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Posts Tagged ‘Dental care Central Leeds’

Parents are Responsible for Dental Care in Central Leeds

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

When discussing the dental care of children, it is important to recognise that the responsibility of ensuring good dental hygiene lies solely with the parents. All parents should provide their young children with a complete education on how to care for their teeth and gums, from what foods to avoid to how to brush their teeth correctly. They should also instil the importance of getting professional help by ensuring they develop the habit of taking their children to see the dentist on a regular basis. Routines from childhood generally stick with us as we become adults, just as bad habits can follow us into our adult lives if they are not curbed in our early years.

Parents should follow a few simple steps in order to ensure they are taking responsibility for their children’s’ dental well-being. Firstly, teach your children how to brush their teeth properly. This includes not only brushing the teeth thoroughly, but also cleaning the tongue and rinsing the mouth with a recommended mouthwash.

Secondly, recognise the importance of a healthy diet, not only does it play a role in your child’s general well-being, it also helps prevent complications such as gum disease and tooth decay in the future. A healthy diet will consist of a variety of fruits and vegetables, these are particularly important for maintaining healthy teeth, and foods low in sugar as these are proven to cause cavities and decay.

Finally, make sure your children visit a Central Leeds dentist every six months. Regular trips to the dentist are important as children will begin to learn they have nothing to fear from going and will form a habit that will hopefully continue in their adult years. Dentist check-ups are the best way to prevent the onset of any tooth decay and or gum disease in children.