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Posts Tagged ‘smoking anf gum disease’

City of Leeds dentists warn of the dangers of smoking and gum disease

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Many smokers need to be made more aware of the risks that they are putting themselves under. In a recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association it as found that only a third of smokers considered themselves to be at a greater risk of heart disease than non-smokers. Whether they are just tuned out to the dangers or completely ignorant is unclear, but they are also placing themselves at risk of many other health complications.

City of Leeds dentists are keen to make smokers realise that they are also significantly increasing their chances of periodontal or gum disease. As well as this, smoking has been found to dramatically slow the healing process of any dental treatment patients may have undergone.

Smoking makes you far more likely to suffer form plaque and tartar and also increases the risks of developing pockets between the teeth and gums where disease can begin and take hold. Plaque and tartar that is not removed can begin to eat away at tooth enamel and gum tissue which, if left untreated, can become full blown periodontal disease.

This can result in tooth loss, bleeding and painful gums and even heart disease. Severe gum disease is treated either with a course of antibiotics, tissue removal or in some cases hospitalisation. It is therefore very important to understand the links between smoking and gum disease and to do all that you can to prevent it. City of Leeds dentists can provide you with more information and advice on the best ways to give up smoking or at least keep your teeth clean and healthy while you still smoke.