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How Tooth Whitening Can Help With Dental Hygiene

February 24th, 2017

shutterstock_171267962Tooth whitening is one of our most popular cosmetic dental treatments. Nowadays, everybody wants bright, beautiful smiles. If you’re considering tooth whitening, there are numerous advantages. Here are some of the reasons why you may want to invest in whitening treatment.

Improved confidence

Our smiles are perhaps our most noticeable features, and it’s very difficult to hide your teeth away all the time if you’re not happy with the look of your smile. If you don’t like your teeth, this can really affect your confidence and make you feel self-conscious, especially when your smile is on show. Whitening treatment is a simple and affordable way of enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your smile. White teeth look beautiful and healthy, and a bright smile will also make you look and feel younger.

Improved dental hygiene

If you’ve got a glowing white smile, the last thing you want is the shine to wear off. It makes sense that if you love your new smile, you’ll make more effort to keep it in tiptop condition. If you look after your teeth, you’re likely to enjoy the rewards of whitening treatment for years to come. We recommend twice-daily brushing and regular trips to the dentist teamed with a healthy diet.

Better chances of career and dating success

Research shows that a crisp white smile is much more attractive to potential employers and dates than stained or discoloured teeth. If you get your teeth whitened, it could hold the key to career and dating success!

If you’d like to have a stunning white smile, why not give us a call and find out more about our incredible whitening options? With home whitening treatment, you can fit your treatment in around your normal schedule and you’ll have a wonderful white smile in just 2 weeks!

Student Smiles: How to Protect your Teeth On a Budget

February 23rd, 2017

shutterstock_283862963At City Dental Leeds, we aim to provide high-quality dental care at affordable prices. If you’re a student, we understand that money may be tight. Here are some budget-friendly ways to protect your teeth.

Prevention is better than cure

Preventative dental care is always going to be cheaper than paying for dental issues. If you can keep cavities and gum disease at bay, you’ll save yourself a lot of money. The best way to do this is by maintaining good oral hygiene at home, and keeping an eye on your diet. Brush twice a day for at least two minutes using fluoride toothpaste, and try and limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks. Foods like sweets and biscuits and fizzy drinks and energy drinks can really take their toll on your teeth.

You don’t need to spend a fortune to get the best out of brushing. You can do a thorough job with a manual toothbrush, so don’t worry if you can’t afford a new-fangled electric brush with all the mod cons.

Dental visits are also incredibly important. If you see your dentist every 6-12 months, you have a much lower (up to 60%) lower risk of developing decay or gum disease.

Student discounts

We like to think of ourselves as a student-friendly practice, and we offer savings and special offers for students on certain treatments. If you’d like to find out more about how you could save money on dental treatment with us, don’t hesitate to give us a call or pop in and see us if you’re in the centre of Leeds.

Sore Tooth? What You Can Do Right Now To Help

February 21st, 2017

shutterstock_566092438Are you suffering with dental pain? Have you had a sore tooth for a while? If so, here are some things you can do right now to help.

Book an appointment with your dentist

Sometimes, toothache comes and goes, but it can often be a sign of something a little more serious. Tooth pain may be caused by damage to the tooth, decay or infection. If you’ve experienced heightened sensitivity or you’ve noticed that the tooth is very painful when you bite down, this may indicate that you’ve got a cavity. When you see your dentist, they will have a good look at the tooth, and they can discuss treatment options with you. It’s always best to get aches and pains checked out. Often, treating problems early prevents the situation from getting worse, and it’ll save you from suffering any longer.

Maintain good oral hygiene

If you’ve got a sore tooth, you may be tempted to swerve cleaning your teeth, but don’t. If you neglect brushing your teeth, you’ll have a higher risk of developing dental complications, and the affected tooth will get worse. Call your dentist and make an appointment, and in the meantime, make an effort to keep your teeth as clean as possible.

Take painkillers

If you have toothache, you can take over the counter painkillers to ease discomfort. If you’re not sure what to take, call us for advice or ask a pharmacist. Always follow dosage instructions, and double check with a pharmacist if you’re already taking medication or you have underlying health issues. Taking medication should always be a short-term solution, and it shouldn’t be an alternative to seeking advice from your dentist.

If you’ve got painful teeth, call us now, and we’ll do our best to have you fighting fit again in no time.



A New Smile For February: How All-On-4 Can Fix Your Smile In One Day

February 17th, 2017

shutterstock_537170158What would you say if we told you we could give you a brand new smile in just one day? If you thought you’d have to wait months for a new smile, think again! With All-on-4 we can transform your look in a single day.

About All-on-4

All-on-4 is an innovative implant system, which is capable of creating a new smile in just one day. This system is unlike traditional implant treatment because it uses just four implants to anchor a new arch of teeth. Usually, between 6 and 10 implants are required. The other difference is that the two implants at the back of the jaw are placed at 45-degree angles, rather than a 90-degree angle.

