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Join the dental revolution with Six-Month Smile braces from Leeds dentist

Six-Month Smile braces represent a genuine alternative for patients wishing to straighten their teeth without the arduous prospect of having to wear uncomfortable and ugly fixed metal bracket braces for months on end. Patients wanting to put the finishing touches to a slightly off-centre smile can now do so in as little as six months. That’s right, it does exactly what it says on the tin.

Six-Month Smile braces can be used to treat a variety of orthodontic concerns including overcrowding, uneven spacing and all forms of bite issues. Unlike the traditional fixed metal braces, the wires are small and discreet. In fact, they are usually tooth-coloured for an extra degree of discretion. Six-Month braces may not be able to compete with invisible retainer braces for complete discretion, but they certainly make up for this with incredible speed of treatment. They provide an average treatment time 75 per cent shorter than that of most other forms of orthodontic treatment. This makes Six-Month braces ideal for patients wanting rapid teeth straightening and is particularly popular with brides-to-be eager to look as perfect as possible on their wedding day. Six-Month braces also cost about half the price of most invisible retainers making the decision a fairly simple one for most people.

Treatment usually involves being assessed by a dentist, during a preliminary appointment to judge suitability. Once this has been established, a dentist will fit the Six-Month braces, manufactured in the special Six-Month laboratory in the United States. The braces require short ten to fifteen minute appointments with the dentist every month for tightening and adjustment. Like most orthodontic procedures, Six-Month braces will be slightly uncomfortable at first but his will usually pass within the first week. After that the braces rarely cause any further discomfort to wearers.

The Six-Month treatment is an exciting new development in orthodontic treatment that has revolutionised brace wearing in the US. Thousands of patients have gone through the treatment program with stunning results and finally the Six-Month treatment is available to patients in the UK. The revolutionary titanium wires are able to achieve such stunning and quick results by focusing solely on the teeth visible when smiling. Make an appointment with a Leeds dentist to discuss the further benefits of Six-Month smile braces and to gain a more detailed guide to costing.

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