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Posts Tagged ‘Invisalign’

Leeds dentists now able to straighten teeth with a product that is virtually invisible: Invisalign

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

Straightening out your teeth is a decision that is worth taking because it will make your smile look far better and leave your mouth in a healthier state. But which one of the many options should you choose? There is a number of options available at United Kingdom dental surgeries and the decision can be a difficult one to make.
An increasingly popular option for patients with minor alignment issue is the revolutionary treatment on offer with Invisalign. It is a new way of thinking about teeth straightening and it avoids some of the aspects of traditional metal braces that have been frankly unpopular over the years.
The traditional metal brace is a very effective way of straightening out teeth but it needs to be worn for quite a long time (often several years), it is not removable and it doesn’t look very good. Invisalign avoids these problems by working in a different way altogether.
Instead of using a system of metal brackets and wires which are attached to the teeth, Invisalign is constructed of a clear, plastic material and is worn in a similar manner to a mouth guard. Your dentist will make your Invisalign brace in such a way that it moves your teeth in the desired position. Once the first Invisalign has done its work then your dentist will simply replace it with a new one that will continue the process.
As such the Invisalign brace is completely removable, just as long as it is worn for twenty two hours every day. Many patients like to take Invisalign out at meal times so that eating is easier. Ask your dentist in Leeds if they are registered with Invisalign and make the decision to straighten out your teeth once and for all.

Invisible Aligners for you in Central Leeds

Friday, July 29th, 2011

If we are all totally honest ourselves, none of us like the idea of having to wear a brace or an aligner, whatever our age. But then none of us like the idea of going through life having ugly, crooked teeth either….what to do eh? Well not to worry, because our American friends have come up with the solution- Invisalign and it’s available here in central Leeds right now. Invisalign has revolutionised every aspect of wearing an aligner. Its greatest advantage is that it is made from a completely transparent material, that once in the mouth, is almost impossible to detect from the outside- imagine the freedom that that affords to the wearer. Another delicacy of this device is that it is removable; most fixed braces are a nightmare to clean but with this, you can take it out, clean your teeth in the normal way and then pop it back in your mouth again, thus ensuring a healthy oral hygiene program throughout the treatment. Okay, this treatment is not suitable for everyone, it tends also to be more expensive compared to others, but if you need any-more carrots dangled in front of you to just how good Invisalign is:- though treatment times vary for each individual person, on average, this whole procedure takes around a third of time to complete compared other aligning methods on the market today.

Invisalign with Leeds dentists: a revolution in straightening teeth

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

Like all the best inventions, it sounded like a crazy pipe dream before it was developed and became available to one and all: a brace that is all but invisible and completely removable. This is what Invisalign is and it is delighting patients all across the country who choose it as their preferred method of treatment for their crooked or misaligned smile.
The unique thing about Invisalign is that is quite distinct from traditional metal braces even in its basic composition. It is not even made from metal, instead Invisalign is sculpted from a clear plastic that is virtually un-noticeable even by your closest intimates.
The Invisalign process involves no painful tightening of wires, instead it is simply replaced by another one of a slightly different shape as your mouth requires it. Each new Invisalign gently shifts your teeth into the desired positions after your dentist has taken moulds of your teeth using dental putty.
Another great advantage of choosing the Invisalign approach is that the product is completely removable. A common complaint of traditional braces is that they are difficult to clean because they are so securely fixed to the teeth, thus allowing food to hide in all sorts of places amongst the metal. You can simply take your Invisalign out to give it a good clean and then put it back in. Even for social occasions you can just take the Invisalign out and feel confident in yourself.
Different teeth straightening products are more suited to different people, depending on the specifics of how much needs to be achieved. Leeds dentists can guide you through the choices. Invisalign is definitely worth considering because of the advantages that are inherent in the technique.

