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Dental implant from Central Leeds dentist replaces missing tooth

Missing teeth can not only be a source of embarrassment, but they can have significant adverse effects on remaining teeth and facial structure. The gap left by a missing tooth can be a breeding ground for bacteria if not effectively cleaned, which can be difficult with conventional brushes. Existing teeth will also naturally lean into spaces in the tooth line. This can cause sagging of the facial muscles, giving a sunken appearance, and can also affect bite and profile. It is a good idea to consult your dentist and have the missing tooth replaced as soon as possible.

One of the options to replace a missing tooth, besides a dental bridge, is a dental implant. Although this is a more complex procedure, it does provide a more secure, long-lasting and realistic alternative to a real tooth. For this reason, dental implants are becoming more and more popular with dentists and patients alike.

Dental implants take the form of a cylindrical screw that is anchored into the jawbone, which acts as a stable base to attach a veneer, or artificial tooth. They are particularly suitable for patients with strong and healthy gums and bones, and whose existing teeth are in a good condition. The screw will usually be made form titanium, which is a very light but very strong material which has no harmful affects associated with it. Because the screw is anchored into the actual jaw, and not secured to existing teeth, it has a greater degree of stability which means there is no need for more fragile bonding or adhesives. It also means that certain foods not suitable to eat with other dental prosthetics can be eaten without any fuss.

The procedure will usually involve two or more visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the screw implant will be fixed into the jaw. This will then need to be left to heal and fuse with the jawbone in a process called osseointergartion. On subsequent visits the dentist will attach a post and finally the artificial tooth.

Visit a Central Leeds dentist to see if a dental implant can be suitable to replace your missing tooth and you can restore your smile and protect your remaining teeth with one procedure.

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