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Posts Tagged ‘dental check up’

Booking in for a check-up in Central Leeds

Friday, December 9th, 2011

So why do we have to keep popping along to our dentist in centralLeedson regular occasions? Well for all we strive to do at home to keep our mouths healthy, it is always good to have the ultimate back-up, the dentist to check for things we may have casually overlooked- and it’s easy to do. Miss brushing sessions for a couple of days because you have been having a ‘bit of a party’, bacteria will take over very quickly and plaque will start to form. This branches of to many evils such as gum disease and tooth decay and any brushing you do will be hard pushed to reverse the problem. This is where your dentist can help you out in a single sitting. An X-ray will identify any signs of decay within your teeth and then your dentist will repair them if necessary. Any build up of tartar will be removed and then your teeth will be polished. Extensive treatments such as root canals fillings or the fittings of crowns can be used to treat more serious problems. But when you are having a check-up, it is also a perfect time to sit down with your dentists and discuss any other issues you may have about your welfare or about any titillating cosmetic treatments you may have seen and would like to have done yourself. A dental check-up should be used to get your mouth up to scratch to ensure you keep both mouth and body healthy.

Turning up for a Check-up in the City of Leeds

Monday, October 24th, 2011

There’s probably quite a few of us living in the city of Leeds that have skipped a dental check-up at some point of our lives- maybe we were forgetful, maybe we just couldn’t be bothered because we didn’t like the thought of having someone poking around in our mouths after a heavy weekend or maybe our phobia of dentists got the better of us once again. Well, lets just hope we all have a pretty good program of oral hygiene at home, because whatever the excuse for missing an appointment, it could come to bite us badly in the future. There are a myriad of reasons why we should keep seeing the dentist at least twice a year. For all our best efforts to keep our teeth clean, we should also remember that bacteria can start eating away at the surface of the teeth within 24 hours- if it is allowed to. Plaque also develops very quickly and soon forms tartar which in turn can cause gum disease and also tooth decay. These are things we wouldn’t know were happening until these problems really start to get out of control- toothache for one. Our dentist would spot this straight away and deal with it, maybe with a filling, clean and de-scale. But if any of the problems start advancing, to rectify them takes more intricate work. Our dentists are there for a reason and that’s to protect our teeth and help us look after the health of our mouths.

You and Your Dental Check-up in Central Leeds

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Ever missed a dental appointment in central Leeds and thought ‘it’s not that important and I’ll make the next one’? Well you are walking on the thinnest ice if you do because you could well be putting the health of your teeth, and your body, on the line. The whole point of turning up to the dentists for a check-up is to cover your backside for anything you may have missed when cleaning your teeth at home, and you better believe it, things can get out of order pretty fast in the mouth. The dentist is there to care for your mouth and ensure the basic problems do not get out of hand. Stuff like plaque, tartar, gum disease and tooth decay are what your dentist is trying to prevent you from suffering from. Yes you do the basics everyday at home, but we all have a day off and in that time, the above deviants can strike. Your dentist will check for any signs of such woe; they will remove any build up of plaque and tartar, repair decay with a filling, and ensure you leave the surgery with freshly de-scaled teeth that have also been polished. But it is also annoying how people take dentists for granted and use them to bail them out if it all goes pear-shaped. Talk to your dentist about all things oral; how to care for your teeth, your mouth and your gums, especially any concerns with what you do at home. Do this every time you visit and you may well find that you are firstly, not putting a bigger hole in your purse and secondly saving yourself from extensive treatments further down the line.

