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Posts Tagged ‘excess gums’

Being self-conscious of a Gummy Smile in Central Leeds

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

2977218_blogIt has been said that you are what you are born with and for some of us we inherit the physical traits of our parents. Okay, but it doesn’t help if you get some of the worst features and having a ‘gummy’ smile is a good example of this. This is where the length of the teeth is greatly reduced by excess gum and it doesn’t look pretty when you smile. This ‘condition’ can cause you to be withdrawn whenever you try to express yourself in public in central Leeds and over time it can make you shy and introverted. But the modern world of dentistry pretty much has the answers to everything that is wrong in the mouth today, and it does have the answer to excess gums- and it isn’t expensive either. Book an appointment with your dentist, pay your money and in just 30 minutes, the gums can be contoured with laser surgery. This will give back the length of your teeth again, but more importantly, make you feel like a new person for the first time in your life; your confidence will ooze out and you will be able to express yourself in a way you have never done before- go on, take a leap of faith and set yourself free.