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Posts Tagged ‘Dental caries Central Leeds’

Conquering Caries in Central Leeds

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Bacteria from food and drinks can reap a lot of destruction in your mouth, but worst of all, if you fail to clean your teeth properly, you could soon be having trouble with caries in central Leeds. This bacteria will slowly start to break down the enamel of the surface of a tooth (in its early stages, the tooth may start to suffer from chalky patches appearing on the surface). Slowly and surely, this erosion will break through in the form of tiny holes- caries. The tooth may ache a little, but it may not be obvious at first that you have problems- if you get lucky and happen to have a check-up around this time, your dentist will give you a filling to prevent further decay. However, if you start to suffer from sharp pains whenever hot/cold drinks brush the area, you definitely need to a dentist for a filling. Caries are still one of the biggest diseases in the world and form very quickly if you take your eye off the game and fail to clear bacteria away from the surfaces. The thing is, they need to be nipped in the bud before they have time to infect the pulp inside the tooth, otherwise your tooth is in danger and you are leaving yourself wide open to gum and periodontal disease.