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Archive for the ‘teeth whitening’ Category

We Offer Simple And Effective Methods Of Creating A Whiter Smile

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

3982072_blogA recent study suggested that 95% of people admit that they would like whiter teeth, so it’s no great surprise that tooth whitening is one of our most popular treatments. If you long for a whiter, brighter smile, we have the ideal match for you; with our home whitening treatment, you can enjoy radiant pearly whites without even having to brave the wintry weather.

About home whitening

We have carefully selected the best premium home whitening products to provide our clients with an effective and convenient system, which enables them to enjoy all the benefits of whitening treatment in the comfort of your own home.

Before treatment begins, every client has a consultation. During the consultation, which is very relaxed and informal, we check that you are a suitable candidate for whitening and we then explain how the treatment works and what you need to do at home to enjoy the best results. We then make moulds of your teeth, which are used as templates for your whitening trays. Once your trays are ready, you can then start your treatment.

The treatment process for home whitening is one of its biggest selling points because it is so simple and easy. All you have to do is wear your custom-designed whitening trays at home for a period of 10-14 days; we recommend wearing the trays for 6 hours per day and you can choose when you do this and fit your treatment around your work schedule and your social commitments. After you finish treatment, your teeth will look noticeably whiter.

If you like the sound of home whitening and you’d like to find out more or book your consultation, give us a call or pop in and speak to our friendly receptionists if you are in Leeds city centre.


How Does Home Tooth Whitening Work In Central Leeds?

Saturday, December 20th, 2014

4244118_blogTooth whitening is a very popular cosmetic dental treatment, which aims to make the teeth look brighter and the smile more radiant, youthful and attractive. Home whitening is a home-based treatment, which uses a very simple, hassle-free process to whiten the teeth in an extremely convenient way. With this system, treatment fits in around your schedule and you can enjoy all the benefits of a beautiful white smile without even leaving the comfort of home.

How does home whitening work?

Home whitening is very simple and it’s a great option for patients who have busy work schedules and social commitments. With this system, you undergo treatment at home by simply wearing whitening trays. These trays are custom-made for each individual patient and they contain whitening agent, which gradually lightens the shade of your teeth when it comes into contact with the tooth surface. The trays aren’t painful and you wear them for around 6 hours per day. You can wear your trays during the day or night to suit your schedule.

We generally recommend a treatment period of between 10 and 14 days. After this time has lapsed, you should notice a real difference in the look of your smile.

Is home whitening safe?

Our home whitening treatments are safe and effective; we use the finest premium whitening products, we offer consultations before treatment begins and our expert dentists are on hand to provide assistance during the treatment process. If you are interested in lightening your tooth shade and enjoying a stunning white smile, we strongly recommend undergoing professional dentist-approved treatment; you will be in safe hands and the results will be incredible! Call now to book your consultation and start the New Year with a sparkling smile!

Dazzle This December With A Stunning White Smile

Monday, December 8th, 2014

3943593_blogOne of our most popular cosmetic treatments at this time of the year is tooth whitening. According to recent studies, at least 95% of the population long for whiter teeth, so if you are one of those looking for a brighter smile then look no further as at City Dental Leeds we have the perfect treatment for you!

Is the procedure safe?

Yes. Here at City Dental Leeds your wellbeing is of the utmost importance to us and we offer our patients the best products on the market in terms of both results and safety. The whitening gel we use contains carbamide peroxide as the primary lightening ingredient and is used by practices worldwide.

How does teeth whitening work?

We begin the procedure by taking an impression of your teeth so that we can create custom-made trays for the bleaching process. A whitening gel is then inserted into your trays which you fit onto your teeth to begin the brightening. Oxygen enters the enamel and dentine of your teeth as the gel breaks down, whitening your teeth by bleaching out stains and discolouration. This process does not alter the structure of your teeth at all, it simply whitens them.

Fast and easy

Results are almost instant, becoming visible in just one night for most patients, however to achieve optimum whiteness we also recommend using home kits for 14 days.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are rare, but a small percentage of patients could experience increased heat and cold sensitivity. However, this is only temporary and usually disappears within 48 hours of having your teeth whitened.

Do the results last forever?

The results can be permanent but the duration of the whitening depends largely on how you take care of your teeth. Good oral hygiene, particularly following staining foods or drinks could ensure that your results last for years.

Our teeth whitening is from £345 and includes a free scale and polish with a hygienist.




Tips And Tricks After Having Whitening Treatment

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

235042_blogMany of us are looking forward to a fun-filled festive season and what better way to celebrate than with a sparkling white smile? If you’re thinking of having whitening treatment this winter, why not give us a call and book your consultation?

About whitening treatment

We offer incredibly effective and convenient home whitening treatment, which produces radiant results in just 2 weeks. Home whitening is really simple and all you have to do is wear your bespoke whitening trays at home for 2 weeks. The trays are designed for you based on impressions of your teeth and they contain whitening gel, which lightens the shade of your teeth, giving you a whiter, brighter smile.

