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Archive for October, 2011

Flossing with style in Central Leeds

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Teeth can be very vicarious to look after: temperamental to manage, then you have the gums to contemplate whilst ensuring you remove all the garbage that you throw at your mouth with regular brushing. But brushing doesn’t really guarantee that you are going to penetrate the tight areas where food can get stuck- right in between the gums and teeth. It’s never easy but if you choose the right dental floss in central Leeds, it can be an added measure to help in the fight against tooth decay and gum disease. First, you have to find a dental floss that works best between your teeth; this may take a while in the beginning to get right but once you have the right one, then it’s all about the technique. Ask your dentist first, but essentially, what you are trying to do is to remove any residue of food from between the teeth and the gums. The aim is to stand in front of a mirror and gently work the floss, between two fingers, in and around until you are sure that all of the teeth are clean and then you can back it up with a rinse with a mouth-wash. Getting the art of flossing right and getting used to doing it will only benefit the health of your teeth and protect you in the long run from others perils that threaten your mouth.

How to care for you’re Kids Teeth in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

If you’re about to set sail into parenthood in the city of Leeds, you should also take into it the things that you and your parents went through when you were growing up. This is important in the way you bring your children up too, for it is a labor of love until they find their own feet- just like you did. When it comes to your child’s teeth, it’s a volatile time. When a child first starts to teethe, this is a very important time that will determine how their teeth will develop for the rest of their lives, so it’s important to keep the teeth clean and ensure that the child has a good and healthy diet that is not going to expose them to the dangers of tooth decay. Once they start to grow, the next problem is teaching them how to clean their teeth themselves and prepare them for their secondary teeth. One of the biggest reasons for tooth alignment in teenagers is because of how the new teeth come through. Enlisting the aid of a good dentist and pediatrician during these early times will help you in your endeavors and help to alleviate your fears. But all of the time, and with information at hand from your dentist, you will have to keep your eye on what your child is eating and how they practice their daily oral hygiene. Teaching them how to brush, what to brush with and informing them about the need to floss (plus regular dental visits), should be enough to get them through such a perilous time for their teeth.

Your worries about Dental Implants in Leeds

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

The dental implant has come on leaps and bounds over the years and has been a fantastic source of comfort for people who have suffered tooth loss in Leeds and all over the world. New methods of placing the implant and healing techniques have made the treatment faster and cheaper than it ever was. But that is a general outlook on the treatment and everyone has a different constitution on the way their bodies react to something foreign being placed in the body. For a start, the body can reject implants of any nature, but if it doesn’t, there is the recovery period afterwards. There is no doubt about the freedom that an implant offers- there is no better option than to restore your teeth to the way they once were and implants can do that. It certainly is a better option than having dentures fitted as once the implant is fitted into the jaw-bone you’ve got it for good. It’s strong and tends to be free from infection and bacteria, unlike the original root of the tooth. To some people, it can come across as a tad pricey, but dental insurance and long-term payment plans can ensure that you have teeth until your dying days and give you back that psychological boost when you lost your teeth in the first place.

Gum Disease and Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Gum disease and bad breath have this uncanny knack of becoming dance partners at a party you really shouldn’t be at in central Leeds. Generally in most people that suffer the indignity of having bad breath, it’s a direct fall-out of not caring for your teeth in the first place- bad oral hygiene. It all starts with the build up of plaque that gets into the gums and infects them. Then the mouth can start to dry around the teeth and then give off a pungent taste in the mouth and if it tastes bad, it sure isn’t going to give off a nice smell either. But there are other factors that can also impact on gum disease- diabetes, diet, stress and heavy medication. The thing is, the problem of bad breath can only be treated head on by also getting your dentist involved- they can tackle the gum disease and then advise you on how to suppress the problem when working on your teeth and gums at home. Oral hygiene should be of the highest order here, to give your mouth and gums a fighting chance- herbal remedies are wonderful for treating gum disease, but so too is ensuring that you maintain the saliva levels in the mouth by ensuring it is constantly in a flux of hydration; this will ensure that any bacteria is ‘destroyed’ naturally. This can also be done by changing your diet and identifying the symptoms behind your lifestyle which may be adding to the problem of your gum disease and hence, your bad breath.

How to deal with a Dental Emergency in Leeds

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

It’s quite important for people to understand the difference between a silly mistake and a full blown emergency and in Leeds, it’s quite shocking to still find the emergency services being called up for the most trivial of reasons- so too with a dental emergency. Most dentists will have a hot-line you can call if you think you have a problem, but there is a difference between what is just a loss of a veneer of a chip to the tooth to having an abscess- which can be life threatening. Most problems in the mouth you can put up with until you can get to see your dentist by taking a few pills- chips that can cause lacerations to the tongue and gums, the loss of a filling or a veneer or a crown are not the end of the world and with a bit of common sense, can be dealt with at home until your dentist is free. Tooth loss through injury however can be slightly more serious as the rest of the mouth can quickly become infected and the rest of the teeth can suffer. Inflammations to the gums and teeth are also semi-important because they indicate you may have a problem with tooth decay and gum disease which needs to be checked out as soon as is possible. But out of these can come the biggest threat- an abscess. This should never be undermined and if your face begins to swell, it indicates that your blood stream has already started to be poisoned. This has been known to be life threatening in some cases- if you can’t find a dentist, find a hospital. Generally your dentist will be able to advise you on the scenarios surrounding dental emergencies and how to act accordingly should a problem arise.

Smoking and your Gums in Leeds

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

It’s pretty safe to say that we all challenge our health in some ways in Leeds and one of the greatest we throw at ourselves is that of smoking and no matter what the government throws at us with their health warnings, we still continue to do it. Other than the obvious health hazards to our bodies, smoking can have a really detrimental affect on our teeth and gums as well leaving the teeth discolored and causing the mouth to dry-up; it’s the drying of the mouth that can lead to one of the greatest dangers to the gums, and in the long term, the rest of the body- gum disease. Whenever the body is trying to recover from anything, smoking prevents the healing process from taking affect and if gum disease is already prevalent, continuous smoking can cause the problem to multiply. Combine the two and you are putting serious strain on your heart with this double poisoning of the blood system. Modern dentists are very aware of how hard it can be to combat gum disease and the dangers of it- sometimes they may have to resort to extreme measures just to save your teeth from falling out. But they’d much prefer you gave them and yourself a fighting chance by quitting smoking, which is why you’ll find many a dentist these days offering support and ways of giving up.