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Posts Tagged ‘dental check up’

Herbal Recommendations in Central Leeds

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

For all its bluster and technology, modern dentistry also recognises the value of herbal options when it comes to oral care in central Leeds. There have been several cases of people that have turned around some pretty awful situations in their mouths by using ‘alternative’ treatments. For a start, vitamin C and D rejuvenates the mouth so you should at least try to get your five-a-day by eating lots of fruit and getting natural sunshine on your body. Then you have a whole range of options to choose from; many shops around the city can supply you with all the necessaries to fix your mouth up. Coenzyme 10, Aloe vera, Echinacea, tea tree oil, calendula and clove oil work wonders for people with gum problems and in some cases have reversed the process of gum disease. These herbs can be found in specialist health food outlets; herbal toothpastes, tinctures and mouthwashes contain at least one or two of these elements that are healthy for your gums, and with oils like tea tree and aloe, they work well if they are soaked into toothbrushes, dental floss or inter-dental brushes before use. Other natural products such as salt help to fight gingivitis, but the release of stress too is important as it has been linked quite strongly with tooth decay and gum disease because it reduces the saliva in your mouth. You should ask your dentist or a herbal hygienist about the options to choose.


The Pain of Mouth Ulcers in Leeds

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Mouth ulcers are quite common in most people in Leeds, though that doesn’t make them any less painful when they erupt. They are generally caused by damage; such damage can stem from having a sharp filling or tooth, bad use of the toothbrush or an accidental biting of the cheeks- certain foods have also be known to cause ulcers to erupt as has specific types of medication. As sore as they can get, they do often heal themselves, though that doesn’t help the discomfort in the meantime. You should try to avoid using a hard tooth brush when brushing your teeth and best to eat soft, easy to chew foods until the ulcer disappears. During this time, you can get soothing gels from your chemist (who will also advise you what to choose) that speed up the healing process. After brushing, rinsing with warm salty water is also soothing and before you sleep, rub plenty of gel into the ulcer. Ulcers do have a habit of repeating but generally this dies off over time (ulcers are more common in children) but if they constantly re-offend, it could indicate something more serious going on so needs to be checked out immediately.

Cleaning Your Tongue in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Whist we endeavour to ensure that our teeth and gums are fresh and healthy, we often overlook our tongues; how often have you woken up after a heavy night out in the city of Leeds to find your tongue a bad shade of brown and tasting atrocious? The thing is, the tongue harbours more bad bacteria as your teeth and gums and left unclean, this is the precise bacteria that can be the cause of bad breath and that helps to promote the acids that lead to tooth decay and gingivitis. Cleaning your tongue is not all that hard a task to do, you can do it with your brush although most toothbrushes come with a tongue scraper on the back of them. There are also many products on the market specifically designed for tongue scraping alone and once brushed along the surface on the tongue, they remove all manner of nasties from food to dead cells. Whilst doing this however, the tongue can get sore; dipping the scraper in a herbal product or therapeutic gel will help soothe the tongue as you clean and afterwards, always rinse you mouth with an anti-bacterial mouth-wash, this will help to keep the tongue fresh and healthy. A pink tongue is a healthy tongue and looking after it in this way will only increase the levels of hygiene in your mouth.


Flashy Flossing in the City of Leeds

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

We all strive to keep our oral hygiene a fairly high level and go out on a whim into the city of Leeds some days and buy all the latest stuff to keep our teeth clean and our gums healthy- which is admirable and beneficial in the long term. Within that doggy bag, you should have bought some dental floss as well, because this has become a necessary element in your everyday regime. It comes in varying thickness’s and finding the one for you will be a little trial and error until you get the one that slips between your teeth just so. The point of flossing is to get into and between the places which your normal brush can’t and where food can get lodged, and it can take some time to master at first if you want to get it right as you are trying to wipe away the food and plaque from the tiniest of areas between the teeth and around the gums. If you have problems with this, you can pick up some tips from your dentist or hygienist about technique, though one of the best ways to floss is in front of a mirror at first, so you can see what you are doing. Flosses also come in different flavours, and can be waxed and if you have rather delicate gums, soaking the floss in a herbal oil first can be very healthy indeed. For the lazy among you, you can also pick up floss that is is already strung between two arms and has a handle which saves you from wrapping it around your fingers.




Horrible Oral Cancer in Central Leeds

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

The number of people that have been diagnosed with oral cancer is on the increase in central Leeds which rather makes the disease difficult to isolate and cure altogether. A lot of the reasons only seem to be conjecture as it can strike one person and not another, even if they live identical lives. Yet, the way some of us live our lives has been considered to be conducive to the disease; our dietary habits, stress, poor oral hygiene, smoking and drinking- all of which are considered to be contributory to the problem, and if we tend to be care-free and lazy, we’d probably overlook issues in the mouth until it was too late- which is the most important element in fighting the disease- early diagnosis. We should know when something feels or tastes ‘off’ in the mouth and should get any problem looked at immediately, things like repetitive sore throats and ulcers, neck and ear aches, sores on the lips. It is so easy to get checked out, all you need to do is get down to the dentists or the doctors and after a few tests, a diagnosis can be made. If your worst fears are realised, then deciding on how advanced the problem is, you will have either of three types of surgery, radio, chemotherapy or physical surgery in order to remove the problem. It won’t be easy and the recovery period will be a delicate time- things will have to change, possibly the way you live your whole life, but a lot more people are coming through this illness smiling and with a lot of care and support, oral cancer can be beaten

