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Archive for August, 2013

Guarding your gob in the City of Leeds

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

373639_blogIf you want to kick back and let your hair down after a hard week in the city of Leeds, getting sporty is a good way of going about it; contact sports are even better for letting out a week’s pent-up aggression. But if you like getting physical with your opponents, then you need to take precautions and getting a decent mouth-guard would be well advisable, and the harder the sport, the better the guard should be. You can buy off the shelf but if you love what you play, don’t take chances and get one made-up that is suited to your mouth and the games you enjoy. Mouth-guards will obviously protect your teeth and your gums first, but a good one can also absorb impact, which will help protect your jaws, head and neck. Dentists don’t like patching you up if you have been negligent with your teeth and they will slap your wrists, but remember, they still have to earn a living, so they will charge you and if you have been really silly, it is not only your mouth that will get hurt, so will your bank balance; and if you love and adore the sports you play, then look after yourself.

It’s in and it’s out! The Inman Aligner puts the X-factor into Central Leeds

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

18625044It may seem a strange thing to say, but the world of teeth straightening is a pretty place right now; there are some amazing devices you can get to straighten your teeth with in central Leeds right now. Some will take their time, others will work faster; some are discreet, some not so. But there is one aligner that stands out for just its sheer audacity and brashness- the Inman. Now this is really something: it only works on your front teeth, due to its complex, yet brilliant design, but it promises to give you results as quickly as 6 weeks. The mechanism literally keeps your teeth loose, hence they rapidly move into position, because they are being rocked constantly by a spring activated bar and wire. Throughout the treatment you have the luxury of being able to remove it, so cleaning isn’t an issue at all. Of course, such quick work means that your are lumbered with a retainer for some time after because the teeth have a tendency to spring back; this however can be worn whenever you want and besides, this is a mere tiny inconvenience considering how fast you can get your teeth finally where you have always wanted them to be.


Repairing your smile with Lumineers in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

4244118_blogSometimes, your teeth can take a bit of a battering in time and just by having them whitened may not be enough, especially if gaps and cracks have appeared. For this, they need covering up with something and you couldn’t choose better than Lumineers in the city of Leeds. They are delicate, versatile and simple to fit and you will be overjoyed at the results. All you have to do is get measured up by your dentist so that the Lumineers can be made and once done, it’s only a matter of sitting down and having them stuck over the enamel of your teeth with cement. They aren’t the strongest option around, but at least they are reversible if you want them taken out again- and there-in lies why people go for this- quickness and easy to replace if they break. What is even better though is that your smile will look irresistible afterwards and no more gaps and cracks! What are you waiting for- go for it!!


Embracing the world of Dentures in Central Leeds

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

iStock_000001998629XSmallNow if you were to be honest, the thought of wearing dentures after tooth loss may not appeal to you; but you may not have an option if you want to maintain your future oral health in central Leeds because you will be saving wear and tear to your jaws. But before you dismiss the idea altogether, you should sit down and do some research into modern dentures and how they work. Things have changed so much with the design of dentures, the materials they are made from, the cements that are used, mini-implants- all have helped to stabilise them in the mouth far better than ever before, and with comfort in mind. Another bonus to dentures, especially partial ones is that they are easy to manage and maintain, as well as being a cheaper alternative to other ways of getting over tooth loss. Losing teeth will always be traumatising, but you don’t need to be fearful of wearing dentures, in fact, you should embrace them because once you have looked into the option, you may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover.

Pretty and perfect: the Porcelain Veneer in Leeds

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

2445507_blogIt would be pretty hard to find anyone in Leeds that doesn’t appreciate the qualities and nature of porcelain; this is a truly wonderful material that is stunningly white and that just seems to lap up light. Now while you have this image in mind, imagine your teeth looking that great- nice touch eh? Well you can! Veneers are a superb way of overcoming all manner of horrible things that diminish your smile- especially over time; gapping, receding gums- stuff like that. Veneers are generally always made from some form of porcelain and once you have been measured up by your dentist, prepared and the veneers have been made, it is a simple matter of just cementing them onto the surfaces of your teeth. They will cover up all of your troubles and hide away all that wear and tear that made you go for this idea in the first place. One thing is for sure though, you won’t believe just how good the results will be; remember- porcelain. They will give you a sensational smile and your teeth will look unbelievably rejuvenated again- and it will only take 2 weeks at the most to do it as well.


