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Top 5 Sugar Free Snacks to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

April 7th, 2017

shutterstock_96256037Many of us try and adapt our diets to lose weight and trim down when the summer is approaching, but have you ever thought of making changes to keep your smile in shape? If you’d like healthier teeth and gums, here are 5 sugar-free snacks to add to your diet:

  1. Fruit: Fruit is not strictly sugar-free, but it contains natural sugars, which are much less harmful than the artificial, added sugars you find in sweets and cakes. Opt for strawberries if you’re keen to boost your vitamin intake, as well as making your teeth gleam. The rough coating of the skin helps to remove surface stains, giving you a gorgeous, bright smile.
  2. Natural Yoghurt: Yoghurts are a really popular snack, and they can be brilliant for your teeth, as they’re a good source of calcium. However, it’s important to choose the right products. Many flavoured yoghurts contain a lot of sugar, so try and stick to natural yoghurt. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, add a sprinkling of berries, a banana or a spoonful of honey.
  3. Raw vegetables: If you’re hungry between meals, there’s nothing better for your teeth than raw vegetables. Chewing raw carrots and celery increases saliva production, which neutralises acids in the mouth, and it can also stimulate blood flow to the gums. These snacks are completely sugar-free and they’re also high in fibre and a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Cheese: Cheese may not be the best option if you’re desperate to lose weight, but it’s very good for your teeth. Cheese is rich in calcium, and it’s also low in sugar. Cheese is also a good source of protein.
  5. Nuts: Nuts are often touted as a superfood snack because they contain essential oils and fatty acids. If you choose plain nuts, rather than sugar-coated or honeyed nuts, you should also find that they have low sugar content. You only need a small handful of nuts to keep you going between meals.

Dental Bonding – Instantly Transform your Smile

March 31st, 2017

shutterstock_306203957Are you looking for a magical treatment, which is capable of transforming your smile instantly? If so, your search could be over. With dental bonding, we can patch up worn edges, repair misshapen teeth and fill in chips in just an hour.

What is Dental Bonding and Could it Work for Me?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure, which is used to carry out minor repairs and adjustments to the teeth. It is a very simple and quick procedure, which can make an amazing difference to the overall aesthetic of your smile. If you have worn tooth edges, misshapen teeth, gaps between your teeth or chips, this could be the treatment for you.

When you have dental bonding, your dentist will first select the shade of composite that matches your natural tooth colour. The composite, the material that is used to repair and reshape the teeth, has a similar consistency to putty. It can be shaped and modified to fit and fill in gaps and alter the shape of the individual teeth. When your dentist is happy with the placement of the composite, it will then be set firm using a curing light. The light beam is simply directed onto the composite, and this causes it to harden. At this stage, your dentist will make any further adjustments to ensure a perfect outcome.

The Benefits of Bonding

Bonding is a simple, painless and quick solution for minor aesthetic problems such as chips. In just an hour, we can transform your smile, giving you more confidence and helping you to feel more attractive when you smile. There’s no pain involved, so you won’t need anaesthetic, and you can get back to the rest of your day straight away.

To find out more or book a consultation, simply give us a ring.

How to Treat Yourself Post-Surgery

March 29th, 2017

shutterstock_449928199When you’ve been through dental surgery, it’s important to do everything possible to ensure a speedy recovery. If you’ve had dental treatment, here are some tips to help you:


Any kind of treatment can put your body through its paces, and it’s best to take a day or so to rest and relax. It can take a while for the effects of anaesthetic or a sedative to wear off, so ask somebody to accompany you home, and stay with you until you feel a bit more awake and alert. Rest, and don’t try and do anything strenuous like exercise for a few days.

Take Painkillers

When you have surgery, it’s normal to experience mild pain afterwards. Your dentist may advise you to take over the counter painkillers or apply ice to the affected tooth to ease discomfort. Make sure you follow the dosage instructions, and ask your dentist or pharmacist for advice if you’re not sure what to take.

Avoid Hot Drinks

For the first couple of hours after surgery it’s best to avoid hot drinks. When your mouth is numb, you can burn yourself without realising.

Eat Soft Foods

If you’re hungry after surgery, try and make sure you stick to soft foods, which require very little effort to eat. If you try and tackle a piece of steak or a hard toffee, this could be very painful. It’s best to stick to foods like yoghurts and soups for the first couple of days. As you become more comfortable, you can start introducing a wider range of foods.

When you have surgery, your dentist will give you some aftercare tips. If you have any questions, or you’re worried about pain, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and get in touch.