Usually, you start to notice the results after just a few days and by the end of the fortnight, your smile will look camera-ready in perfect time for the party season. We usually recommend wearing the trays for 6 hours per day.

What happens after whitening?

The results of your whitening treatment should last for years to come, but the longevity of treatment is heavily dependent on you and the lifestyle choices you make. Whiteness fades with time and there are certain factors that accelerate this process, including smoking, poor oral hygiene and food choices. If you drink coffee all day every day or you enjoy a couple of glasses of red on a nightly basis, you’ll probably find that your teeth start to become discoloured fairly quickly.

If you’re desperate to keep your radiant glow, we recommend regular hygiene sessions and dental checks, a good oral hygiene routine at home, avoiding smoking and trying to cut down on foods and drinks, which are known to stain the teeth. We also recommend drinking plenty of water.

With home whitening, it is possible to repeat treatment occasionally to prolong the results.


The Sweet Smell Of Success Gets Closer With A Whitened Smile

Friday, October 10th, 2014

3200188_blogStudies have shown that people who have an attractive, healthy looking smile are more likely to succeed in the worlds of employment and dating. If your smile is holding you back, our whitening treatments are here to boost your confidence and give your smile a gorgeous healthy sparkle.

We offer convenient home whitening treatment, which gives your smile a whitening boost in the comfort of your own home; this affordable, easy painless solution could be just what you’ve been searching for!

About home whitening

Home whitening is a really effective solution for dull, discoloured teeth. With this treatment, all you have to do is wear a specially designed whitening tray for 2 weeks at home. The tray contains whitening agent, which gradually lightens your teeth, giving you a stunning, healthy looking smile, which will blow potential employers and partners away!

Before you start treatment, we have a consultation to check your oral health and we make impressions of your teeth. The impressions are used to create your bespoke whitening trays. Once the trays are ready, you’re good to go and you can head home and start your treatment.

We recommend wearing the trays for around 6 hours every night for 2 weeks. At the end of treatment you should notice a significant difference and your smile will look bright and beautiful.

If you would like to top up the results, you can repeat treatment in the future.

Is whitening safe?

We use tried and tested premium home whitening products and offer all our patients a consultation and follow-up care. Our dental team is highly experienced and our dentists use their expertise and knowledge to bring you beautiful, healthy smiles every time.

Waltz Your Way To A Winning Whitening Formula

Sunday, September 28th, 2014

658156_blogIf you’re looking forward to donning your dancing shoes and looking your best in preparation for the festive season and New Year parties, why not top off your look with a bright white smile? Whitening treatment is an easy, quick and completely painless way of giving your smile some extra sparkle.

About home whitening

Home whitening is a really popular option and it is a great choice for patients who have very busy schedules and anti-social working hours. With this system, treatment takes place at home, so there’s no need to worry about finding time to schedule dental appointments.

Home whitening involves a very simple process and nervous patients will be pleased to hear that there is no pain at all. Before you start whitening, you will have a consultation with your dentist, so that they can have a quick look at your teeth to make sure that you are a suitable match for treatment. Once you’re ready to go ahead with treatment, your dentist will make a mould of your teeth and this will be used to create your brand new, bespoke whitening trays. These trays are similar to mouth guards, which are worn for sport, and they contain whitening agent, which gradually lightens the shade of the teeth.

When you get home, your treatment can begin. All you have to do is wear the whitening trays on a daily, for around 6 hours at a time. Most people prefer to wear the trays at night.

The average treatment duration for home whitening is 2 weeks. At the end of this period, you should notice a beautiful, bright smile!

Be Wise To Wondrous Dental Whitening!

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

1567900_blogNowadays, it’s more important than ever to have a stunning white smile; everywhere you look, from billboards to magazine adverts and celebrity red carpet events, people have flawless bright smiles, but you don’t need to be a supermodel or a star of the silver screen to have a beautiful smile. With our whitening treatment, your smile will soon be stealing the show.

Our whitening treatment

We offer home whitening treatment, which uses premium whitening products and agents to gradually lighten the teeth, giving you a stunning healthy looking smile. With home whitening, you can enjoy amazing results with the benefit of convenience, as you don’t even need to leave home to see the stunning effects. You simply wear whitening trays, which contain whitening agent, for approximately 6 hours per day for 14 days and at the end of it all, you will have a whiter, brighter smile.

The whitening trays are custom-made for each individual patients based on moulds of the teeth; this means that they are very comfortable and they fit perfectly. Once your trays have been made, you can tae them home and start your treatment.

Is whitening painful?

No! One of the best things about tooth whitening, aside from the fast that it gives you a gorgeous smile, is that treatment is painless. The trays are comfortable and the whitening agents are safety approved. Before our patients start treatment, we provide consultations to check their dental health status and ensure that patients are aware of how the treatment works and what it involves.

How long will the results of whitening treatment last?

The results of your treatment should last a long time, but it is worth noting that your teeth will stain in the same way, so it’s best to avoid drinking red wine, coffee and tea on a regular basis if you want to keep your smile sparkling.

Call us now to find out more about home whitening and how it could give you the perfect set of pearly whites.

