and your stained teeth will be a distant memory!

We offer free tooth whitening for all orthodontic patients to give their new, straight smile a final flourish!

Are there any side-effects?

Some people experience very mild sensitivity following whitening treatment, but this usually subsides very quickly.


Longing for a celebrity smile? Tooth whitening in LS1

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

iStock_000000363253XSmallNo red carpet event is complete without a dazzling array of bright white smiles, but you don’t need to be on the guest list for Hollywood’s blockbuster parties to enjoy a bright white smile; we offer amazing whitening treatment right here in the heart of Leeds! Tooth whitening is a very popular cosmetic dental treatment and it’s easy to see why: treatment is safe, affordable and the results have an instant impact on your smile, and your confidence. Whitening works by bleaching the teeth, the structure of the tooth is not damaged in any way and the shade of the tooth is gradually lightened using a bleaching agent. Whitening has appeared in the news of late and there are concerns about safety. The concerns however, relate to services provided by non-dentists and treatment administered by trained dentists is considered very safe, as well as very effective. Tooth whitening is a cosmetic procedure, but the benefits are not restricted to the aesthetic appeal of the smile; many people consider their smile their most important feature and improving the look of the teeth can also have a very positive impact on self-esteem. If you love your smile, you’re more likely to show it off and nothing creates a good impression like a beaming, bright smile. If you’re fed up of having dull teeth or you’ve noticed surface stains appearing on your teeth and you would like to inject a bit of sparkle into your smile, why not considering tooth whitening treatment?

Whiter Teeth for all in the City of Leeds

Monday, January 20th, 2014

18625013If your teeth’s sheen has started to falter lately and it is starting to nibble away at your self confidence, it is so, so easy to address the problem and all it will take to put you back on track again in the city of Leeds is to get your teeth whitened. Now there are lots of ways to go about this, so do your research first. Your dentist can set you up with all the best techniques around today: laser whitening is fast and you will be done and dusted in just an hour- leaving with incredible looking teeth; you can also be set up with and incredible DIY kit to give you spectacular results after a couple of weeks. However, you don’t need your dentist to get good results and you can go it alone. The market is flooded with products that you can use at home: toothpastes are cheap but very affective, bleaching pens and strips are excellent for touching up problem areas and you can also buy home bleaching kits- all at very reasonable prices. Having your teeth looking white and healthy can instil lots of positive extroverted qualities in you and in a city like this, it can be the difference between success and failure, so come on, treat yourself and give yourself a chance to get ahead of the game.


What’s behind Discolouration in Leeds?

Monday, January 13th, 2014

1567900_blogYou would like to keep your teeth looking as bright and as sparkly as you can in Leeds, after all, they are one of the first things that others will look at as soon as you open your mouth. However, they can often become discoloured and although you can remedy this with whitening techniques and if need be, have veneers fitted- you should really look into just why your teeth have got into this state in the first place. It is all about lifestyle and diet. Your teeth are quite resilient but there is a limit to what they can take. If you are a bit wayward with your oral hygiene, you are going to be onto a loser from the start; cleaning your teeth is essential to keeping them bright and healthy, but if you constantly smoke, drink and eat rubbish foods, these will take the sheen off the enamel unless you up the way you care for your teeth. Your diet is also important in order to promote your immune system, which in turn will keep your teeth strong. Never be afraid to consult with your dentist and/or hygienist if you are having problems with discolouration of your teeth- the more you learn, the more you will be aware of what to avoid in the future and continue to keep your smile looking great.

Cheering yourself up with Teeth Whitening in Leeds

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

4683491_blogIf you feel your mouth is starting to let you of late in Leeds, there is nothing better to cheer you up than to have a little bit of cosmetic work done and if it’s just down to a little discolouration going on, then all you need to do is opt for some teeth whitening. Dentists are always a good port of call beforehand as you want to ensure you are not suffering from any gum disease. However whilst there, you should ask about laser whitening or some of the best DIY kits on the market which they can supply you with. These are the more expensive methods but they do give quick and remarkable results. Of course, it is just as easy to go it alone and there are plenty of products you can purchase from the shops. Toothpastes are the cheapest option and are very good at making your teeth sparkle again. You can by touch-up pens, bleaching strips or full blown kits you do at home yourself. All have their merit so go on, shop around and do yourself a favour; it will certainly put a smile on your face once more.

How Teeth Whitening works for Discoloured Teeth in Central Leeds

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

iStock_000001865987SmallWhatever you try to do for your oral hygiene and keep the lustre of the teeth going, overtime in central Leeds, your teeth can fall foul of discolouration: smoking, rich foods and poor oral hygiene can get the better of the enamel of the teeth and can leave your smile looking tired. However, there are many ways you can beat this and if your teeth and gums are in fairly good nick, all it may take to get your teeth and smile back on track is some whitening an there are a lot of ways to do this today. For starters, just have a shop at your chemists because there are toothpastes, bleaching pens and DIY kits that can sort you out; they can be cheap and can get your smile motivated after a couple of weeks of work. If you don’t fancy going down this avenue, then you should sit down with your dentist and mull over other options. Laser whitening is huge right now; it is fast, fairly cheap and the results will be sensational. There are also other kits that your dentist can set you up with that again, will completely turn your smile around. Discoloured teeth aren’t pretty and can hold you back in your confidence; getting your teeth whitened in some way can help restore the way you express yourself.