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Archive for November, 2013

The magic of Lingual Orthodontics in Central Leeds

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

4756357_blogWhether or not you like the idea of having braces fitted to your teeth in central Leeds, you have to remember that it is for your own good, and helps to protect your teeth for the future. One of the biggest gripes that people have though is just how complex and ugly they look when they are fitted and for some, it can seriously affect their confidence having to go around with a mouthful of metal for years. However, if you were to look deeper into what is on offer, you can remove all of these worries by having lingual braces fitted, and lingual orthodontics has really taken off over the years. Yes, they are fixed braces and yes they are a nightmare to clean at first and throughout your treatment, but there is a huge difference between these and traditional braces- they are completely invisible, why you may ask yourself? Well lingual braces are fitted to the inside of the teeth as opposed to wrapping themselves around the front, so they can’t be seen at all. Now this doesn’t come without its problems; cleaning has already been mentioned, but they can take a lot of getting used to as well. Though, you should take heart from the fact that they can do very complex work for you and the discretion they give you should be enough for you to look into them before making your choice.


Making the most of a Dental Visit in Leeds

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

944335_blogIt would be quite interesting to see how people view a visit to their dentists in Leeds: for most it is probably just a time consuming chore; you go there, get checked out and if need be, get treated for anything that has gone wrong and then go home again- which is rather a sad and ignorant way to view an appointment as important to you as this. You should embrace your visit with open arms. For a start, it will make up for any mistakes you have made at home with your brushing and general teeth cleaning; the dentist will pick-up quickly on anything that has gone astray and fix it with the basics such as polishing and scaling, or even a filling if required. However, your dentist will see exactly how you are caring for your teeth, point out any noticeable problems to you and the proffer advice on how to improve your lifestyle when it comes to your mouth and body. You see, the modern dentist is not just about the teeth and gums anymore, they understand all nature of things and can give you advice on many topics such as dental phobias and anxiety, cosmetic dentistry, diet- even quitting smoking. So come on, use this time wisely and share any issues you may be having at home, after all, it is your health on the line here.


Nasty Canker Sores in Central Leeds

Friday, November 15th, 2013

3062480_blogSome conditions in the mouth aren’t necessarily dangerous, yet they are never-the-less irritating in central Leeds and one spiteful little brute is the canker sore. What triggers these sores off is still a little bit of a mystery, but they are considered to be stress-related in some way and coupled with a pretty wild lifestyle as well, this can diminish your immune system and leave you vulnerable to outbreaks such as these. Sharp objects in the mouth from dentures, braces or even a chipped tooth can also set the canker ball rolling, as well as acids from certain foods. These sores don’t tend to hang around for long though- in general, just a few days or so, but they can be quite painful throughout….so what to do? Well for starters, you can try and avoid all of the above when one breaks out in your mouth; there are soothing gels such as BONJELLA that you can buy across the counter and that will take the heat out of the sore and relax it. However, though they may seem as just a nasty little irritant that come and go, they can indicate something more sinister going on if they stick around, so you should get along to your dentist for extra treatment.

The science of Periodontics in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

357249_blogPlaque is annoying isn’t it? Always ready to cause havoc in your mouth if you don’t keep up your daily brushing and hygiene programme. However, if it is allowed to evolve, it can set off a nasty chain of events that can leave you in serious trouble in the city of Leeds. Plaque leads to the forming of tartar around the base of the teeth and then onto tooth decay and gum disease, and once this process is up and running, then  before long, the jawbone below the teeth can also become infected and diseased as well- periodontal disease. Now if you have been stupid and ignorant enough to let things get to this stage, then you are going to have to put in an incredible effort to save your teeth, and to retain the health of your body throughout. It may well involve some grafting of bone and tissue and it could become very expensive to rectify. The good news though is that the world of periodontics has become better and better with time and new techniques are being developed each year to combat the problems that diseased teeth and gums bring to your mouth and jaws.


Finding the right way to Brush in Leeds

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

297243_blogYou may well get a little fed up in Leeds with dentists and TV adverts banging on about the necessity of oral hygiene, but if you ignore the warnings, you could find yourself in serious trouble, ending in tooth decay and gum disease; and this could also cost a lot of money to get over. Your oral hygiene is essential for preventing these problems and the most essential tool that you need is a toothbrush. Now it may take some time to find the right one but please persevere, because brushing well can save your teeth from bacteria, acids and plaque. Bristle strengths vary, so you may well have to try a few out first until you find the type that does the job, yet doesn’t damage your gums. With this in the bag, it is time to choose a toothbrush and there are lots to go for. Electric brushes are starting to supersede hand held ones because they are tremendously efficient; they come with different actions, some even fire jets of water that will remove food debris from below the gum-line and from between the teeth, but most important of all, they will keep plaque, tartar and bacteria away from the surfaces of your teeth. Finally, learn how to wield your brush correctly so that you acquire the best cleaning technique that you can; if you have doubts, always turn to your dentist for advice.

