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Archive for January, 2010

An end to dental pain at Leeds dentist

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

Dental pain, ranging from continuous dull throbbing to sharp intense stabbing sensations, is notoriously unpleasant. The reason why dental pain stands out from other types of pain is that it usually stems from the dental nerve which can be very exposed if the tooth is affected by decay.

Dental pain is commonly known as toothache which can be misleading because in reality all parts of the teeth, nerve structure and soft tissue can cause painful sensations. At the lower end of the scale is pain caused by sensitive teeth. This is when enamel has thinned or eroded leaving the dentine and tooth root slightly more exposed to extremes of hot and cold from food, and even simply breathing in. The extreme of temperature sends a stimulus to the nerve that passes through the dentine that causes the pain. Sensitive teeth can be treated in several different ways that include using more effective toothpastes and cleaning methods but in more serious cases teeth may need a filling or crown to provide an extra layer of protection against pain.

More serious dull or sharp pain can be caused by infection of the tooth or gum. When a dental cavity exposes the sensitive central part of the tooth it can sometimes become infected with the bacterial matter that lives in the mouth. This bacterial infection attacks the root of the tooth containing the dental nerve, which can be extremely painful. This can also lead to painful dental abscesses as the body attempts to fight back by producing more white blood cells. This builds up in pockets around the teeth causing very nasty and painful abscesses.

Most dental pain will respond to over-the-counter treatment with painkillers but in all cases it is important that you make an appointment to see a Leeds dentist as soon as possible, even if the pain appear to have disappeared naturally. This could be the result of an infection destroying a nerve causing a temporary end to the pain but the infection may still spread to other parts of the mouth.

Improve your appearance with dental veneers from Central Leeds dentist

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

4Dental veneers, which are sometimes known as porcelain veneers or laminates, are very thin tooth-coloured shells that are cemented over the top of discoloured, worn or otherwise damaged teeth. They are bonded to the existing surface of the teeth using composite resin, which is tooth coloured itself and also adds another layer of protection.

Veneers are capable of completely transforming the appearance of teeth by covering them with uniform shells that can create the appearance of straight, white teeth. Teeth can become discoloured for a variety of reasons but this can make teeth appear very unhealthy and cause a lot of anxiety for the patient. Veneers can transform discoloured teeth in a matter of two or three appointments at the dentist with little or no discomfort.

You and Central Leeds dentist will plan exactly what results you would like from veneers and the dentist will then conduct a short examination to make sure your teeth are suitable for veneers. They may also take some x-rays to aid in the manufacture of the veneers. The latest technology involves manufacturing veneers using digital x-rays and computer guided mills, which has significantly cut the time of manufacture.

When applying the veneer, the dentist may need to remove a fraction of the enamel or etch it for better adhesion. This is usually a painless procedure but some anaesthetic may be used as a precaution. After this comes the actual bonding process before the veneers are polished and any excess cement removed. The transformative powers of dental veneers has to be seen to be believed as they really can change not just a person’s face, but their entire appearance.

Variety of teeth straightening systems available at City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Teeth straightening is the process of realigning teeth using orthodontic straightening devices, more commonly known as braces. Everyone is probably familiar with braces as they have become incredibly popular over the last two decades, as it became more important to have straighter teeth.

What you might not realise is how the technology has advanced over the last decade providing patients with a variety of different braces beyond the standard fixed metal ‘train tracks’. Those braces were often unpopular with wearers because they caused irritation to the soft tissue and weren’t particularly attractive to look at.

New braces include the Invisalign brace system of clear plastic braces that straighten teeth in almost complete discretion. By using a series of plastic retainers, each worn for a period of a few weeks, the retainers gradually move teeth into the desired position with a significantly reduced impact on the patient’s life.

Braces such as the Six Month Smile and Inman aligner offer straighter teeth in a matter of months rather than years with their focused and fast acting braces. These braces straighten teeth that are visible primarily which allows them to achieve such amazing results. Even fixed metal braces have developed with the Damon brace utilising self-ligating wires to reduce the discomfort during treatment.

You can see that there is a now a brace available for every requirement whether it be discretion or comfort. City of Leeds dentists can assess your suitability and give you a clearer idea of how each of these treatments could benefit your teeth.

