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Understand the effects of smoking on your gums at Leeds dentist

Of all the lifestyle choices we make that can be bad for our teeth, smoking is one of the most damaging. We all know about the wider health implications of smoking but few smokers are fully aware of the damage they may be doing to their teeth and gums.

Smoking is closely linked to gum disease, as it can damage tissue and increase the chances of infection. Smoking will also significantly slow the recovery process, even after treatment has been carried out. This could be very bad for your health as gum disease not only leads to further dental complications such as tooth infections and even tooth loss, but has also been closely linked to heart disease and fatal heart attacks. This is because infected gums can lead to infected material entering the blood stream. Once this happens it can set of a chemical chain reaction which leads to the blocking of airways around the heart. This raises blood pressure and puts strain on the heart.

Smokers need to be particularly aware of the perils of gum disease and need to pay special attention to cleaning their teeth and gums. Better still of course, they could make the decision to quit completely. Leeds dentists will be able to offer advice about the best ways to give up and also treat any infected areas or gum problems that have occurred as a result of smoking.

Stopping smoking at any point in your life will allow the gums to recover from often many years of damage as the result of cigarette smoke. Gum disease in most cases is treatable but obviously the earlier you receive treatment the more successful it will be. Ask your dentist for more information about the perils of smoking and its affect on your teeth and gums.

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