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Posts Tagged ‘milk teeth’

City of Leeds dentists can help you and your baby cope with teething

Monday, January 10th, 2011

Having a baby is fraught with health issues as you try and ensure that the process of growing is not too painful for your infant. One of the issues that many parents face is that of teething. This is when your baby’s first proper set of teeth begin to come through.
The milk teeth, a baby’s first set of teeth, usually develop pre-natally while the baby is still in the womb. About six months after birth they will begin to come through the gums in a process called teething. It doesn’t always happen at six months as every person is different and you should not necessarily worry if your child is late or early to come to teething.
Usually the bottom front teeth will come through first, at about six months. Then the incisors at the top will start to emerge, followed by the incisors on either side of them. This will be replicated on the bottom when the infant is about a year old. Then come the canines and the molars at the rear of the mouth.
All in all, teething can take about two years from start to finish and can cause baby’s some discomfort. This will not happen to all babies, some of whom will go through teething without any significant issues. For others, however, it can be painful. You can help ease this pain by giving them something hard to chew on. This is where teething rings come in as these specially designed plastic devices are ideal for that purpose. Pain easing gels are also available for babies older than four months.
Talk to your Leeds dentist if you need any more advice about the teething process and how it can affect your baby.