Digital x-rays at Leeds dentist are the future of dentistry

Monday, January 18th, 2010

Digital x-rays are the latest advancement in what has proven to be one of mankind’s greatest discoveries. The x-ray made possible medical treatments that could only have barely been conceived of prior to its discovery, and the latest developments in technology are opening up doors for further astonishing treatment.

In the world of dentistry digital x-rays create images of the patients teeth that are sent straight to a computer. This cuts down the hours or even days developing time that slowed down treatment in the past. The dentist now has access to immediate three-dimensional images of the patient’s teeth, which can be stored in the patient’s files on the hard drive.

These images can also be used to form part of new treatments called ceramic reconstructions. This is the process of creating incredibly accurate fillings, crowns and veneers in a matter of minutes that was only made possible by the introduction of digital x-rays. The dentist can use the image to design a microscopically accurate ceramic inlay or crown adjusting the size to fit the image before instructing a computer-guided mill to sculpt the ceramic to shape. This technology is rapidly becoming standard in dentists all over the UK because of the incredible level of treatment on offer. Leeds dentists are using digital x-rays in treatments which represent the future of dentistry and thanks to the digital x-ray we can only imagine the possibilities.

Discretion is key with Invisalign braces from Leeds dentist

Monday, January 18th, 2010

Discretion is one of the key factors when it comes to choosing a straightening brace for your teeth. Unlike the old fashioned fixed metal braces, modern day orthodontic treatments are much less obvious and still just as efficient. One of the most popular braces on the market is the Invisalign brace because it offers straighter teeth with almost completely invisible braces.

The braces are made from one millimetre thick clear plastic that is specially made using computer technology. Each brace is worn for a period of two or three weeks before it is replaced with another. Each retainer has minor adjustments designed to move teeth into position. Because the braces are clear plastic, they are virtually impossible to see unless standing very close to the patient.

Invisalign braces are also completely removable which gives the wearer a much greater degree of flexibility about what they can eat, makes teeth cleaning much easier and doesn’t cause any embarrassment at important social occasions. As long as the retainers are worn for more than 20 hours a day they are completely efficient and capable of straightening teeth up to six-months faster than some metal braces.

For teenagers or young professionals wanting to have straighter teeth but unwilling to sacrifice their appearance for as much as two years, the Invisalign system has provided the perfect solution. You can now have the smile you always wanted without losing any self-confidence. Ask a Leeds dentist for more information about the possibilities of Invisalign braces.

Dental phobia sufferers face their fears with help from City of Leeds dentist

Saturday, January 16th, 2010

1850411_blogLike all phobias, dental phobia can cause a person to completely avoid the stimulus. If you happen to have a phobia of spiders then you are unlikely to suffer health consequences as a result, but avoiding the dentist for years or even a whole lifetime can have any number of serious health effects. With the growing evidence of the links between heart disease and gum disease, it is more important than ever to receive the necessary dental treatment no matter how much it frightens you.

Dental phobia is surprisingly common in the UK. It is a more serious version of dental anxiety that nearly 80 per cent of people admit to having at some point. Most people are able to overcome their anxiety about the dentist as they balance the fear with the necessity of treatment, but for sufferers of phobia this is impossible. Or perhaps not. More and more patients with dental phobia are receiving much needed treatment as dentists develop new ways to make treatment easier. Dentists are receiving more training in how to deal with nervous patients and ideas such as aromatherapy and self-hypnosis prior to treatment are becoming more and more common.

Studies have also shown that this approach actually works with lavender oil being proven to calm nerves before an appointment. Other dentists are offering anxious patients the chance to talk through their fears in an effort to reassure them that they have nothing to worry about. And importantly, advances in technology have made many treatments a lot more comfortable and a lot less frightening. City of Leeds dentists are doing all they can to help anxious patients through the difficult first steps of facing their fears.

Tooth saved by root canal treatment from Central Leeds dentist

Friday, January 15th, 2010

Few dental procedures are as feared as the root canal treatment but this may be a little unfair to a treatment that can signal an end to enormous amounts of pain. When infections occur in the teeth as a result of decay, it may be that initially you feel little or no pain, but as it worsens it can lead to very painful abscesses and even the complete destruction of the dental nerve. In these circumstances, if a root canal procedure is not carried out it may result in the loss of the tooth altogether.

