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Stop dry mouth causing cavities at Central Leeds dentist

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia is a symptom of other conditions that affect the oral cavity that causes the production of saliva to stop. Saliva is very important in the oral cavity because it moistens the mouth, allowing easier eating, and also washes the teeth and removes plaque and bacteria. In essence, it is the body’s natural defence against dental disease.

This is why when the production of saliva stops you are far more likely to experience dental problems such as cavities and bad breath. There are a number of main causes of dry mouth including: side effects of medicine you are taking; complications from other diseases; dehydration; and as the result of radiotherapy.

Dry mouth can be quite unpleasant and cause a sore throat, dry lips and nasal passages and also lead to a difficulty eating and drinking. Dry mouth often remains a problem for as long as the underlying cause remains a problem. This means that for the duration of the symptoms you are at an increased risk of dental cavities and gum disease.

It is important therefore, to see a dentist if you are suffering from dry mouth to make sure you are not putting your dental health at an increased risk. Your Central Leeds dentist will also recommend that you practice good standards of oral hygiene for as long as the symptoms last. This will help to remove the bacteria and plaque form the teeth and offer a greater degree of protection to the teeth. You can also drink plenty of water to moisten the mouth and wash away plaque and food particles that may remain in the mouth due to a lack of saliva. It is also a good idea to avoid salty foods and especially smoking, which can make the symptoms much worse.

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