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Posts Tagged ‘tmd’

City of Leeds diagnoses painful jaw joint as TMD

Monday, October 12th, 2009

The jaw joint is responsible for carrying out everyday activities such as chewing, biting and talking but occasionally problems arise with the joint or associated muscles which lead to conditions known as TMDs (temporomandibular disorders). Sometimes mistakenly referred to as TMJs, TMDS can be very painful and irritating to sufferers. The exact cause of many TMDs remains unclear, which makes it hard for dentists to treat and even harder to prevent.

One of the suspected causes of TMDs is head or neck trauma that causes injury to the muscles. This can disrupt muscle and jaw alignment which may be the catalyst for jaw joint disorders. Other suspected causes are involuntary teeth grinding, known as bruxsim, which may be caused by stress or the tightening of facial muscles. Arthritis is also regularly blamed for causing TMDs.

Some of the key symptoms associated with TMD are locking of the jaw joint, either when open or fully extended. This can be a painful, traumatic and very embarrassing experience and is very hard to control. Swelling of the facial tissues or a difficulty eating or chewing could also be indicators of a TMD. Unfortunately, the prevailing symptom of TMD is pain. Pain in the jaw, the neck or the head could show that you are suffereing from a TMD.

A City of Leeds dentist will be able to examine patients for problems with their jaw joints during a routine check up. Any unusual swelling of the face or popping sounds when the jaw opens and closes will be picked up. If the dentist suspects TMD or even the possibility of it arising he may suggest and MRI or CT scan by an oral surgeon. TMDs can be treated by making small adjustments to bite or by wearing retainers during sleep. It is important that you don’t neglect pain in your jaw as you may be suffering from a TMD that will get progressively worse if not treated early.