Five Tooth Brushing Tips for a Fresher Mouth

March 28th, 2017

shutterstock_447120436There’s nothing better than that fresh feeling you get when you’ve cleaned your teeth and you’ve got a lovely sparkling smile. If you’re after a fresher, cleaner mouth and a bright, beautiful smile, here are five brushing tips to take on board:

  1. Brush for 2 minutes: when you clean your teeth, do you wiggle the brush around and hope for the best? If so, you’re probably not doing the thorough job your teeth require. Spend at least 2 minutes brushing your teeth twice a day. If you don’t have a brush with a timer, you can set one on your phone or brush along to a song.
  2. Use a brush with a small head: if you find it tough to reach right into the corners of the mouth with your toothbrush, it may be because the brush head is too big. If you have brush with a small head, you can clean the corners much more effectively.
  3. Brush gently: you may think that the harder you brush, the better; however, this is not the case. If you brush very vigorously, you can actually do more harm than good. This is because brushing firmly can damage your enamel.
  4. Floss: flossing is important because it cleans that parts of the mouth that are commonly missed when you brush, such as the tiny gaps between your teeth.
  5. Brush your tongue: your tongue tends to attract bacteria, and most cases of bad breath are linked to bacteria lurking around the back of the tongue. When these bacteria feed, they release acids, which have an unpleasant odour. When you’ve finished brushing your teeth, clean your tongue with a brush or a tongue scraper.

Did You Know You Could Have A New Set of Teeth in One Day?

March 22nd, 2017

shutterstock_89691148Modern dentistry never ceases to amaze us, and we hope that you’ll be as impressed with our treatment range as we are. Today, we can offer a broad spectrum of solutions to a host of dental problems, and we can remedy issues faster than ever before. If you’re looking for staggering results in a single day, you’ve come to the right place. Did you know that it’s now possible to have a new set of teeth in just one day?

How Can we Fit a Set of New Teeth in One Day?

If you have missing teeth, you may assume that it takes weeks, even months to restore the smile. However, you’d be wrong. With All-on-4, we’re able to produce an incredible new smile in a single day.

All-on-4 is an implant system, which uses a set of four implants to anchor a new set of teeth. Two implants are located at the front of the jaw and two sit at the back of the mouth. The implants at the back of the mouth are positioned at a 45-degree angle. The location of the implants is specially designed to take full advantage of the strongest bone tissue in the jaw. This means that only four implants are required, compared to 6-10 for traditional implant treatment.

What are the Benefits of All-on-4?

All-on-4 is a speedy solution for patients with missing teeth. Gaps in the smile can cause problems for your oral health, as well as affecting nutrition, and denting your confidence. With All-on-4, you don’t have to wait to enjoy the benefits of your new smile, and you can look forward to eating and smiling with confidence again. Aside from the speed of treatment, All-on-4 also offers many solutions to problems experienced by people who wear dentures. When the denture is stabilised by a set of implants, there’s no chance that it can slip or slide, and you can enjoy enhanced facial aesthetics, as well as improved bite power when you eat.

If you’d like to find out more about All-on-4, give us a call today!

Three Tips to Keep Your Whitened Teeth As Long As Possible

March 21st, 2017

shutterstock_503980750For most of us, a bright, white smile is a thing of beauty. If you’ve had your teeth whitened, you want to keep them in pristine condition for as long as possible. Here are three top tips to help you prolong your smile’s sparkle:

  1. Brush twice a day, every day: brushing isn’t just important for removing bacteria and food debris. It also polishes the surface of the teeth giving them a gorgeous glow. Devoting just a few minutes to cleaning your teeth twice a day will make all the difference to your oral health, as well as the look of your smile.
  1. Avoid heavily coloured foods and drinks: your diet often plays a role in staining the teeth. If you’ve had your teeth whitened, try and avoid foods that contain staining agents, such as coffee, tea, soy sauce, cola, wine and dark berries. It also goes without saying that avoiding smoking will help to preserve the whiteness of your teeth.
  1. Use a straw when drinking: if you can’t bear the thought of going without a coffee in the morning or you fancy a glass of cola from time to time, use a straw when you drink. This helps to prevent direct contact between the liquid and your tooth enamel. Using a straw can also help to reduce sensitivity.

After you’ve had your teeth whitened, your dentist will give you some aftercare tips, but don’t hesitate to ask for more advice if you need it.

Five Things You Can Do a Day To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

March 17th, 2017

shutterstock_266494727If you’re keen to keep your smile in tip-top condition, there are plenty of very simple steps you can take. Here are just 5 things you can do every day to keep your teeth looking terrific.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day: brushing is the best way to keep your mouth clean, and remove troublesome bacteria and bits of leftover food. Take 2 minutes every morning and evening to give your teeth a thorough clean.
  2. Use fluoride toothpaste: fluoride is a mineral, which is proven to protect and strengthen the enamel. When you brush your teeth, use fluoride toothpaste, and don’t rinse immediately after brushing, as this will wash the fluoride away.
  3. Floss: flossing daily helps to prevent plaque formation. When you brush, there are certain parts of the mouth, which you may not be able to reach. This is where flossing comes in handy. Use dental floss to clean the gum line, and the cracks between the teeth.
  4. Drink plenty of water: drinking water has a host of health benefits, and it can be hugely beneficial for your mouth. Drinking water helps to prevent dry mouth, and it can also help you to wash away food debris and neutralise acids in your mouth after eating.
  5. Chew sugar-free gum: chewing sugar-free gum for a couple of minutes after eating helps to reduce the risk of cavities. Chewing stimulates the release of saliva, and this helps to get rid of leftover food particles, cleanse the mouth, and reduce the potency of plaque acids.

