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Control diabetes and gum disease at Central Leeds dentist

Gum disease is perhaps not the best known effect of diabetes but it is nevertheless an important one. It is estimated that over a third of all diabetes sufferers will contract some form of gum disease, also known as periodontitis, at some stage.

This occurs when the diabetes is not properly controlled and will affect both children and adult sufferers of the disease. Gum disease particularly affects diabetics because the efficiency of blood flow in sufferers may weaken the bone and gums leaving them more open to infection. It is also true that in cases of poorly managed diabetes the glucose levels in the mouth may be elevated meaning the gums are at an increased risk.

Gum disease is characterised by an irritation of the gum tissue by plaque acid that leads to infection and ultimately tissue and tooth loss if not correctly treated. Its main symptoms are sore or red tissue, bleeding from the gums and recession of the gum tissue. Gum disease in its milder form is known as gingivitis and can be treated effectively in most cases by improved oral hygiene and some treatment by a Leeds dentist. In the case of a diabetic patient, an improved control of the condition will also help to limit the chances of developing the disease. Gum disease in its more serious form is called periodontitis and will require more serious attention form the dentist, specifically in the case of diabetes sufferers.

Unfortunately for diabetic patients, oral problems are not just limited to gum disease. They are also more likely to suffer from dry mouth as a result of higher glucose levels in the mouth. If you are a diabetic, the best chance you have of avoiding nasty dental complications is to make a regular six-monthly (at least – ask your dentist) check up appointment. Together in this way, you will hopefully be able to keep gum disease under control and look after the health of your teeth.

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