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Posts Tagged ‘oral sedation’

What Happens During Dental Sedation In The City Of Leeds?

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

585811_blogAt City Dental Leeds, we understand that the prospect of having dental treatment can make some patients feel sick with nerves and we do everything we can to try and ease our patient’s worries and ensure they feel completely comfortable. Our team is caring and compassionate and our dentists have many years of experience in caring for patients who suffer from anxiety and dental phobia.

As well as using the latest technology and techniques to minimise pain and accelerate the treatment process, we are also able to carry out a range of procedures under sedation.

What is sedation?

Sedation is used commonly in dentistry and medicine to make patients feel more comfortable and relaxed during a procedure. Sedation uses sedative medication to prevent patients from feeling pain and to make them feel completely calm. Although sedation can make you feel a little drowsy and lose sight of what’s going on, it is not the same as general anaesthetic and you will remain conscious at all times.

When you are ready to begin treatment, your dentist will give you sedative medication, which will start to take effect quickly. You will feel completely relaxed and you won’t feel any pain at all; if you want to, you can talk to your dentist or you can simply lay back and relax.

After sedation

After sedation, the effects will start to wear off and you will become more alert. Most people have little memory of what happened during the procedure. It’s normal to feel drowsy and sleepy for a while after sedation and we strongly urge you to relax and take it easy for at least 24 hours afterwards.

We advise our patients to organise a lift home with a friend or relative and ask them to arrange for somebody to stay with them while the effects of the sedative wear off. You should avoid drinking alcohol, exercising, operating machinery or making any important legal decisions for 24 hours.



Who Would Benefit From Sedation Dentistry?

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

352388_blogA trip to the dentist can make anyone feel nervous and we understand that many of our patients feel anxious when they are preparing to undergo dental treatment. We offer sedation as a means of making treatment less stressful for patients and enabling them to go through treatment without feeling any pain.

What is sedation?

Sedation is a technique, which we use to make patients feel completely relaxed when they have treatment. Sedation is not the same as general anaesthetic and it doesn’t make lose consciousness; instead, it induces a profound state of relaxation. Once sedative medication takes affect, you won’t feel any pain, but you will be aware of your surroundings still; you can talk to your dentist if you want to and you’ll be able to hear them.

After sedation, it’s likely that you’ll feel a little sleepy and drowsy and it will take a few hours for the effects of the sedative to wear off fully. You won’t need to stay after treatment and we recommend asking a friend or family member to take you home and stay with you. Most people don’t remember much about the procedure when they have been sedated.

Who can benefit from sedation?

Sedation is highly beneficial for nervous patients because it helps them to feel calmer before and during treatment. It is also advantageous for patients who are having a long or complex procedure and those who struggle with fears, such as a fear of the dental drill or needles.

We also find that many patients who struggle with a sensitive gag reflex find sedation beneficial.

If you’re a nervous patient and you are worried about having dental treatment, we can promise you that you’re in the best hands at City Dental Leeds. Our friendly team is here to help and we use all the latest techniques to ensure that you feel completely comfortable. Call us today to find out how we could help you.




Daunting Dental Appointments a Thing Of The Past with Sedation in Leeds

Friday, March 7th, 2014

4361359_blogDo you dread going to the dentist? Have you missed your last few appointments because you can’t bear the thought of sitting in the dental chair? If this sounds like you, we can help. Sedation is a very effective treatment for nervous patients.

What is sedation?

Sedation is a treatment used to help patients feel more relaxed when they require dental treatment. Sedatives induce a state of calm and prevent patients from feeling any pain and they can help prevent patients from feeling nervous in the run-up to a procedure, as well as during treatment.

There are various methods of sedation, including inhalation, oral sedation and IV (intravenous) sedation.

Sedation is often compared to anaesthetic, but it is not the same as having general anaesthetic because you remain conscious during the procedure. If you want to, you will be able to talk to your dentist during treatment.

After sedation, it’s normal to feel a little sleepy and it takes up to 24 hours for the full effects of the medication to wear off.

If you have dental anxiety or dental phobia, don’t suffer in silence. We can help to make daunting dental appointments a thing of the past and enable you to have the treatment you need without any fear.