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Posts Tagged ‘Baby’s teeth’

Preparing for teething in the City of Leeds

Saturday, January 26th, 2013

When you decide to drift down that lovely walk of life and start a family in the city of Leeds, it’s a beautiful time. But without seeming like the grim reaper, you are going to have to put in a lot of planning for the next 15 years in order to get your child through it all, especially when it comes to looking after their teeth: it all starts in the beginning when your baby is born and the first thing that you are going to have to be ready for is the point when your baby starts teething. This is the moment when the first teeth break through the gums and it will be painful for your child. The best thing you can do is to find a paediatrician so that you have someone you can call if things start to go wrong. You can soothe the pain that your child maybe suffering from with gels, mild painkillers or by throwing cold water at their gums. Then you can help speed up the process by getting your baby to chew on things so that it helps to split the gums open and let the teeth through. It isn’t the easiest time, but it needn’t be the hardest time either, just so long as you get your act in order and get good people on your side who you can get to with a phone call.