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Posts Tagged ‘Teeth protection’

Protecting your Teeth with a Mouth-guard in Leeds

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Leeds can place a lot of stress on you throughout the average week and so it is lovely to be able to unwind at the end of it all blow off some steam by playing some form of sport. Though if you love the sport, especially if it involves a bit of physicality, then you need to be sure you are protecting yourself properly, especially your teeth and gums. Mouth-guards can greatly reduce the risk of damage not only to these areas, but to your jaws, head, neck and upper back as well so you would be well advised to have one specially made up (as a dentist would if you suffer from teeth grinding). These are very delicate areas of the body we are talking about here and any damage could result in permanent damage for the rest of your life, or if lucky, some very serious surgery to put right. Mouth-guards can be tailored to the specific sport you play and be able to absorb specific types of impacts. Of course, you can buy off the shelf as well, but at least you are protecting yourself on some level