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Archive for February, 2014

Which foods are best to avoid for good oral health in Central Leeds?

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

293756_blogYou may be used to your dentist telling you about how important it is to brush your teeth twice a day, but what about your diet? As well as oral hygiene, the foods you eat can also have a major impact on your oral health and no amount of brushing will be able to save your teeth if you consume excessive amounts of foods that are ‘bad’ for your teeth. Sugar is the number one enemy for the teeth, as it causes bacteria in your mouth to produce acids, known as plaque acids, which erode the enamel. Although enamel is the hardest substance in the body, there is a limit to how many attacks it can withstand and eventually, it can become thin and worn. Most people are aware that their favourite treats, like doughnuts, biscuits and chocolate bars, are laden with sugar, but you may be surprised to find out that sports drinks, fruit juice and shop-bought smoothies, can also be packed full of sugar. Another problem food is starchy carbohydrates, such as crisps, for example; carbohydrates are broken down into sugars, so they have the same effect as simple sugars and foods like crisps also tend to cling to the enamel and get stuck in the pits in the biting surfaces of the teeth. Drinking certain beverages, such as coffee, tea, red and white wine, can also contribute to discolouration of the teeth, so it’s best to avoid these if you are determined to keep your pearly whites clean and bright.



Should I see a dental hygienist?

Monday, February 24th, 2014

585804_blogYou’re probably aware that you should see a dentist for a check-up every 6 months, but have you ever thought about going to see a dental hygienist? Many people think that they only need to see a dental hygienist if their dentist tells them to, but you can now book appointments directly with a hygienist without a referral from your dentist. Seeing a dental hygienist is beneficial for a number of reasons, not least because you can enjoy the amazing feel of a deep dental clean. When you emerge from a session with a dental hygienist, your teeth will look healthy and bright and they will also feel lovely and smooth; if you’ve noticed some mild surface staining and you don’t want to pay for tooth whitening, cleaning can have a dramatic impact on the look of your teeth. Seeing a hygienist is very important and beneficial for people who have gum disease or those who have a high risk of developing gingivitis or periodontal disease; hygienists work in tandem with dentists to provide intensive cleaning treatments, such as scale and polish, to remove plaque, tartar and bacteria from the mouth ad prevent the infection from spreading. Hygienists can also help with tackling bad breath and they also provide preventative treatments for children. You can also benefit from seeing a hygienist if you have questions about oral hygiene, or you are hoping to give up smoking.


Which toothpaste and toothbrush should I use for sparkling teeth in LS1?

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

464425_blogPop into any supermarket or chemist to grab a new toothbrush or a tube of toothpaste and a 1-minute job could easily become a much more time-consuming task; if you’ve spent any time at all in the dental aisle, you’ll be aware that there are hundreds of different products to choose from, from kid’s toothpaste and coloured brushes, to sophisticated smart technology brushes and toothpastes, which claim to whiten your teeth by several shades. So, where do you start and which products do you go for? The answer is different for different patients; there are some products that are geared towards specific markets, while some products will benefit some patients much more than others. If you have sensitive teeth, for example, investing in toothpaste that is designed to reduce sensitivity and strengthen the enamel, is hugely beneficial. Children’s products are great for younger patients, as they tend to be more visually appealing, as well as easy to use and tasty in the case of toothpastes. Generally speaking, electric toothbrushes are better than manual brushes because they are much more powerful and this enables them to clean the teeth and remove plaque more effectively. If you have any questions or concerns about oral hygiene products, it is a good idea to speak to your dentist or dental hygienist, as they can recommend products based on your oral health status and your needs.


Cosmetic dentistry in the heart of Leeds: start the New Year with a bang!

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

386703_blogOften, you hear people talking about things that could change your life, but usually this is a bit of an exaggeration. When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, however, this is absolutely true, as most people value their smile as their most important and influential feature. When you smile, you instantly feel better, you radiate warmth and confidence and you look more attractive to others, but what if you hate your teeth and you feel self-conscious whenever you meet somebody new or see a photo of yourself? If this sounds like a familiar feeling, you may be pleased to hear that there are several different cosmetic dental treatments that can help. Whether you’re unhappy with your stained or chipped teeth, you have missing teeth or you hate your crooked teeth, there are solutions out there and our dentists have extensive training in cosmetic and restorative treatments. Our most popular cosmetic dental treatments include dental veneers, tooth whitening, white fillings and porcelain crowns and cosmetic braces. Whatever you need, we can help. Our aim is to create a smile that you are proud of, so that when you get asked to pose for a photograph, or you stop to talk to somebody, you feel confident. Cosmetic dentistry is available to all; you don’t need to have an A-list salary or travel to Beverley Hills for the ultimate smile; an amazing array of treatments is available right here in the city of Leeds!


Cosmetic bonding: what is it and could it benefit me?

Friday, February 21st, 2014

863081_blogYou may have heard of veneers and tooth whitening, but there is another cosmetic dental treatment, which produces incredible results without any pain, drilling or anaesthetic. Cosmetic bonding is a procedure, which is less well-known as other treatments, but no less impressive; this treatment is capable of transforming the smile in less than an hour and for all those who suffer from a fear of pain or the dreaded drill, the best news is that this treatment is completely painless. So, how does it work and how could it benefit you? Your City Dental dentist will use their creative skills and experience to shape and mould dental composite, which is a white substance, which comes in putty form and is used to repair teeth and fill cavities. In its putty form, it is malleable and this enables your dentist to shape it to repair chips, build up worn surfaces and close the gap between two teeth. Once your dentist is happy with the position of the composite, they will shine a curing light on it to make it hard; this process only takes a few seconds and you will not feel anything at all. Once the composite has hardened, your dentist will make any last minute adjustments to ensure that your smile looks great. Bonding is simple and quick and although the changes to individual teeth are minor, the overall impact of the treatment is really impressive.

