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Implant Systems In Central Leeds

Implants have come a very long way since they first hit the scene way back in Sweden. Computers have revolutionised implant designs and methods and will continue to do so in the future, according to a dentist in central Leeds. The principles of implants still remain. A hole is drill into the jaw and the new ‘root’ screwed in. Once the healing process is complete, the new bridge or crown can be attached. But the methods by which all these processes are carried out have progressed tremendously. There are three radical advances in screw to bone techniques. The bio-horizons’ implant technology, the ankylos implant system and the syncone system. All of these methods are tailored to what’s best for each individual patient. Some people may need a ‘little less of that and bit more of this’ to define the precise treatment required and each of these techniques, with the use of computer programs and analysis scanners, use state of the art surgery techniques to achieve their goals- piezo surgery is one of these techniques. It centres on cutting the bone and leaving the gum intact, reducing damage to nerve tissue, healing time and the risk of infection. Healing processes have advanced too. Plasma rich growth factor uses a combination of proteins that stimulate and house new bone synthesis and regenerate soft tissue. With such attention to detail and advancement in technology, having implants fitted can be better than the real thing!


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