City of Leeds dentists tell all their patients that they need to get into a routine of dental check ups

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Hopefully you are pursuing the requisite routine of keeping your teeth clean and healthy at home. You should be brushing and flossing at least twice a day to stop plaque from damaging your teeth and making your gums inflamed. Pursuing the right diet and restricting your sugary snacks are also important things to bear in mind too. But it is always worth keeping your dentist in the loop about the state of your mouth too. This requires a visit to the dental surgery every six months or as otherwise directed.
City of Leeds dentists have trained for years to get the highest standards of excellence when it comes to knowledge about human mouths. The fact is that many dental complaints are easily rectified if only they are spotted early. On the obverse side of things, the consequences of, say, allowing your gums to deteriorate can mean that you will lose teeth.
There are also things that dentists can do at the surgery which are not achievable by only taking care of your teeth at home. If plaque hardens into the substance known as tartar, it can only be removed with the specialist equipment at the dental surgery. Dentists are also trained to spot the signs of oral cancer, a very nasty condition that actually has quite high survival rates if it is treated in its early stages.
Don’t be intimidated by the thought of going to see your dentist. Modern surgeries are welcoming places and dentists are concerned about keeping patients relaxed and at ease with what’s going on. Book an appointment for a dental check-up today.

Book a dental check up with a City of Leeds dentist to ensure lasting oral health

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Many people wonder what are the most important things to do in order to ensure they take the best possible care of their teeth and have a lifelong healthy mouth as result. The answer is really quite simple and by following a few simple steps you can make sure that you avoid bothersome conditions like dental decay and gum disease. Essentially you should be looking to take great care of your mouth at home but also making sure that you see your dentist for regular check ups.
At these check ups, your expert dentist will be thoroughly examining your mouth to monitor the health of your teeth and gums. They will be checking to see that plaque is not building up and turning into tartar which can cause cavities in your teeth and also gum disease. If they find that tartar is forming they might administer a quick process called scaling and polishing where the tartar is scraped off and your teeth polished to make them smooth so that plaque finds it more difficult to cling to teeth.
Spotting problems early is a key part of what is known as preventive dentistry. This works on the premise that it is always better to stop an ailment early before it has got too serious. Sorting out the early stages of gum disease (called gingivitis) is a pretty straightforward affair but remedying the advanced stages (periodontitis) is far more problematic and tooth loss can result.
It doesn’t matter how vigilant you are at home, there are always things that you can miss. But your City of Leeds dentist, with all the many years of training and experience he or she has, will not make the same mistake. They are even trained now to look for signs of oral cancer and sleep apnea so that you can be treated quickly and with the desired results.

The Importance of a Dental Check-up in the City of Leeds

Friday, May 13th, 2011

City of Leeds dentists are there as a support to their patients. Yet, by some people, they are only seen as someone who gives you a quick check over, and maybe the odd filling from time to time; a dental check-up is often viewed more as a regimented chore. With all the products on the market right now, there is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to care for our teeth ourselves and the prime directive of all that brushing and flossing is to remove the build up of bacteria in the mouth; bacteria can be the main cause of more serious problems like tooth decay and gum disease. For all our best laid plans however, to keep our mouths healthy, some of these problems can break through our defences without us knowing and this is why regular visits to the dentist can eradicate things like this, because we do not quite appreciate how quickly how things can go wrong with our gums and teeth. But other than repair work, we should see our dentist as a confidant and friend. Like going to a doctor, we should be able to talk to our dentist about a range of topics that affect our mouths. From subjects as basic as how to brush our teeth correctly, what products to use, to cosmetic procedures you might be considering having done- your dentist is there to listen. A visit, at least twice a year, should be enough to keep you healthy and wise- ignore it at your peril.

City of Leeds dentists advise patients to have regular dental check ups

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

Taking excellent care of your teeth begins with what you do at home, of course. Brushing and flossing at least twice a day and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle should mean that your teeth and gums are generally healthy and optimally functional. But there is always the chance that a condition might be developing in your mouth. If you are in regular contact with your dentist then it can be diagnosed before it gets worse.
You ought to be visiting your dentist every six months so that your mouth can be examined by a trained professional who is expert in all areas of your mouth. They will take a close look at your teeth and gums and compare the state of your mouth with the records they have from your previous visits.
In doing so they can be on the look out for the development of conditions that you simply might not have yet noticed. A surprising amount of people suffer from gum disease and don’t notice that they have it in the early stages. It might just go away but it might develop into something worse. Allowing your dentist to examine your mouth gives you a chance of having one of these conditions diagnosed so that it can be effectively treated, returning your mouth to excellent health.
Dental practice has changed a lot in recent years and you might be surprised to find out that dentists are now increasingly concerned with relaxing their patients and putting them at ease. Dental appointments are usually a lot quicker than they used to be thanks to modern technology, so having a busy life is no excuse. Make an appointment for a dental check up with your City of Leeds dentist.

