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Posts Tagged ‘bruxism treatment Leeds’

How to Remedy Your Teeth Grinding Problem

Monday, July 4th, 2016

1050560_blogTeeth grinding, or bruxism, is a fairly common problem, with most people doing it in their sleep! This makes it difficult for you to stop the habit by yourself, so consulting a dentist is often the best way to deal with and prevent any damage to your teeth or even your jaw. Bruxism doesn’t just cause problems in the obvious areas though, as it can also cause headaches.

Why do I grind my teeth?

Often it is caused by stress, so the best way to deal with bruxism is to deal with the cause of the stress. Obviously, this is not something that a dentist would be able to help you with, but therapy or counselling can take some time. Meanwhile, you’re continuing to do some damage to your teeth and giving yourself headaches in the night. So, if stress is the cause of your teeth grinding, by all means go and see a counsellor, but you should probably also see a dentist too, to get some short-term help.

Subconscious tooth grinding

But if it happens in your sleep, how do you know that you’re doing it? Well, if you wake up in the morning with an aching jaw, suffer from unexplained headaches, have difficulty eating first thing in the morning or have noticed damage to your teeth, then you could be suffering from bruxism. The other give away is that often your partner will notice before you that there is a problem. If you think that stress might be responsible for your teeth grinding then your dentist can try out a few things to help you prevent further damage to your teeth. You could wear a mouth guard at night, so that your teeth aren’t rubbing against each other, but up against smooth, soft rubber instead. There are also devices that can hold your teeth apart during the night. This is especially useful if your bruxism is caused by a sleep disorder. Although you could use these devices for your whole life, it is probably more advisable to seek a solution that will resolve the issues behind your teeth grinding, rather than just stopping it from being a problem!

Battling Against Bruxism

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

3520145_blogDo you wake up with unexplained headaches or pains in your jaw? Are you struggling to sleep properly? Do your teeth feel sensitive or weak? If so, you may be suffering with bruxism. Bruxism is the medical name for tooth grinding, a common problem that can cause damage to the teeth and contribute to symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder).

What causes bruxism?

Sometimes the causes of bruxism may not be clear, but it is often linked to feeling stressed or anxious. Other possible causes include loose crowns and fillings and orthodontic issues that affect the way the upper and lower arches of teeth sit together. This is known as the bite.

If you grind your teeth on a regular basis, this can cause damage to your enamel and increase the risk of headaches, jaw pain and stiffness in the jaw.

How we can help you battle bruxism

If you struggle with symptoms or have been told that you grind your teeth during the night, we can help. Before we decide upon an appropriate course of action, we will examine your mouth to check for possible causes and problems such as loose fillings or misalignment. We can repair or replace damaged restorations or recommend suitable orthodontic treatment options to improve tooth alignment. If there are no clear underlying causes, we can provide a custom-made bite guard, which is a device that sits in the mouth to prevent the top and bottom sets of teeth clashing against each other. Using a bite guards help to reduce tension in the facial muscles and protects your teeth. As it is custom-made, you should find it very comfortable, so it shouldn’t affect your ability to sleep.

If you would like to find out more about treatments for bruxism, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Are You Harming Your Teeth in Your Sleep?

Sunday, August 16th, 2015

4443553_blogSleep should give your body chance to recover and regenerate. Unfortunately, sometimes we do things during our sleep that can be harmful. This includes grinding our teeth.

What causes tooth grinding and what are the effects?

Tooth grinding, also known as bruxism, can occur as a result of lots of different triggers, from dental problems to anxiety and stress. The majority of cases are linked to heightened stress and many people find that they grind their teeth when they are under pressure at work or coping with difficulties in their personal life.

In the short-term, tooth grinding isn’t likely to do serious damage, prolonged periods of bruxism can take their toll on your teeth and the muscles in and around the jaw. Grinding the teeth can cause chips and wear and tear. It can also place strain on the facial muscles and connective tissue around the jaw joint. This might result in headaches, jaw pain, stiffness, tension in the jaw and neck or shoulder pain.

How is tooth grinding treated?

In some cases where tooth grinding is linked to anxiety or stress, dealing with these issues using techniques such as breathing exercises, massage, talking therapies and taking time out can help to stop bruxism. Often, with periods of stress linked to work deadlines, for example, symptoms will come and go and treatment won’t be required.

If dental issues such as a misaligned bite or loose fillings or crowns are to blame, we can provide a solution. These may include replacing or repairing loose restorations or fitting braces.

We can also provide patients with a custom-made bite guard. This is a device designed to prevent contact between the upper and lower arches of teeth during sleep. It looks like a mouth guard and can help to prevent damage to the teeth, reduce muscular aches and pains and improve sleep quality.