Are veneers the best option for patients with chipped teeth in Central Leeds?

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

1787127_blogVeneers are an extremely popular treatment for those who are looking for a glamorous, glossy smile, but are they the best option for you? Veneers are used to address many common aesthetic problems with the teeth, including chips, worn teeth and discolouration and they have been made very famous by celebrities, including models, actors and singers. Veneers create amazing smiles and they are an ideal choice for those who want a flawless smile; however, if you simply want to make minor changes to your teeth, you have problems such as crooked or crowded teeth or you want whiter teeth, there may be other treatments available to you, which could be more suitable. Orthodontic issues, such as crowding and spaces between the teeth, do not go away on their own and veneers simple hide the problem, rather than treating it; the only way to solve these problems is to have orthodontic treatment. The same is true of whitening; veneers create an amazing white smile, but the actual colour of your natural teeth will remain the same and the only way to change this is whitening treatment. If you have chipped or worn teeth and you are not sure about investing in veneers, it may be best to consider cosmetic bonding, which is less expensive and much quicker. If you are thinking about veneers or you would like to find out more about other options that are on offer, talk to a friendly City Dental dentist.



Am I a suitable candidate for mini dental implants?

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

2433646_sDental implants have become very popular over the course of the last decade and they are hailed by most dentists as the best alternative to natural teeth; however, in some cases, standard implants are not suitable. If this is the case, there is no need to panic and start looking at other options, as mini implants could be the perfect solution. In essence, mini implants are the same as traditional implants, but they are smaller. Like standard implants, mini implants are made from titanium and they are placed in the jaw. In many cases, mini implants are suitable for patients who cannot tolerate full-sized implants and they are hugely beneficial for patients with dentures, as they provide much greater levels of support for the denture. Implant-retained dentures hold the denture firmly in place, so you can rest assured that your denture will never come loose or slip while you are eating or speaking; as the implants anchor the denture in the same way as a tooth root anchors a natural tooth, the bite power of the denture is also maximised. If you have thought about having dental implants or you have experienced issues with dentures in the past, it may be worth considering mini implants. Call City Dental today to find about this impressive modern treatment for missing teeth.



Protection and performance: the OSO Athletic mouth guard

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

373639_blogSports injuries are one of the most common types of dental injury. At City Dental we advise all our patients who participate in contact sports to wear a protective mouth guard and we are proud to be one of the UK’s only dental practices to offer the hugely impressive and innovative OSO Athletic mouth guard. This is much more than your average mouth guard. Not only does it protect your teeth against injuries caused by contact and impact, it also ensures that your jaw joint is always in the best position, which enables you to focus on your performance on the field, rather than worrying about aches and pains. If your jaw is not in the best position, this can increase pressure on the facial muscles, which can restrict movement and cause pain and stiffness. With the OSO Athletic, you can rest assured that your jaw will be in the optimum position from the moment you place your custom-made mouth guard over your teeth. The OSO Athletic mouth guard does not just benefit your mouth; it facilitates better muscular movement throughout the body. We actively encourage amateur and professional athletes who take part in sports such as rugby, boxing, martial arts, hockey and lacrosse, to wear a mouth guard and we recommend the OSO Athletic for unrivalled levels of protection and enhanced performance.



What are the benefits of Damon braces for patients in Leeds?

Monday, February 17th, 2014

2445507_blogAre you thinking about getting braces? Are you worrying about painful braces or putting up with bulky or unattractive braces? If so, we have just the solution to ease your concerns. Damon Braces are a modern alternative to traditional fixed braces and they represent an amazing choice for patients who have more complex issues and require greater movement than those offered by cosmetic braces. Damon Braces use the latest technology to accelerate tooth movement and reduce pain and friction. Unlike conventional braces, these braces use self-ligating wires and sliding brackets to move the teeth very quickly without compromising on comfort. On average, you can expect treatment time to be around 4-6 months shorter than with conventional braces and what’s more, these braces are also smaller and more discreet, so you don’t need to worry about your image while you have treatment. Damon Braces are designed for patients who have major orthodontic issues, such as complex problems with the bite, severe crowding and large gaps between the teeth. In the past, these patients would only have had a choice of traditional fixed braces, as other appliances do not provide the support or movement required for complex prescriptions. Now though, patients with more severe needs can enjoy the benefits of modern treatment, as well as proven success of fixed braces. If you thought you had to wear unsightly braces for ages to get the smile of your dreams, think again; we can give you a gorgeous new smile in Leeds in no time!

Veneers for a truly dazzling smile in the city of Leeds

Sunday, February 16th, 2014

1567900_blogIf you’re a fan of reality television or you love to pore through the pages of glossy magazines, you will probably have spotted that all the people in the shows and photographs have perfect smiles. Now, you don’t need to be a top model or a TV star to have a flawless smile; we offer amazing veneer treatments in the centre of Leeds. Veneers are used to treat problems with the aesthetic of the teeth. They are very thin shells of porcelain or composite material, which are placed over the top of the natural teeth. There are many different shades and shapes of veneer available and also different systems to choose from, many of which have been featured on television makeover shows. The veneers are crafted with care and tailor-made to fit the contours of the natural teeth perfectly; the patient chooses the shape and shade to create their perfect smile and once the veneers are ready, they are placed over the top of the teeth and fixed into position. Before treatment, it is common to undergo a short procedure to prepare the teeth; this is nothing to worry about and it simply makes room for the new veneers. Your teeth will be number beforehand to stop you from feeling any pain. Veneers are most commonly recommended for people who have discoloured, chipped or worn teeth. If you’re after a truly dazzling smile in the centre of Leeds, look no further than veneer treatment at City Dental Leeds.