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Understanding Wisdom Teeth In Central Leeds

Between the ages of 17-25, almost all of us will be subject to the problem of wisdom teeth. In some people, they never develop, but if they do, they can cause multitude of problems, according to dentists in central Leeds. Generally, as wisdom teeth grow, there is not enough room for them to come through or they can grow at angles due to overcrowding- forwards, backwards, downwards, sideways. Sometimes, the teeth do not erupt at all. These situations are known as impacting and can lead to swelling, serious infections to other teeth, bad breath and tooth decay. Cavities can form, along with periodontitis, cysts and tumours. If a patient suffers such dental problems with their wisdom teeth, they should be removed. On the other hand, healthy impacted teeth only need to be monitored. Removing the teeth presents problems as well- nerve damage, damage to other teeth, bleeding and in rare cases, death. Such decisions about wisdom teeth are made by the dentist after x-rays and consultation. If the conclusion is that all four teeth are to be removed at the same time, it’s likely that the operation with be carried out in hospital. But in the case of only one extraction being necessary, this can be done by the dentist using a local anaesthetic. After the teeth are removed, the dentist will demand a strict regime of oral hygiene- such is the delicate nature of this procedure, infection at this stage can lead to serious complications and health problems.

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