Dangerous Dry Mouths in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

There are many dangerous situations that can crop up in the mouth on a daily basis in the city of Leeds and all can affect your oral health in the long run, one of which is suffering from a dry mouth. This is a condition that seems harmless enough, yet can do an awful lot of damage. The causes of the condition are many, but essentially the end result is the same- a lack of saliva in the mouth, the natural deterrent against bacteria. Much of this condition can be attributed to lifestyle- heavy drinking, smoking and poor diet, but there are other more complex reasons behind having a dry mouth: long term illness and heavy medication can attack the body’s immune system and cause a breakdown in saliva levels, as can hormonal changes caused by pregnancy; poor oral hygiene can also lead to a dry mouth. In the long run, you should look at all of these factors if you are to overcome it and then discuss the problem with your dentist. The mouth also needs to be kept in a state of hydration through drinking lots of water and sucking on sugar-free sweets each day. You should try to avoid caffeine based drinks and alcohol based mouth-washes, as they can add to the dryness, and definitely improve on your oral hygiene and diet, whilst reducing the things that are bad for you. If you address the problem from all angles, you can avoid gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath.

Why not try some Herbal Teeth Remedies in Central Leeds

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

Herbal medicine has been around for centuries and some people firmly believe in the healing properties of natural substances. For those who prefer to try natural remedies before taking medication or undergoing invasive treatment, here are some remedies for common dental problems:

Dental decay:

  • Green tea
  • Liquorice
  • Bay
  • Myrrh
  • Bloodroot

Gum disease:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Tea tree oil
  • Cranberry

Bad breath (halitosis):

  • Herbs and spices
  • Sage, calendula and myrrh

Dental abscess:

  • Rub salt into the wound.
  • Gargle lukewarm saltwater.
  • Apply ice to the abscess.
  • Crush a clove of garlic and apply to the abscess.
  • Take vitamin C and garlic tablets.

Visit your dentist in Central Leeds to learn about the options that can keep your smile healthy and bright.

Oral Cancer Screenings can Help Save Lives in Central Leeds

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Oral cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, many people are still unaware of the symptoms and causes of oral cancer, and, as a result, most cases are not diagnosed until at an advanced stage. This is the stage at which treatment is less likely to be successful. In the UK, the number of cases of oral cancer has doubled in the last decade alone, and more young people are being diagnosed with the disease than ever before.

What causes oral cancer?

There are various risk factors that have been identified for oral cancer; smoking and drinking are major risk factors for the disease, with people who do so 40 times more likely to develop the disease than other people. Recently, research studies have indicated that the HPV (human papilloma virus) is also a risk factor. This may be associated with the increase in cases among young people, as HPV can be spread through sexual intercourse. There is also evidence to suggest that a poor diet may increase the risk of oral cancer.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of oral cancer include red or white patches in the mouth, abnormal lumps or swellings in the throat or mouth, and sores that take a long time to heal. It is important to see your dentist or GP as soon as possible if you notice these symptoms, as early treatment can increase the chance of survival by up to 90 percent.

Oral cancer screening in Central Leeds

Patients’ health is our top priority and we offer oral cancer screening checks to detect early warning signs of oral cancer. Early diagnosis is key to the fight against oral cancer and can make the difference between life and death. The screening lasts just a few minutes and there is absolutely no pain involved.

Dry Mouth is Giving Patients in the City of Leeds a Rough Ride

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

Dry mouth is a condition that affects the flow of saliva in the mouth, causing the mouth to feel very dry. Dry mouth is most common among older people. Symptoms of dry mouth include a prickly, itchy sensation in the mouth, increased sensitivity to certain foods and the mouth becoming shiny and red. Dry mouth can also increase the risk of gum disease.

What causes dry mouth?

Dry mouth may be symptomatic of many different conditions, including lupus, diabetes and blocked salivary glands. It can often be a side-effect of taking medication (most commonly blood pressure medication). If you are taking medication your dentist, doctor or pharmacist can tell you whether this may be causing dry mouth. Dry mouth can also be more common during the menopause.

How is dry mouth treated?

There are a number of different products available for patients in the City of Leeds, including gels, sprays and lotions, which can help to increase moisture in the mouth. Ask your dentist or GP for advice about which products would suit you best. We can offer advice about oral hygiene products, which are specifically designed to reduce the symptoms of dry mouth, and our dental team will be happy to provide in-house treatment or advice.

Is it possible to prevent dry mouth?

There is no single means of preventing dry mouth – but you should see your dentist or doctor if you are experiencing symptoms and they will be able to suggest a suitable treatment.

Turning up for a Dental Check-up in Central Leeds

Saturday, March 31st, 2012

When we are young and free in central Leeds, we don’t really care what we get up to as long as we are having a ball, and hence we can often be ignorant of the thing that matters most to us- our health. But there will come a time after years of abuse, when time will catch up with us; the perfect reflection of this shows in our teeth.

All it takes is a couple of months of bad oral hygiene and a few missed dental check-ups and you may well find you teeth and gums descending into a dark world of decay and disease. So why do we need dental check-ups?

Well, a good number of us will strive to maintain a high level of oral hygiene on a daily basis, however, plaque- the root of all evil in the mouth is very persistent and all it takes is a slip-up, and it is away causing havoc throughout the mouth and we may not spot it until we get problems- but a dentist can. This is the prime directive of our ‘friend’ the dentist, to seek out all signs of plaque-life and then destroy it.

At a check-up, they can determine any decay in our teeth with an x-ray, and look for signs of the dreaded gum disease. If any of these prevail, our dentist will do whatever is possible to rectify any problems, be it by a filling or a good clean to remove plaque and tartar.

They can also answer any questions about any issues we may have, but most importantly, give us advice on avoiding the foul things that may affect our teeth and gums in the future- but most importantly we should never miss a check-up at all!