Dealing with the problem of Dental Phobia in the City of Leeds

Friday, August 9th, 2013

352388_blogPhobias aren’t the easiest things to overcome in the city of Leeds; most things you can simply avoid- if you don’t like heights, then don’t walk over bridges. This sadly though becomes a huge issue if you have a problem with going to see your dentist; you know you may need treatment which is going to benefit you, but dental phobia can seriously hinder you getting there in the first place and threaten your health. Though you may not like it, you need to confront this issue head on; it won’t be easy depending on how bad your phobia is, but again you could do no worse than talking about this with your dentist. Don’t go for the treatment just yet, just sit down and hammer out a solution with your dentist; you may be strangely surprised by what you hear because today’s dentist is extremely versed when it comes to phobia and is probably the best person to get you through your problems. Break this phobia and you can start to tackle others that are ruining your life. Take it slowly at first though and at your own pace until you start to get your confidence up and running.


Health in your mouth through Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

3268322_blogThe body is a complex little thing but as long as everything is ticking over nicely, you shouldn’t have any major hiccups in your life in Leeds. However it does mean that you have to put effort in to keeping yourself healthy, especially when it comes to your oral health and hygiene; if things go wrong here, it can cause nasty problems throughout the rest of you. The thing is people think they know how to maintain their oral hygiene just because they splash out on the best products around, but you have to know how to use them as well. A healthy mouth is not just about brushing and flossing either, there is a lot more involved; lifestyle plays a very important role in your oral hygiene. If you smoke and drink a lot, no manner of good toothpaste or mouthwash is going to reverse the damage you are doing to yourself; diet too is vital as well and if you are stuffing yourself with rubbish each week, your mouth won’t have a chance to fend off the evils that are waiting to pounce upon your teeth and gums. It is important that you revise what you are doing every now and then and change the products that you use. Never feel ashamed to ask your dentist for advice about hygiene; that’s also what they are there for, as well as fixing you up in times of need. It isn’t exactly rocket science but yet, it is so easy to get wrong, so you need to be constantly on the ball.


Checking out a Check-up in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

459343_blogThere are several appointments in your life that will ensure that you remain healthy throughout your days on earth in the city of Leeds; keeping up with your dental check-up is just one of them. You may well think that you have your oral hygiene under control, but is very easy to fall foul of the things that threaten your mouth each day such as plaque; this can also lead to other nightmares as well, but just by visiting your dentist twice a year, you can avoid nasty dental work down the line and save a damn lot of money in the process. You can’t see what lurks inside your mouth, but your dentist can and ensure that you are completely clean around your gums and teeth; a simple x-ray will reveal any problems in your mouth and if you have any issues, you can be patched up straight away. Your dentist will also give your teeth a right good seeing to at a check-up by scaling away, above and below the gum-line, anything that has crept in, and then finish you off with a damn good polishing too. Seriously, a dental check-up is something you should not miss and it’s a chance to talk about problems you may be having- that’s if you want your teeth for the rest of your life and be healthy.

Lovely Cosmetic Bonding in Leeds

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

18625010You may well think you are doing the best you can to look after your teeth, but accidents can happen- you may chip a tooth or two. Time is also an enemy to your smile and your teeth may become dreary over the years. However, cosmetic dentistry has all the answers to your problems if they crop up and one of the quickest, cheapest and painless ways of putting that grin back in Leeds is to pop into the dentists for some cosmetic bonding. It will take no time at all: your dentist will cover up your tragedies with layers of resin before shaping the finished article and then polishing you up, all within the hour and that is it- that easy. It is also a versatile little treatment which you can go back for again and again if it starts to show signs of wear and tear in the future- which may well happen because it does have its limitations and is a tad susceptible to staining. But hey, it will make you look like a star- what more can you ask for?

Embracing your Braces in Central Leeds

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

386703_blogOkay…so braces eh? Never the best of moments in your life in central Leeds and it can traumatise you. But, before you embark down this rocky road, do your homework first, because there are some absolutely amazing ways you can get your teeth straightened these days. Modern aligners can get you sorted in as little 6 weeks depending on the work you need doing: they are quick and very discreet; some you can barely spot in the mouth when you start your treatment because they are made from the best materials around. Fixed braces too have gone through one hell of a revolution and they work more directly than the aligners and with the utmost precision if your teeth are complex. Of course, what you choose can come down to what you can afford at the time, but if you sit down with your dentist, you can wrangle a way of paying for your orthodontic treatment that wont damage your bank balance either. If you are going to go for anything when it comes to braces, you may as well choose the best that will do a great job on your teeth, so sit down and think about it before making any decisions.