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Using oral products may worsen bad breath – Ask Central Leeds dentist why

Bad breath can be a very embarrassing problem, and not just for you but also for those around you. People who suffer from bad breath are also at times unaware because it can be very difficult to tell if you are suffering from the condition. This can often lead to very awkward situations where someone has to tell you your breath smells.

The question is, what to do about treating bad breath? Most people’s first reaction is to reach for the mouthwash or oral spray in an effort to beat the smell but this might be working against you. Most mouthwashes and oral products actually do little more than cover the smell temporarily, and only for a maximum of two hours but as little as ten minutes.

Bad breath is caused by bacteria on the tongue and between the teeth. When this decays it releases bad odours which are then carried out on the breath. Oral products kill some but not all of this bacteria but they can also disrupt the natural production of saliva in the mouth. This means that when the bacteria returns, and it will do quickly, your body’s natural way of defending against bad breath is affected adversely.

Central Leeds dentists advise that the best way to beat bad breath for good is to use improved dental hygiene methods. This includes more effective brushing and flossing, as well as using implement such as tongue scrapers and inter-dental brushes. By sticking to this routine you will limit the opportunity the bacteria has to remain in the mouth and feed on food particles that have not been cleaned away. Visit you dentist to find out more about how to beat bad breath.

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