Discoloured Dental Damage Could Be A Thing Of The Past With Enlighten

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

iStock_000001998629XSmallWear and tear, knocks, ageing and even a daily latte can take their toll on the look of your teeth, but if you’ve got unsightly discolouration, there’s no need to despair. With Enlighten, we can whiten and brighten your smile, producing incredible results in just 2 weeks.

All about Enlighten

Often described as the world’s best whitening treatment – Enlighten is currently the only system on the market than guarantees shade B1, the lightest shade. This treatment not only ensures amazing results, but it also offers convenience and a very simple, pain-free process.

Enlighten is a professional whitening system, which takes elements of clinic and at-home treatment to produce the most incredible outcome. For the first 14 days of treatment, patients receive treatment at home; on the 15th day, patients come into the practice and undergo a power whitening session. At the end of the 2 week period, patients have amazing beautiful and bright smiles.

The process

The process involves two key stages. Before treatment begins, we invite patients to come in for a consultation, so that we can explore the mouth and check for any potential issues before we agree to go ahead with treatment. We create impressions of the teeth and these are used to make the Enlighten whitening trays. These trays contain whitening agent and they are custom-made to ensure they sit over the top of your teeth comfortably.

When your trays are ready, treatment begins. All you have to do is wear your trays at home for 2 weeks for around 6 hours during the day or night. Treatment is not painful in any way and it shouldn’t have much of an impact on your normal daily routine.

On the 15th day, we ask you to come in and see us for a power whitening treatment; this takes just one hour and again, there’s no pain involved and no needles to worry about. We simply ask you to relax in the dental chair and then we apply whitening agent to your teeth and shine a light on the teeth to activate it. You have an hour to catch 40 winks, listen to music or just sit back and chill out. We are happy to provide music or put a film on for you if you wish. At the end of your treatment, you’ll be able to have a look at your amazing new smile.

Stains Can Be A Pain. See The Difference With Teeth Whitening

Monday, August 18th, 2014

18625010If staining is getting you down, why not treat yourself to whitening treatment? Our amazing, painless treatments can transform your dull, yellow teeth into a beautiful, sparkly smile in no time!

Our whitening treatment

At City Dental Leeds we offer home whitening kits, which use premium whitening products to lighten the teeth by several shades. Home whitening is not only effective, it’s also really convenient and there’s absolutely no pain involved.

With this treatment, you undergo treatment in the comfort of your own home and you’ll start to notice a difference almost immediately. The process is very simple, there’s no drilling, injections or needles to worry about and at the end of treatment, you’ll have a truly beautiful, white smile.

How does home whitening work?

Once you’ve had your consultation and we’ve taken moulds of your teeth, we will send them away and await the arrival of your whitening trays. Once the trays are here, we will give you a call and you can take them home and begin your treatment. The treatment process is incredibly easy and hassle-free; you simply wear your trays for around 6 hours every day for around 2 weeks (your dentist will give you exact time frames, as these can vary slightly depending on the individual). We recommend wearing the trays at night so that you don’t have to worry about going out in public with them or working around them with your normal daily routine.

The trays contain whitening agent, which gradually lightens the shade of your teeth over the 2 week period. The results will be visible after a couple of days and by the end of the fortnight you should have a beautiful, bright smile.

With home whitening, it’s possible to repeat treatment once the results start to fade, so you can enjoy a gorgeous, radiant smile for many years.

Whit-Woo! Whitening In Leeds Can Bring You Luck With The Lasses

Sunday, July 20th, 2014

4683491_blogNothing makes you look more attractive than a bright, white smile, so if you’re looking to find ‘the one’ this summer in Leeds, call us now to find out more about our amazing whitening treatments! With a beautiful smile, you’re sure to be a hit with the ladies!

About whitening treatment

Whitening treatment is hugely popular because it’s a simple, quick and affordable way of making your smile look more attractive. White teeth look youthful and healthy and a new smile will also boost your confidence, which is a very attractive trait in a date.

We have done all the groundwork for you and tried and tested whitening systems to ensure our patients have access to the best treatment out there. We use a specially designed whitening gel, which contains carbamide peroxide, to lighten the shade of the teeth and give you a beaming smile.

The whitening treatment process is completely painless and very straightforward. We create an impression of your teeth and use this to make your custom-made whitening trays. These trays contain whitening agent and they are placed over the top of the teeth. The whitening agent lightens the teeth, creating a beautiful aesthetic without interfering with the structure of the teeth at all.

How long do the results last?

The results of whitening treatment should last for several years. However, if you’re partial to a latte in the morning, you smoke or enjoy a glass of wine from time to time, you may find that your teeth become discoloured and top-up treatment may be required.

Is whitening treatment safe?

Our methods of whitening the teeth are tried and tested, the products we use are approved and our dentists are highly trained, so you are in the best possible hands. Whitening treatment is very safe when performed by a trained professional and it is uncommon to experience side-effects after treatment. Some people suffer from very mild sensitivity after treatment, but this usually only lasts between 24 and 48 hours.