Getting the Right dental Braces in Leeds

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Choosing the right braces comes down to number of factors from age, who you are and where you are. If you are young and still at school, it can be a tempestuous time and so you want to get through it pretty much unscathed and your choice of braces is of the utmost importance. Most now sit discreetly in the mouth, unlike the ‘railway connections at Leeds train station’ looking braces that were once the only option; the ‘Damon’ and ‘the 6 months smile’, colour code their fittings to match your teeth. But for total discretion, feast your eyes on ‘Clear smile’ or ‘Invisalign’, for these are completely transparent- and removable too! These braces also work for adults, though at this stage of life, lengthy treatments may not fit into your equation, although the clear aligners probably would because the offer total discretion- great for work and great at home, and if your have an incredibly important 2 hours to get through, then simply take them out!
But if it’s speed you want, the ‘6 months smile’ will suit you down to the ground, because it takes…..6 months. However, if you want a rocket ship of an aligner, and if you’re suited to wearing it, just check out the Inman aligner; it’s removable during the treatment, relatively cheap, painless and…..sit down for a moment….it works in as little as 6 weeks!!! If you are unsure what you want, take a list of things that you want in a brace to your dentist, and they will tell you what one to go for.

Leeds dentists effectively straighten teeth with Invisalign braces

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

For many years the only option available for straightening teeth was metal braces. Although extremely effective they are also pretty unsightly and have caused more than a few people a fair degree of social embarrassment as they have tried to hide all of the metal brackets and wires in their mouths. But there are other ways now to straighten your teeth without this pressure.
Invisalign braces are made from a clear material that eliminates the need for metal brackets and wires. They have been dubbed ‘the invisible brace’ or ‘see through braces’ by patients who have been pleased with them. But they are just an effective as traditional braces and are also constructed specially to fit the exact shape of your unique mouth. Modern technology allows construction to take place quickly too, usually without the need for moulds to be taken.
They are completely removable as long as you wear them for twenty two hours every day. You might want to take them out while you play a sport or are attending a business meeting. The fact that they are removable means that they are easy to clean and you needn’t worry about food getting trapped in amongst the metal braces and wires; a problem that can lead to bad breath in patients wearing traditional braces.
Instead of using metal wires to tighten your teeth, Invisalign braces are replaced when you need a new one to continue the process of adjustment. This means that the whole procedure is more comfortable. Ask your Leeds dentist if they are registered with Invisalign; if they are then you can have a free consultation and take the first step towards straightening your teeth out, efficiently and discreetly.

Invisalign treatments in the city of Leeds

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

We have enough to deal with in life as it is, in the city of Leeds, without the indignity of having to wear a brace as well! Just to get our teeth fixed? It’s enough to send you mad. But having to get our ‘teeth fixed’ is important to our oral health, so fix them we must and besides, wearing a brace has lost a lot of it’s stigma over the years, thanks to some great advances in the technology. A great example of this is Invisalign treatment. It’s discreet and it’s fast, and though a little more expensive than most other aligners (treatment starts at around £1800), the program offers more advantages. Its beauty starts with the consultation. Thanks to 3-D imaging, your dentist can show you projected step by step images of how your teeth will develop, and how you would like them to develop, throughout the treatment, and a projected finished image. When you are happy with your choice you will be fitted with your first aligner- this will be changed regularly as your teeth start to move. You have two great advantages during this treatment over other methods. The aligner is manufactured from a very thin, transparent plastic making it very difficult to detect in your mouth, and it’s removable, which is great for eating and hygiene. But Invisalign’s final ‘trump card’ is that it’s a lot faster than other treatments, normally taking around a third of the time.

The choice of braces in central Leeds

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Choosing the right type of brace in central Leeds can be a bit of a minefield but it is important, for many reasons, to get your teeth fixed and keep them healthy. Your choice can boil down to what you can afford, how much work you require or and even how vain you are (wearing a brace can also affect you psychologically). Whatever you choose, there are a lot of options out there, so a consultation with your dentist should point you in the right direction. The most popular braces are those that are discreet and removable. The Inman aligner is the fastest on the market, working on the front teeth in as little a 6 weeks, and it’s removable which is great for dinner dates and hygiene. As are the Clearstep and Invisalign treatments. These are clear, removable mouth guards that align the teeth a lot faster than conventional fixed, wire braces and are virtually invisible in the mouth. The Damon brace is a more common brace on the market. Though fixed, it incorporates clear or tooth coloured ceramic plates on the teeth connected by a single wire that is adjusted regularly at the dentist, but does require more attention to oral hygiene. The other alternative is the 6-month smile. This fixed brace is aimed more at the adult market and does what it claims in 6 months; again, it is designed for discretion in the mouth.