The woes of Wisdom Teeth in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

2143132_blogAh, the trials and tribulations of wisdom teeth: when these decide to make their debut in central Leeds, it can be quite a dramatic time for you. Wisdom teeth play by their own rules; on a good day, they may erupt quite naturally and though there will be some discomfort, it can be countered with soothing gels, herbal remedies and painkillers until they break through the gums- and if you are lucky, your wisdom teeth will be with you for life. However, for the majority of people, the story is very different; if there is not enough room to break through, wisdom teeth can grow in all directions and never show up at all- they become impacted. The inevitable outcome of this is to have them removed. Now this is not an easy procedure as the roots of the teeth are three-pronged and their foundations are strong, which means you may have to go into hospital, in which case, you will probably have all four out in one go. This is a delicate operation which requires a lot of force during the extraction and may well see you with stitches in your mouth for a while after until your mouth and body has fully recovered from the trauma.


Tantalising Tooth Whitening in the City of Leeds

Monday, November 11th, 2013

3943593_blogIt is very hard to ignore the demands that the media places upon you each day to smile like the people on TV, in magazines and in adverts. However you are blessed to be living in a beautiful world of cosmetic dentistry has looked into this and can offer the person on the street to chance to get the same look. Teeth whitening are a huge industry right now and offer you the chance in the city of Leeds to smile with the best of ‘them’, and it doesn’t need to be expensive either- anywhere from £5 upwards. Toothpastes with added bleach could be all you need to put the sparkle back into your smile and are the cheapest of the options available to you. As you move up the ladder, you can choose from bleaching strips, pens and home DIY kits; but if you are going to do this, then why don’t you go for broke and get the best your money can buy. Laser whitening from your dentist is absolutely brilliant and within the hour, you’ll have a smile to grace any red carpet. Dentists can also supply you with amazing home bleaching kits, if you fancy this idea more, that will also give you the best results available on the market today….so what are you waiting for- join the elite group of smiley people!

Braving a Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

Sunday, November 10th, 2013

5538155_blogAmidst the shock of a crisis cropping up in your mouth, you should never underestimate the nature of a dental emergency in the city of Leeds. Now we are not saying that you should be calling up a dentist or rushing yourself to a hospital in the middle of the night just because a veneer has come loose, but you would be wise to educate yourself as what to do should things wrong and the exact nature of what the emergency is. Having the number of an after hours dentist, knowing where the hospital is, plus having a few soothing products lying around the house is a good start though and there also hot-lines you can call for advice. Emergencies generally are split between serious and not so serious. If you have a tooth knocked out or an abscess breaks out require instant attention and now you can be forgiven for ringing people at all hours. However, the problem of fittings coming loose, a chipped tooth, a toothache or the eruption of a wisdom tooth can wait until you can get in and see your dentist and this is where painkillers and soothing gels come into play if you have them. However, don’t ever be afraid to call someone; you don’t know how serious things can get, but by talking the problem through it can help calm you down when things go wrong.

Kicking-out Oral Cancer in Leeds

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

1341367_blogIf you love to smoke, drink, eat poorly and don’t really care about oral hygiene too much, you are not only putting your teeth and gums at risk, but you can also be making yourself open to oral cancer in the future; these are considered to be among the main protagonists that cause this disease and if you find yourself suffering from irritations for a sustained period of time- sore throats, jaw, ear and headaches, or constant ulcers- you really should get yourself tested as quickly as possible because the faster the diagnosis, the better your chances of beating the problem. It won’t be easy though and it will be a battle; you’ll need the company and support of friends and family for psychological help, as well as having professional nursing afterwards. What is imperative though is you avoid all of the things that may have caused the disease in the first place and improve every area of your lifestyle in order to rebuild the immune system in your body. Essentially you need to change every aspect of your life and make yourself strong for the fight: take heart from the fact though that the recovery stats from this disease are very good indeed in Leeds.

Cruel Caries in Central Leeds

Friday, November 8th, 2013

221838_blogThere is always a threat of decay in your mouth, especially if you are very young, which is why you need to maintain a high level of oral hygiene in central Leeds at all times, especially after eating and drinking. Bacteria and plaque are ready to strike at all times and if you are not careful the acids from these kids will slowly eat away at the surfaces of the teeth, get through the enamel and then caries can form; you are also in extra danger from these if you have low levels of saliva, calcium and fluoride in your body. There are many ways you can avoid caries in the first place by ensuring that you look after the health of your teeth, having a strong diet- you can also have dental sealants fitted that will keep bacteria off the surfaces of the teeth. If however caries have set in, then you will need to go and see your dentist for some repair work, and this will involve the tooth being cleaned up and then filled. In some severe cases, you may require root canal treatment followed by the fitting of a crown. Caries are one of the biggest problems with teeth throughout the world, so you need to be on the ball to prevent them.