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Posts Tagged ‘dental sealants’

Taking an interest on your Kids Teeth in the City of Leeds

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

318711_blogIt’s probably safe to say that all parents in the city of Leeds would like to set their kids off, the best they can, to a long and healthy lifestyle: diet and sport are just two of the ingredients in this. But most vitally, as a parent, you must be very vigilant with their teeth, as they will go through some extreme changes as your child grows up. Your children will teethe when they are babies, and soon after, have their secondary teeth come through, maybe wear braces and then suffer with wisdom teeth as they move into adulthood. Throughout all of this, kids are very vulnerable to tooth decay and may need a lot of treatment at the dentists and you must be ready for all of this. In the beginning, finding a paediatrician is vital, and soon after, a dentist, who can help ease the threat. Teaching your kids to care for themselves and brush correctly with some of the excellent brushes and toothpastes on the market, plus feeding them right and keeping them away from sweets and fizzy drinks, the best you can, is of the utmost importance here. You can have your children fitted with dental sealants to beat the decay and your dentist will be on hand to fix them up when things go wrong. However, this all comes at a financial cost and from the moment your kids are born, you are going to find a method of paying for treatments, especially orthodontic work, as this can get costly.

The Benefits of Dental Sealants for Your Child Explained by Dentist in Leeds

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

Do you want to protect your child’s teeth against the problem of tooth decay? Please consider the beneficial procedure of dental sealants. Dental sealants keep germs and food particles out of the grooves of children’s teeth and act as a protective shield for children’s precious teeth. Dental sealants are a great boost to your child’s oral health and are a cost-effective means to prevent tooth decay.

During the fast and non-invasive procedure, thin plastic coatings are applied to the chewing surface of children’s teeth. Dental sealants are typically applied to new permanent molars. There is no changing of the tooth structure involved in the procedure, meaning, your child will not have to experience drilling to have dental sealants applied to his or her teeth. The sealant is painted on after a thorough cleaning process and then hardened with a special light for only about a minute.

Dental sealants are only visible at a very close distance so they cause no cosmetic embarrassment whatsoever for children. Dental sealants are durable and comfortable and typically last from five to ten years. Please consider this outstanding measure of preventative dental care so that dental sealants can act as a protective shield for children’s new molars.

Please speak to your dentist in Leeds about dental sealants today and protect your child from the permanent and costly damages of tooth decay.

Look after the health of your child’s teeth with dental sealants from Leeds dentist

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Dental cavities and tooth decay don’t just affect adults. More and more children are becoming at risk from the threat of tooth decay because of the high levels of sugar they are eating and the developing nature of their teeth. Tooth decay now affects nearly a fifth of two to four year olds and more than half of eight year olds in the UK.

There is something that parents can do to protect the health of their kids’ teeth. As well as making sure they are not eating too many sugary foods. They can also use dental sealants to offer further protection to their teeth. Sealants are plastic coatings applied to the flat surfaces of the back teeth. They form a protective barrier so that bacteria cannot gather in the pits of their molars and cause decay on the chewing surfaces.

Dental sealants are perfectly safe and in some cases can even stop tooth decay that has already started. Children should ideally have sealants applied when their back molars begin to erupt, usually around the age of six. If sealants were routinely applied at this age the cases of tooth decay among six to ten year olds would plummet according to some dentists. Sealants can then be reapplied to the permanent molars that appear at around the age of twelve.

Sealants obviously do not replace the need for effective tooth cleaning with brushing and flossing but they can offer an extra degree of protection to the teeth. Leeds dentists are able to fit sealants to your children’s teeth so that they develop correctly and limit the potential for further dental problems in the future. Make an appointment to find out more.