Central Leeds dentists have all the best tips about keeping your child’s mouth healthy

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Everyone who has a child will be concerned about giving them the best possible start in life in terms of their health. The fact is that a health problem which a child develops might well be something that they have to deal with for the rest of their life. So it is vitally important that you develop a good relationship with your dentist early on in your child’s life and allow their mouth to be regularly examined.
Diet is as important for the oral health of children as it is adults. Of course children want to eat sweets but it is best to try and instil in them some discipline here and, if you allow them for a treat, be sure to get them to brush their teeth afterwards to stop plaque from building up. If a child develops a cavity because plaque has decayed a tooth then they will need to have a filling for the rest of their life.
Getting children to brush their teeth can be a battle in itself but there are techniques which can be helpful like giving them a reward when they do so at the appointed time. You might want to make a fun chart where they can tick off the times they brush their teeth.
You should make sure that they are not brushing too hard though. Children’s mouths are sensitive and they can have a tendency to brush a little recklessly. This can damage their gums or even the teeth themselves. Brushes with softer bristles are available if you think your child does this.
Talk to your Central Leeds dentist if you have a child and want the best advice about how you can help keep their mouth healthy.

Leeds dentists advise patients on how to keep their teeth as healthy as possible

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Dentists are the place to go in order to get the best advice about how to take care of your teeth. Having excellent oral hygiene will ensure that you can eat, drink, smile and even talk in comfort. Your mouth is a complex, finely honed organism in which all the parts are meant to work together in order for it to function. Allowing parts of it to become unhealthy can mean that the activities you take for granted are jeapordised.
There are a number of simple ways in which you can take the best possible care of your mouth though. The first and most important in many ways is that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and again after meals if you feel it is necessary. This is so that plaque does not build up and cause your teeth to start decaying. You ought to brush for about three minute, making sure that you are covering all the areas of your mouth.
Once you have brushed, don’t forget to floss. This is essential in removing the plaque which can hide between your teeth. It might be a little painful to begin with if you have not done it before but you should persist so that your teeth and gums can stay healthy.
Diet can play and important part in the health of your mouth too. Plaque is produced by all foods but the most is produced when you eat or drink sugary or starchy substances. It is best to cut down on these things and eat things like cheese afterwards which can help to remove the sugar and starch from the teeth.
Finally, get into the habit of visiting your Leeds dentist every six months so that your mouth can be checked by a specialist.

The Importance of a Dental Visit in Central Leeds

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

It’s widely considered that everyone in central Leeds should have a bi-annual visit to the dentist because problems in your mouth can build up very quickly and cause further, more serious problems, if left untreated. When you visit your dentist, it’s very likely that you just want to get it over with and get the hell out of there, but really, it should be seen as an opportunity to discuss any problems that may have arisen since your last visit, you can even discuss subjects from oral hygiene and diet to cosmetic dentistry. This also gives the dentist a chance to clean your teeth from plaque or tartar build up, monitor all aspects concerning your teeth such as growth, gum disease, cavities and general wear and tear and administer any treatment you may require to keep your mouth healthy. However, if you start skipping visits, you are putting not only your mouth at risk, but the overall health of your body. Gum disease for example, can threaten your heart and digestive system as well as your teeth, and some treatments can be very expensive. Depending on just how far you’ve let yourself go, the price to rectify any damage done can stretch into thousands and the worst case scenario is losing your teeth altogether. Maintaining regular appointments can greatly reduce problems in the future and help keep your teeth and smile healthy.