If you have any more questions about keeping your teeth healthy, our dental team will be more than happy to help.

Lingual Braces: Proof that Fixed Braces Aren’t Always Obvious

March 15th, 2017

shutterstock_216891052What kinds of images pop into your head when somebody mentions braces? Do you see cumbersome, ugly sets of metal train-tracks? If so, you’ll be glad to know that times have changed, and there are some much more discreet options on offer. If you’re eager to straighten your teeth and you don’t want to show off a brace when you smile, one option you could consider is lingual braces. These are fixed braces, but they’re completely different to the braces you’re probably familiar with. These braces sit behind your teeth, so you can smile with bags of confidence.

About Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are fixed braces, but they’re not the same as your average fixed braces. These braces are attached to the back of the teeth. This means that they cannot be seen when you smile. If you’re worried about what people will think about you having braces, or you’re conscious about your appearance, this could be the solution for you. With this option, you really can have treatment in secret.

At City Dental Leeds, we know that many of our patients dream of an invisible solution for crooked and crowded teeth, and we’re delighted to offer the incredible STb Social 6 system.

What’s so Fantastic about STb Social 6?

STb Social 6 is a lingual brace system, which targets issues that affect the social 6, the six teeth at the front of the mouth on both the top and bottom arches. The braces are custom-made, and each bracket is fixed individually. The braces use forces to gently guide the teeth into position, correcting problems like minor misalignment and small gaps between the teeth.

The beauty of STb Social 6 braces is that they give you the results you crave without you have to worry about what anyone else thinks or what you see when you look in the mirror. These braces are also incredibly quick, producing beautiful results in just 6-16 weeks.

If you’re interested in secret orthodontic treatment, look no further! Call us now to find out more!

Top Five Habits to Kick to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

March 10th, 2017

shutterstock_281101001Bad habits can put your dental health at risk. If you’re keen to protect your pearly whites for as long as possible, here are five habits to try and kick as soon as possible:

  1. Smoking: smoking is often associated with an increased risk of respiratory illnesses and lung cancer, but it can also contribute to oral health problems. Smoking discolours your teeth and elevates your risk of bad breath and gum disease. It’s also the most potent risk factor for mouth cancer. If you’d like to try and quit smoking, we are here to help, so don’t hesitate to call in and see us.
  2. Biting your nails: biting your nails isn’t just damaging for your nails. It’s also bad for your teeth. Biting down on hard nails can damage your teeth. There’s a risk that bacteria from under the nails can get into the mouth.
  3. Grinding your teeth: if you grind your teeth, you may damage them and increase your risk of TMJ disorder. This is a group of symptoms that affect the temporomandibular joint, the joint that joins the skull to the lower jaw. If you grind your teeth at night, we can provide you with a bite guard to protect your teeth while you sleep.
  4. Indulging your sweet tooth: if you’ve got a sweet tooth, giving into cravings can have serious implications for your health. Sugary foods increase the risk of acid wear and decay.
  5. Avoiding the dentist: if you can’t remember the last time you went to the dentist, you could be putting your teeth and gums at risk. Patients who attend regular checks are up to 60 percent less likely to develop decay and gum disease.

The Invisalign Virtual Treatment Plan: Seeing your New Smile Before Braces

February 27th, 2017

shutterstock_544382827We could sing the praises of Invisalign all day long, but it’s tricky to get across how incredible this treatment is without actually seeing it in action. Our dentists are brilliant at describing how Invisalign works, but nothing will give you a better idea of what you can expect than an image of your brand new smile. With Smile Imaging, we can give you a virtual idea of what your smile will look after you’ve had braces. This will enable you to make decisions about your treatment, and hopefully, give you something to look forward to.

How does smile imaging work?

Smile Imaging is a great service, which we can use for a host of cosmetic treatments. With imaging, we’re able to show you an accurate visual representation of what your smile will look like once your treatments have worked their magic.

Our innovative software enables you to see before and after shots of your smile, and get a really good idea of the difference your treatment will make. If you’re not sure whether or not to press on with treatment, seeing the image could help you to make that decision.

About Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the world’s leading orthodontic treatments. It uses clear plastic aligners to move and realign your teeth. These aligners are light, comfortable, and most importantly, virtually invisible. Nobody will know that you’re wearing a brace, and you can carry on with life as normal, as you take the braces out to eat and clean your teeth. Invisalign doesn’t employ a single brace. Instead, you’ll wear a series of bespoke aligners, which are designed to move your teeth in the desired direction.

If you like the sound of Invisalign, and you’re keen to see the difference it could make to your smile, give us a call now!