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Leeds dentist uses tooth contouring to add finishing touches to perfect smile

Are you frustrated or embarrassed by a small defect or flaw in your teeth such as a chip or crack? If you suffer from minor but still visible faults in your teeth such as grooves, worn edges or overlapping then you might be able to save your smile using a process called tooth contouring.

Dentists are able to use a polishing instrument to remove small amounts of surface enamel from one or several teeth to help give them a more even appearance. The dentist will be able to apply this procedure to any tooth that looks uneven and is spoiling the aesthetic appearance of your smile. Tooth contouring is a relatively inexpensive and completely pain free procedure that can help give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Tooth contouring is usually performed on the upper central, lateral and canine teeth. Small adjustments in the size of these teeth can alter the proportion of the teeth and make the teeth look more even. By polishing all the other teeth, the dentist can make all the teeth look smoother, which also has the added bonus of making them easier to clean. This is also true of removing small overlaps which can prevent the even stroke of a toothbrush meaning some areas are very difficult to clean.

Tooth contouring can be usually be performed in one visit to the dentist with the length of the procedure varying according to the patient but rarely taking more than between half an hour and an hour. And because only small amounts of enamel are removed you are not likely to feel any pain during the procedure. Some patients who have very thin tooth enamel will not be considered suitable for tooth contouring but for the majority of patients that should not be a problem. If you have small imperfections in your teeth that you would really like to have straightened out, ask a Leeds dentist about tooth contouring and take that last little step towards the perfect smile.


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