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Posts Tagged ‘Stress Management’

Gnashing and Grinding in Leeds Central Can Cause Further Dental Problems

Monday, March 31st, 2014

459343_blogTeeth grinding can keep you awake at night, but that’s often not the only side-effect. Grinding the teeth can also cause dental problems, as well as jaw pain and temporomandibular joint disorder.

Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding or clenching. It is a common problem, which tends to be related to anxiety and stress. If you grind your teeth, it’s often your partner who is kept awake at night, as most people grind their teeth subconsciously when they are asleep. As well as interrupting a night’s sleep, bruxism can also cause damage and wear to the teeth, as well as straining the muscles around the jaw and contributing to headaches and even migraines and earache.

We can help!

Most cases of bruxism are linked to stress, but there are other possible causes, including problems with the bite, which prevent the teeth from sitting together properly when the jaw is relaxed. We start by identifying the cause and then finding ways to treat the problem. Stress management techniques are often recommended in tandem with dental treatments, including wearing a protective guard during the night to prevent the teeth from clashing together. Orthodontic treatment may be an option when there are issues with the bite.

If you’re sick of hearing about sleepless nights and you want to do something about teeth grinding, we can help. Our treatments will enable you and your partner to enjoy a good night’s sleep without the worry of waking up with a headache or tooth pain.