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Archive for September, 2014

Let Us Help You Conquer That Dental Phobia In The City Of Leeds

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Sensual and FreshIf you suffer from dental phobia, you dread going to the dentist or you’ve not been to see a dentist for years because of anxiety or fear, we can help you to overcome these problems. With our gentle and caring approach and the latest pain prevention techniques, we can help you to feel relaxed and settled, so that you are able to come for regular appointments without experiencing feelings of fear and nervousness. Our team is highly trained and our dentists are compassionate and understanding. We don’t want you to suffer in silence any more; call us today and let us help you.

Sedation for nervous patients

As well as providing a relaxing and calming setting for our patients and delivering high standards of care, we also offer techniques, which are designed to help patients to feel more relaxed, including sedation.

Sedation is a method, which is used in medicine and dentistry to help to prevent pain and enable patients to feel more relaxed during procedures, which may be scary or uncomfortable. With sedation, patients are not put to sleep in the same way as general anaesthetic, but they do feel completely relaxed and they don’t feel any pain.

When you are sedated, you feel a little drowsy and not really with it, but you are able to hear and speak and you will remain conscious. After the procedure, you probably won’t remember much and it can take up to 24 hours for the full effects of the sedative to wear off.

Whether you’re anxious about needles, you have a phobia of the dental drill or you’re very nervous because of bad experiences in the past, we can help you. Our dentists are here to treat any existing problems and prevent others and they are known for their caring and relaxed nature and our nursing and reception staff members are always there to greet you with a warm smile and help to reassure and comfort you. With you have us on board, we can do it together; you don’t need to worry about feeling embarrassed or ashamed and we can find ways to deal with specific fears, such as injections or pain. We offer consultations and we will also be happy to show you around and give you the chance to meet the team before you have treatment.

Come And Check City Leeds Out Before The Pain Gets Too Much

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

3534882_blogIf you have dental pain, don’t suffer in silence. Come and see us next time you’re in Leeds or give us a call to make an appointment and we will do our best to have you fighting fit. Dental pain often comes and goes, but it tends to get worse with time and it’s always best to get checked out.

What causes dental pain?

There are various possible causes of dental pain, including decay, damaged or eroded enamel, dental abscesses and dental injuries, such as chips and fractures. Pain can appear in various guises, from a dull ache to throbbing pain, which comes on very quickly.

Sensitivity is a very common form of dental pain, which occurs most commonly when you eat or drink something very hot or cold. This is usually the result of worn enamel, which is often caused by acid erosion. When the enamel is worn, the dentin becomes exposed; within the dentin, lie the nerves, which is why you start to feel pain.

Sudden pain can be caused by a dental injury or a dental abscess. Abscesses are infectious sores, which contain with pus; they are caused by bacteria and they are often very painful. If you have a dental abscess, it’s important to see your dentist as soon as you can; unlike other types of abscesses, dental abscesses must be treated by dentists, rather than doctors.

What to do if you have dental pain

If you have dental pain, call the practice and book an appointment and we will see you as soon as possible. In the meantime, we can offer advice about taking pain relief and you could also use self-help techniques, such as applying an ice pack to the tooth and avoiding hard and chewy foods.

Suffer From The Bad Night Blues? We Offer Apnoea Support

Monday, September 8th, 2014

1850411_blogNothing makes you feel better than a really good night’s sleep, but sadly, a large proportion of people struggle to get a quality night’s sleep on a regular basis. Sometimes, sleep disorders are to blame and in some cases, we may be able to help.

We can provide support and advice for patients who suffer from sleep apnoea and snoring to help you and the people around you enjoy peaceful nights.

What is the sleep apnoea blues?

Sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder, which affects your breathing; in severe cases, it can be extremely dangerous and may even be life-threatening. It is very important that sleep apnoea is managed diligently and patients receive the appropriate care.

With sleep apnoea, breathing is disrupted by a blockage in the airway and this means that the individual can struggle to breathe properly.

For patients with sleep apnoea, we work with local doctors to provide advice and support.

Treatment for sleep apnoea

There are various treatments available for sleep apnoea and often, treatment depends on the severity of the case. In minor cases, making lifestyle changes can have a very positive impact and we are able to offer advice about diet and nutrition and giving up smoking. Other changes may also include cutting down on alcohol consumption and increasing the amount of exercise you do.

In severe cases, it may be necessary to wear a mask to help you breathe during the night; this helps to prevent blockages in the airway.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry A Sensitive Subject For You In Leeds?

Sunday, September 7th, 2014

3708143_blogHave you ever wondered about how cosmetic dentistry could benefit you? Are you desperate to find out more about cosmetic dental treatment, but worried about going to a dentist? Do you have reservations about cosmetic dentistry because of what other people might think? If so, we are here to put the record straight, provide you with all the information you need and enable you to realise your dreams of having a beautiful smile.

About cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is focused on the aesthetic of the smile and the aim of treatment is to improve the look of the smile. There are usually no dental health benefits, but cosmetic dentistry can make a real difference to your mental wellbeing and your confidence, especially if your smile has been a source of anxiety or low self-esteem in the past. Some people say that undergoing cosmetic treatment is vain, but you should do what you want to do and focus on yourself, not other people. Few could argue with treatment, which makes you feel confident and enables you to live life to the full. The smile is one of the most important features and it’s completely understandable to want to have treatment to make it look more attractive.

Is cosmetic dentistry for me?

