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Prevent Gum Disease with Good Dental Hygiene in Leeds

Gum disease is a condition associated with the build up of tartar on the surface of the teeth and gums, which provides the perfect environment for the growth and replication of infectious bacteria.

Bacteria invade the oral cavity through the air we breath and the food or drinks we consume, they can also be transferred by the interactions between our hands and our mouths. In order to avoid gum disease it is essential to reduce the build up bacteria around the teeth and the gums

Preventative dentistry is the optimum way to ensure periodontal disease is kept at bay, it includes the proper cleaning of teeth, flossing, the avoidance of tobacco and the adoption of a healthy diet.

Cleaning your teeth is as natural a routine as any that has been picked up during childhood. However, many people forget that it is not just an absent-minded technique, it should involve thorough cleaning of the teeth, tongue and gums with a fluoride toothpaste and a clean toothbrush. Flossing should always follow the brushing of teeth, dentists in Leeds say, as this can remove any debris or plaque that are out of reach in the crevices between the teeth.

Smoking should be avoided in order to prevent gum disease as the tobacco found in cigarettes can help reduce the flow of oxygen to the gums and can aid the introduction and colonization of bacteria into the area. In order to lower your risk of developing periodontal disease, giving up smoking is a step in the right direction.

Adopting a healthy diet will reduce the amount of sugar you consume and will strengthen your teeth against the harmful side-effects of gum disease such as tooth loosening, loss of enamel and tooth breakages or loss.

Finally, the best form of preventative dentistry is regular check-ups with your local doctor. Only they will be able to tell you if you are suffering from gum disease, if you are at risk of suffering, or if you need treatment for your condition. Neglecting to attend these appointments could lead to a painful and expensive dental condition.


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