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Posts Tagged ‘discoloured teeth’

The many reasons to get teeth whitened by Leeds dentist

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

There are many reasons to choose to have a teeth whitening treatment from a Leeds dentist. The most obvious and probably most popular,is to make yourself look more attractive and boost self-esteem. Having stained or discoloured teeth can ruin the appearance of your smile and make you look much older than you actually are. This is because teeth tend to change colour naturally over time, becoming less white. So the whiter your teeth, the younger you appear to be, within natural limitations of course.

Restoring the teeth to their more natural, healthier colour therefore can give you a massive confidence boost and make you feel much more comfortable with your smile. Most people could probably benefit from teeth whitening, even for just a subtle improvement.

Other people opt for teeth whitening treatments because they think it can help them in their professional lives. Looking younger can definitely be an advantage in the modern business world, especially if you are dealing with clients on a daily basis. Having a healthy and confident smile can be a great advantage in the workplace and could even help you to get that promotion you have been after.

Some medications and medical treatments can cause the teeth to lose their natural colour. When patients are through with treatment or have stopped taking medication they may wish to have their teeth restored to disguise the effects.

Perhaps the most important reason why people have teeth whitening treatments is because the procedure is safe, affordable and effective. Porcelain veneers or even more extreme cosmetic surgery can cost thousands of pounds but teeth whitening starts for less than a hundred. Many people don’t have thousands of pounds to spare on their teeth but can make a real cosmetic difference for only a fraction of that cost.

Teeth whitening has become affordable at central Leeds dentist

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

If we fail to look after our teeth properly they can become faded, dull and discoloured. To recapture your bright smile it may be necessary to undergo a teeth whitening procedure. This has become one of the most effective and convenient ways of improving the aesthetic appearance of your teeth.

The purpose of teeth whitening is to remove stains and discolouration from the teeth. This occurs by placing a special whitening gel containing the special active ingredient hydrogen peroxide in trays, so that it comes into contact with the teeth. This bleaches discoloured areas, returning them to their natural colour and giving you a healthy white smile that can boost your confidence.

There are a number of effective teeth whitening systems and products available on the market. Most of these products are designed specifically to be used in surgery by a dentist but there are some products that are available to use at home. Dentists do not recommend their use, as there is potential to cause damage to the soft tissue of the lips, cheeks and gums. Dentists can use any necessary safety equipment to ensure no whitening gel comes into contact with this soft tissue, helping to keep you safe. It also means that dentists are able to use stronger concentrations of whitening gels to achieve more spectacular results. They can also prepare lower concentration trays to be used at home in safety.

One of the most important things to say about teeth whitening is how affordable it has become. A few years ago it may have been to expensive for most people but as availability increases and technology improves it is now possible to have a teeth whitening procedure for as little as £60, affordable to almost everybody. Central Leeds dentists are now offering affordable teeth whitening to all suitable patients and can make your teeth up to ten shades whiter to give you a stunning smile.

Whiten yellow teeth at Central Leeds dentist

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Even the most beautifully straight teeth can be let down by discolouration. The yellowing of teeth is something that happens naturally with age and can be accelerated by lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking very dark liquids like wine and coffee. The discolouration of teeth can be slowed by effective cleaning and a strict regime of oral hygiene but teeth will ultimately begin to lose their natural colour at some point.

Luckily there is a solution to discoloured teeth. Whitening is a process that has become widely available in the last few years and is now offered by almost all dentists. Whitening involves putting a gel containing the bleaching ingredient hydrogen peroxide into contact with the surface enamel of the teeth. The gel then gradually seeps into the enamel, bleaching it white, including any stains or discoloured patches.

The hydrogen peroxide gel damage soft tissue if it comes into contact with it so dentists will always use the necessary protective equipment to protect the lips, mouth and tongue. With some over the counter whitening kits it is not always possible to use the correct safety equipment, which is why dentists always recommend that you have whitening treatments carried out in surgery.

The cost of whitening treatment from a Central Leeds dentist varies according to the nature and extent of whitening needed but there is usually a whitening treatment for all budgets. Whitening discoloured or yellow teeth can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of any smile so ask your dentist at your next appointment.

Dental crown in minutes from City of Leeds dentist using Cerec technology

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Dental crowns, veneers and ceramic inlays are some of the most useful tools available in modern dentistry which offer the best level of treatment. Crowns and veneers are designed to protect damaged or discoloured teeth from further damage and at the same time restore their cosmetic appearance. Ceramic inlays are used to fill large dental cavities unsuitable for dental bonding. All three create a further barrier to decay and infection while making the teeth feel stronger and preventing pain.

In the past, these protective tools have been made from an amalgam of metal and ceramic but due to increased demand for aesthetic perfection more and more are being made solely from enamel. This process was not an easy one and often involved lengthy manufacturing times of up to two weeks. But new technology is slashing production times and providing perfectly fitting porcelain products in as little as six minutes.