Leeds dentists offer stunning Invisalign see-through braces

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Traditional orthodontic practice has relied for many years on metal braces. These devices severely hampered many peoples’ confidence as they were nervous about smiling and speaking in case of displaying the unsightly metal brackets and wires which filled their mouths. Thankfully there is a new route to your perfect smile with a product that is all but invisible.

Harnessing the very latest in computer technology and 3D images, dentists are now able to offer braces that have come to be known as ‘see-through’ or ‘invisible braces’ given that they are virtually unnoticeable. The Invisalign system moves your teeth over time using a clear brace fabricated especially for your unique mouth. The end result is brilliantly straightened teeth and a perfectly natural-looking, stunning smile.

By wearing your Invisalign brace for 22 hours a day your teeth are gently adjusted. They are completely removable, allowing you greater ease with eating, drinking and tooth brushing and cleaning the Invisalign brace itself. Regular check-ups with your dentist will allow them to give you replacement Invisaligns when your teeth require them.

Without the metal brackets and wiring, Invisalign see-through braces are far more comfortable than their traditional counterparts. In traditional braces the process of tightening the elastic bands would often cause great discomfort to the wearer but Invisalign straightens teeth in a far more gentle fashion. Of course the fact that they are virtually invisible means that there is minimal disruption to one’s lifestyle as they can only be seen from very close-up.

Invisalign-certified dentists offer free consultations to see if this revolutionary technique is right for you. It can be used to correct most problems with crooked teeth, overbite, gaps between teeth and crowding so contact your Leeds dentist today to find out more.

Get a Better Smile with Invisalign in Leeds

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Are you looking for a way to transform your smile but do not want to wear fixed metal braces? Then Invisalign is the best solution as it is a set of aligners that can give you a brand new smile without any of the discomforts of braces. Contact a dentist trained in this technology in Leeds and soon you can notice compliments coming your way.
Invisalign uses a cutting-edge technology to straighten out teeth and is highly recommended by all leading orthodontists. During the first visit, the dentist will take a three-dimensional image of your teeth which is then fed into sophisticated software to create a set of Invisalign aligners that are tailor-made according to the shape and size of your teeth. These aligners are removable and hence give you the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods and also clean your teeth effectively.
Invisalign is the perfect solution to answer many types of dental complaints like crowding, spacing, overbite, deep bite and underbite. These aligners are clear and hence not embarrassing to wear in public unlike metal braces which stick out and make you feel uncomfortable in social gatherings. Around twenty to thirty sets of aligners are created for you during the entire treatment period depending on the way your teeth are pushed back into place.
These custom-made aligners should be worn at all times except while eating and cleaning your teeth and you will soon begin to notice the teeth straightening out improving and enhancing the beauty of your smile slowly but steadily. Invisalign is an amazing way to get teeth straightening done which is extremely important for ideal oral health.

Leeds dentist offers the latest modern braces for maximum comfort

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

If we were being completely honest, in an ideal world no one would want to have braces and would always choose to have perfectly straight teeth. Unfortunately, we can’t all be that lucky and for many people the only option to straighten crooked or uneven teeth is to have orthodontic treatment.

Braces have existed in one form or another for many years ranging from the archaic, almost torture-like braces of the early twentieth century up to the discreet and slick braces of today. But because many people still identify braces with the now old-fashioned metal ‘train track’ style they can still find them a rather unpleasant proposition.

Dentists in Leeds now offer a range of completely modern braces that all address the rather unpleasant aspects of the old style fixed brace. One of the most common complaints against braces has always been the length of treatment but with new treatments like Six Month Smile and the Inman aligner, treatment can now last less than half as long as previously possible. Braces such as Invisalign are almost totally invisible being made of extremely thin clear plastic. And Damon braces, although fixed, use brackets that are made of plastic and ceramic so as to be virtually invisible. The Damon brace is also incredibly comfortable on the teeth and requires no painful tightening sessions with the dentist.

For anyone who may need braces but still remains unsure, talk to your dentist about the array of new treatments available. You’re bound to be pleasantly surprised with the possibilities of modern dentistry.