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City of Leeds dentists help patients put an end to their nocturnal sleep grinding

You might be one of the many people who grind their teeth while asleep and not even know that you are doing it. It is not a trifling matter either, for it can have consequences for the health of your mouth. With the help of your local dentist you can get to the bottom of problems with teeth grinding so that it is stopped and you are able to rest assured that you are not compromising the health of your mouth.
There appear to be two main causes of what is professionally known as bruxism. Patients sometimes grind their teeth in their sleep for reasons of stress. If life is getting on top of people then this can manifest itself in all sorts of ways, teeth grinding being one of them. Therapy might be required in these cases so that the root cause is stopped.
What dentists are most concerned with are people who grind their teeth in their sleep because their bite is misaligned. In all cases of bruxism there is a risk that teeth can become physically broken down over time. Cracks might begin to appear and if the enamel is sufficiently worn away then tooth decay presents itself as a greater risk because the integrity of the tooth is less protected.
City of Leeds dentists can help put a stop to this by either fitting patients with a brace so that any alignment issues are sorted out or by making a mouth guard for the patient to wear at night. A mouth guard worn on the teeth will help take the impact out of the process of teeth grinding and stop teeth from being worn down.

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