Traditionally, when you have dental implants fitted, your dentist will place the implants, and they will then be left to heal for 3-8 months. Once healing is complete, the new teeth are then attached. With All-on-4, the teeth can be fitted on the same day as the implants, and this means that you can show off your new smile immediately.

Who is All-on-4 ideal for?

All-on-4 is ideally suited to patients who have a large number of missing teeth. It’s a great choice for people who want to enjoy the benefits of dental implants without waiting for months to reap the rewards. It’s also a fantastic option for patients who have may have experienced problems with dentures in the past. With this treatment, the new teeth are anchored by implants, which act as a tooth root. There’s no risk of the teeth coming loose, and you’ll be able to eat whatever you want.

To find out more about All-on-4, call and book a consultation today!

Spotting the Signs of Gum Disease

February 17th, 2017

shutterstock_195237566Gum disease is one of the most common dental health issues. There’s good and bad news when it comes to gum disease. The bad news is that it can cause irreparable damage to your gums and the bone structure beneath. The good news is that it can be prevented. If you’re worried about gum disease, here are some tips to help you spot the danger signs and keep your gums healthy.

Spotting the signs of gum disease

Mild gum disease can be treated, but if it’s left to develop, gum disease can result in severe symptoms, and even premature tooth loss. If you spot the warning signs, see your dentist as soon as possible. Don’t wait for your next scheduled appointment. The most common signs of gum disease include:

  • Swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums (usually this is most noticeable when you brush your teeth)
  • Redness in the gums
  • Painful gums

When gum disease becomes more advanced, you may also notice that your gums have receded (this can make the teeth look longer than normal) and you may experience an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

Preventing gum disease

Gum disease is preventable, and your best weapon against unwanted symptoms is good oral hygiene. Gum disease is caused by harmful bacteria, which combine with food debris and saliva to form a substance called plaque. The bacteria in plaque release acids, which irritate the gums, and cause them to become painful and inflamed. If you brush twice a day and follow your dentist’s hygiene recommendations, you should be able to keep gum disease at bay. We also recommend regular dental checks, and avoiding a sugary diet. Smoking can also increase your risk of gum disease. If you do spot signs, call and make an appointment as quickly as possible. The sooner we can treat you, the lower the risk of permanent damage.

Knowing the Invisible – Comparing invisible orthodontic treatments

January 30th, 2017

shutterstock_155143148 BOur patients often come to us looking for an orthodontic treatment, which will give them the smile they want without affecting their image or their confidence. The good news is that invisible braces are widely available now, and there’s a range of options for those who wish to remain incognito during treatment. Here are some of the options you may consider if you’re looking for invisible braces:


Invisalign is one of the world’s most popular orthodontic treatments. It uses clear aligners, which are virtually impossible to detect, to reposition the teeth. The aligners are removable, and you wear a series of custom-made appliances, with each one in place for a 2-week period. Invisalign is great not just because you can have treatment without anyone knowing, but also because it doesn’t affect your day to day life. You take the aligners out to eat and clean your teeth, so you can continue life as normal.

STb lingual braces

STb lingual braces offer an alternative to traditional fixed braces and invisible removable aligners. These braces are fixed to the teeth, but they sit behind your teeth, so they cannot be seen when you speak or smile. Fixed braces are guaranteed to work, and the process is very simple. Once the braces have been attached to the back of the teeth, you simply let them work their magic. You’ll need to keep your braces clean, but this treatment is rapid, and you’ll be having them removed before you know it. STb lingual braces are designed to target issues that affect the social 6, the front teeth, and this drastically reduces treatment time. Most cases are complete within 16 weeks.

If you’re interested in invisible braces, call us today and find out how we could help you achieve your dream smile in secret!

Dental Hygiene – How we stop dental problems before they occur

January 27th, 2017

It’s well documented that dentists love the saying, ‘prevention is better than cure.’ It’s always better to prevent dental disease if possible. Thshutterstock_409712314is saves you from unpleasant symptoms like swelling and tooth pain, keeps your smile looking good and reduces dental bills. The good news is that most dental diseases are preventable, and good oral hygiene will stand you in good stead for trouble-free teeth. Here are some simple hygiene tips that could make all the difference to your teeth and gums.

Brushing and flossing

It takes just a few minutes each day, but it could make the difference between losing your teeth and developing sore gums and having a healthy smile for years to come. Brushing is essential for good oral health because it prevents plaque formation. Plaque is a sticky film-like substance, which forms when saliva, food debris, and bacteria combine. Plaque sticks to the enamel, and it can also irritate the gums. When you brush, you dislodge food particles and bacteria. You also polish your teeth to prevent staining and give your smile that extra sparkle.

When you’re brushing at home, take care to do a thorough job, but be gentle. Brushing vigorously can damage the enamel. Use a brush with a small head, and angle the brush, so that you can clean along the gum line. Set a timer to ensure that you brush for 2 minutes each time. We recommend waiting an hour to brush after eating to avoid enamel erosion.