The new technology is called Cerec but is also commonly known as chair-side restoration. The process utilises the latest digital technology and three-dimensional projections to create a perfect image of the teeth without the need for dental moulds or conventional x-rays. The images are available immediately and can be used to instruct a computer-guided machine to mill the replicated crown or veneer from a single piece of porcelain. Patients are therefore able to see exactly what their new tooth will look like before it has been fitted. This new technology is relatively new but is set to revolutionise the world of dental treatment in the future. Ask a City of Leeds dentist about Cerec at your next appointment and discover for yourself the amazing possibilities of this new technology.

Improve your appearance with dental veneers from Central Leeds dentist

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

4Dental veneers, which are sometimes known as porcelain veneers or laminates, are very thin tooth-coloured shells that are cemented over the top of discoloured, worn or otherwise damaged teeth. They are bonded to the existing surface of the teeth using composite resin, which is tooth coloured itself and also adds another layer of protection.

Veneers are capable of completely transforming the appearance of teeth by covering them with uniform shells that can create the appearance of straight, white teeth. Teeth can become discoloured for a variety of reasons but this can make teeth appear very unhealthy and cause a lot of anxiety for the patient. Veneers can transform discoloured teeth in a matter of two or three appointments at the dentist with little or no discomfort.

You and Central Leeds dentist will plan exactly what results you would like from veneers and the dentist will then conduct a short examination to make sure your teeth are suitable for veneers. They may also take some x-rays to aid in the manufacture of the veneers. The latest technology involves manufacturing veneers using digital x-rays and computer guided mills, which has significantly cut the time of manufacture.

When applying the veneer, the dentist may need to remove a fraction of the enamel or etch it for better adhesion. This is usually a painless procedure but some anaesthetic may be used as a precaution. After this comes the actual bonding process before the veneers are polished and any excess cement removed. The transformative powers of dental veneers has to be seen to be believed as they really can change not just a person’s face, but their entire appearance.

Whiter teeth in two weeks with Enlighten from Leeds dentist

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Having white teeth is integral to having a beautiful smile, and everybody wants to have a beautiful smile. Teeth whitening procedures have been around for many years but it is only in the last few that the treatment has become more widespread and acceptable.

Enlighten is a new system, recently been imported from the United States which is taking Britain by storm. Enlighten’s popularity in the US is due to its incredible ability to whiten even the darkest, most discoloured of teeth. In fact, the makers of Enlighten guarantee that the whitest shade of teeth, called a B1, is possible for every patient.

Teeth can become discoloured for a number of reasons. Sometimes it is because of illness or medication or even the food and drink we ingest. More often than not, however, it is simply a case of teeth losing their natural colour over time. Just as hair loses its colour and turns grey over time, so do our teeth and they become less and less white. Teeth whitening procedures can reverse this process by staining tooth enamel to make your teeth look whiter and you look younger.

Enlighten differs from other whitening systems because of the strength of treatment it offers. The specially designed whitening trays allow the whitening gel to be in contact with the teeth, and the tight fit prevents the risk of saliva contaminating the whitening gel. The treatment usually starts with the dentist taking a mould of your teeth in order to make the personalised whitening trays. The trays are worn at home for 14 consecutive nights before a final 40 minute appointment at the dentist surgery.

There are few if any side effects, with only a small percentage suffering some mild discomfort form sensitive teeth after treatment. Dentists recommend that patients wear the trays for at least one night in every 40 after treatment to top up the treatment. If you suffer from discoloured teeth and want to bring back the sparkle to your smile ask a Leeds dentist about Enlighten tooth whitening.

Ultra-thin Lumineer veneers from City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Teeth that are discoloured, unevenly spaced or worn down look unhealthy and can add years on to the age of the patient. Once tooth enamel has been stained or worn it cannot be grown back or effectively cleaned. One option to restore the appearance of a healthy smile is to have a set of porcelain veneers fitted. Veneers are thin ceramic caps that fit over the top of existing teeth giving the appearance of real teeth. Because they are manufactured, they can be designed to specifically fit your individual teeth giving an even and bright look to your smile.

Lumineers are a special type of incredibly thin veneers manufactured from special porcelain that is incredibly strong. It is made from patented porcelain by a dental manufacturer called Cerinate and is as thin as a contact lens. Because Lumineers are so thin, minimal preparation is needed before they are fitted. With other, thicker veneers, the dentist will need to remove some of the porcelain before the veneer can be fixed or they will appear too big making the process irreversible.

Lumineers can be fitted over existing dental work such as crowns and existing veneers and are so are completely removable. They are the newest solution to chipped, worn or discoloured teeth and with the right care and attention will last up to an incredible twenty years, five times as long as regular porcelain veneers.

If you have discoloured or worn teeth and are suffering a loss of self-confidence as a result, Lumineers could completely restore your teeth and give you back a reason to smile. Ask a City of Leeds dentist about Lumineers at your next appointment.