The procedure itself aims to remove all the infected material from the root canal of the tooth. It is a very skilled procedure involving the dentist’s drill and may involve a number of visits to the dentist. Using the drill, the dentist makes a whole into the root of the tooth so that they can remove all the infected material before thoroughly cleaning the cavity and filling it. It may also be necessary to cap the tooth with a dental crown to prevent any further damage.

Root canal treatments are not necessarily painful as they are almost always performed with anaesthetic. The pain associated with a root canal is more often than not the pain caused by the infection that the treatment aims to remove. Root canal treatments at Central Leeds dentists are usually very successful. There is very little chance of the any long-term damage if the infection is removed as soon as possible.

Braces that suit you with Six Month Smile from Central Leeds dentist

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

It is now possible to straighten teeth and create a beautiful smile in as little as six months. Using the old style fixed metal braces, straightening could take up to three years but as technology has improved, so has treatment time for orthodontic braces.

One brace that is leading the way in this improved and faster straightening is the Six Month Smile. Pioneered and still manufactured in the US, Six Month braces are a safe, reliable and affordable solution to all your straightening needs. Importantly, they also limit the impact on your life that braces can cause using modern materials and proven orthodontic techniques.

Millions of people in the UK are self-conscious about their teeth but many are unwilling to make the sacrifice of wearing braces as they know how uncomfortable they are and how unpleasant they look. Six month braces really could be the answer to many patient’s straightening needs so make an appointment to discuss the treatment with a Central Leeds dentist today.

Six Month braces are discreet with only a small metal wire running on front of the teeth. The remainder of the straightening mechanism is hidden behind the teeth for extra discretion. The braces are completely removable which means they can be taken out for meal times and teeth cleaning.

Six Month braces are able to achieve such stunning results in such a short space of time as they mainly focus on teeth that are visible when smiling. These are the all important teeth when it comes to producing a beautiful smile. If you are one of the millions who have been put off the though of a brace in the past, the Six Month Smile may be just the brace to suit you.

Protective dental crown fitted by Leeds dentist

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

The structure of a tooth has three distinct layers. On the outside is the hard enamel that protects the more sensitive inside layers of the tooth. Directly inside the enamel is the dentine which is a slightly softer material that surrounds the dental nerve in the centre. If the outer protective enamel layer is damaged either through decay or as the result of an accident it can become necessary to provide the tooth with an extra layer of protection. This usually comes in the form of a tooth shaped and coloured dental crown that is fixed over the top of the damaged tooth.

Dental crowns cover all parts of the tooth exposed above the crown to seal off the sensitive inner parts of the tooth to stimuli such as hot or cold food which can be very painful. Crowns are usually made from porcelain or a mix of porcelain and metal (although increasingly they are made solely from porcelain as technology improves). This makes them very resistant to breaking and staining and also provides a very lifelike appearance.

In the past, some dentists were reluctant to fit dental crows unless absolutely necessary because they involved the removal of otherwise healthy enamel but recent computer technology has allowed the manufacture of thinner, stronger porcelain crowns that require minimal enamel removal.

Leeds dentists can fit dental crowns manufactured using the latest technology to protect damaged teeth and restore the cosmetic appearance of stained or worn teeth using a thinner crown called a veneer. If you have a damaged tooth that is causing you pain then make an appointment to ask about dental crowns.

Leeds dentists emphasise the importance of flossing

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

The purpose of brushing and flossing is to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth that feed on food particles left over from eating. Bacteria feast on this food debris producing acids which cause damage to the enamel of the teeth, breaking it down and attacking the sensitive centre of the tooth. As if this wasn’t bad enough, bacteria and decaying food matter also cause over 90 per cent of cases of bad breath.

This collection of bacteria and decaying food is more commonly known as plaque. This can easily be removed by effective cleaning which involves brushing and flossing. Brushing removes plaque from the surface enamel of the teeth and gums but brushes are often unable to reach the more difficult spaces in the mouth that are breeding grounds for bacteria. People who brush but do not floss are exposing their teeth to the damaging effects of these bacteria. Some people equate brushing without flossing to having a bath and only washing two thirds of your body, such is the importance of flossing.

Leeds dentists recommend therefore that you should floss your teeth at least once a day to remove the plaque and trapped food from between the teeth and below the gum line, both places regular brushes are unable to clean. Cleaning below the gum line removes plaque which can build up in pockets destroying gum tissue and eventually loosening teeth. Leeds dentist can demonstrate the most effective way to floss teeth at your next check up appointment to help give your teeth the most complete protection.