Flossing should never be used to replace brushing; it should be used in addition to cleaning your teeth. When you floss, don’t pull at the tape, as this can harm your gums. Gently guide the floss through the cracks in your teeth.

Seeing your dentist

If you have any questions about oral hygiene, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are happy to offer tips and answer questions. We also strongly recommend regular check-ups, and annual sessions with the dental hygienist.

How Mini Implants provide security and stability with less healing time

January 24th, 2017

shutterstock_474706399Dental implants are an amazing innovation, but they’re not a viable option for every patient with missing teeth. Sometimes, implants cannot be recommended as a result of a lack of density and strength in the jawbone. If this is the case, it may be possible to bolster the bone using bone grafting. Another alternative is to use mini implants. Mini dental implants, as you may have guessed, are smaller versions of traditional implants.

The benefits of mini implants

Mini implants may be recommended for some patients because they cannot tolerate traditional implants. Mini implants are shorter, and as such, they don’t require support from the strongest bone tissue. We often recommend implant-retained dentures, which are dentures that are supported by mini implants, as a modern solution for tooth loss. With implants, there is absolutely no risk of the denture slipping, which gives you peace of mind, and improved tooth function. The procedure to fit mini implants is also less invasive than traditional implant treatment, and you can enjoy the results faster. Mini implants give you confidence when you smile, and they can also make you look and feel younger.

What does the procedure to fit mini implants entail?

We use minimally-invasive techniques to fit mini dental implants. Using a very precise surgical technique, we place the implant into the jaw bone. The head of the implant is exposed, and this enables your dentist to fit your denture. You won’t need stitches, and we can fit the implants and the denture in the same session.

If you like the sound of mini implants, and you’ve been searching for an effective solution for tooth loss, call us today and book a consultation. When you come and visit, we can go through the ins and outs of treatment, answer your questions and give you an idea of what you can expect if you choose to go ahead with treatment.

Knowing the Root Canal –  5 Steps and Nothing to Fear

January 23rd, 2017

shutterstock_413397850We often come across patients who feel incredibly anxious at the mere mention of root canal treatment. The good news is that at City Dental Leeds, you don’t have to worry about a thing. Our expert dental team is here to help, and ensure you get the treatment you need without any pain. We use a simple 5-step procedure, which tackles infection, and preserves your beautiful smile.

What exactly is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure, which is often called into action when you have an infected tooth, and the infection has reached the pulp chamber. The pulp tissue contains the living tissue of the tooth, including the nerves and blood vessels. When the pulp is infected, the tooth is at risk, and without treatment, it may become severely damaged and there’s a chance that an abscess will form. Signs that may indicate that you need root canal treatment include increased sensitivity and pain when you’re chewing.

Root canal treatment is often an alternative to tooth extraction; with this treatment, we can effectively save a tooth that would otherwise be lost.

The 5-step procedure

Before you have root canal therapy, you will be given anaesthetic to make sure that you don’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Step.1: your dentist will use specially designed instruments to create an opening in the pulp chamber of the tooth.

Step.2: your dentist will insert files into the tooth to determine the exact length of the root canals.

Step.3: nickel-titanium rotary instruments are used to clean and clear the root canals and remove decayed pulp tissue.

Step.4: the root canals are sealed using a material called gutta percha.

Step.5: a filling or a temporary crown is placed to secure and strengthen the tooth.

If you’re worried about root canal, don’t be! We promise that you’re in safe hands. This treatment is a common procedure, which can make a massive difference to your oral health; it’s also a cost-effective solution. Call us today to find out more.

Damon Braces: Bridging the Gap between Metal and Invisible Braces

January 20th, 2017

damon-clear-bracketIf you’re looking for an orthodontic treatment, which offers the security of fixed braces and the discretion of removable braces, Damon Braces could be the answer. This versatile system offers a modern alternative to conventional fixed braces.

About Damon Braces

Damon Braces are fixed braces, which offer a host of impressive features. These braces are suitable for the majority of patients, including those who have complex needs. They are made from tooth-coloured and clear components, which makes them much more discreet than traditional metal fixed braces, and they work quickly. Damon Braces feature sliding brackets, which reduce friction, and there are no bands in sight. These braces are also lighter and smaller than conventional fixed braces.

The benefits of Damon Braces

Damon Braces are an excellent example of how far the world of orthodontics has progressed in the last decade. These braces offer:

  • Speed: Damon Braces typically produce results around 4-6 months faster than traditional fixed braces.
  • Comfort: Damon Braces use the latest friction-free technology to minimise discomfort. They also create space, so you don’t have to worry about teeth extracted before treatment.
  • Discretion: Damon Braces aren’t invisible braces, but they are much more discreet than many other types of brace. They are made from clear brackets and wires, so they are barely noticeable when you smile.
  • Versatility: Damon Braces are capable of treating a broad spectrum of orthodontic issues, including crowding, spaces between the teeth, overbite, underbite, crooked teeth and overjet (when the front teeth protrude)

If Damon Braces sound appealing to you, call us now to find out more and book a consultation.