Cosmetic dentistry is very popular and there are all kinds of different treatments available, from minor procedures to complete transformations. Dentistry is not the same as cosmetic surgery and it doesn’t carry the same risks; often, aesthetic dental woes are very noticeable and cosmetic treatment is a means of correcting problems and enhancing the natural beauty of the smile. If you have issues with your teeth, such as staining, chipped or worn teeth or you simply long for a perfect looking smile, cosmetic dentistry could be an excellent choice for you. Many of the procedures are straightforward and painless and the results of treatment often last for several years.

Call us now to find out more and set the ball rolling; your dream smile is just around the corner!

See What It’s Like To Have A Brand New Leeds Cerec Smile

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

iStock_000000363253XSmallIf you’re searching for an example to demonstrate how amazing modern dentistry is, look no further than Cerec. Allow us to tell you just how great this technology is!

What is Cerec?

Cerec is a form of technology, which has revolutionised the way dentists provide restorative treatment for their patients. Traditionally, dentists send impressions of the teeth away to dental technicians and then fit new restorations around 2 weeks later, but with Cerec, we can complete the entire process, from the design concept to the finished result, in just a single day. Cerec also enables us to do everything on-site, which means that the process is easy, convenient and very quick.

With Cerec technology, images of the teeth are converted into 3D models, which are sent across to the milling machine; the milling process takes minutes and once it is complete, the new restoration can be fitted.

Cerec enables us to create bespoke crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers without the need for temporary restorations, putty moulds or waiting around for 2 weeks.

How can Cerec benefit me?

Cerec is hugely beneficial for any patient that needs restorative treatment. The treatment process is incredibly convenient and quick, there’s no need to find time for repeat appointments and you can have the permanent restoration fitted straightaway. The process is more accurate and it affords dentists and patients more influence in the design stage.

If you would like to find out more about Cerec or book an appointment for a new crown, call us today or bob in and see us if you’re planning to head into Leeds in the near future.

Wedding Bliss Could Be Yours With A Smile Makeover Wish

Friday, September 5th, 2014

529808_blogWeddings are always a joy, but when it comes to your own big day, there’s no happier occasion. There’s also no other day when you’ll be showing off your smile from start to finish, so what better way to ensure you are always camera-ready than treating yourself to a pre-wedding smile makeover? We want you to feel and look amazing on your big day and if you’re not confident when you smile, this will really affect the way you feel when you greet your guests and pose for photos. With a stunning new smile, you can show everyone just how happy you are and look forward to looking through the photographs for many years to come.

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is a very popular treatment for people who are preparing to get married, as understandably, many couples want perfect smiles for their big day. A smile makeover is made up of a series of cosmetic treatments, which are designed to create an amazing result. We can also include restorative treatments, such as crowns and white fillings, orthodontic treatments to straighten out any alignment issues, and tooth replacement treatments.

We work with you to design your smile and we choose treatments based on the time you have, the amount you want to spend and the issues you want to address. We have many treatments on offer and every smile makeover we do is slightly different.

What are the benefits of a smile makeover for couples?

Your smile is the first thing most people notice about you, especially on your wedding day, when it’s likely that you’ll be beaming from ear to ear. It’s really important, therefore, that you’re happy with the look of your smile and you feel confident and comfortable when you are other people, you are with your partner or you are in front of the camera. You want to be able to feel relaxed and show off your smile, rather than hiding behind closed lips or shying away from the photographer. With a smile makeover, we can make your dreams come true in time for your big day, so that you can dazzle everyone with your perfect pearly whites and most importantly, feel comfortable and attractive in your own skin.

Take A Step In The Right Direction With Miraculous Mini Implants

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

3177025_blogWe are delighted to offer our patients miraculous mini implants. You may have heard about the incredible benefits of dental implant treatment and now you can enjoy all these perks in miniature form. They say that good things come in small packages and we couldn’t agree more!

Mini implants are a really effective solution for tooth loss and they are often suitable for patients who have been warned against traditional implants due to insufficient bone density in the jaw. Mini implants are easier to tolerate and they can be attached to different kinds of restoration, making them a viable option for many patients who have lost teeth.

About mini implants

Mini implants, as the name suggests, are smaller versions of traditional dental implants. Implants are small titanium prostheses, which are inserted into sockets in the jaw bone to act as replacement tooth roots. Once the implants are anchored into the jaw bone, they can be attached to different types of restoration, including dentures.

Mini implants require less bone tissue than larger implants and the treatment process is less invasive, as these implants can be planted straight through the gums without the need to make an incision. This also means that healing time is much shorter.

Implant-retained dentures

One of the best uses of mini implants is to anchor dentures firmly in place; with implant-retained dentures, the denture is held in place by implants, as opposed to being secured in place by suction provided by the gums and this offers much greater stability and security. Many of our patients who opt for mini implants appreciate the peace of mind and enhanced functionality they get with implant-retained dentures.

If you are interested in finding out about the wonders of mini implants, call us and look your consultation now!

Come And See Which Leeds Braces Can Close Those Dental Spaces

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Happy buddies laughingIf you’re interested in braces or you want to tackle issues such as crowded or wonky teeth, why not give us a ring and pop in and see us? We are happy to arrange a consultation to go through all the treatment options with you, explain how these weird and wonderful treatments work and how they could benefit you and talk to you about the treatments that suit your needs best. We have a plethora of options available to suit patients with varying needs and we are confident that we can find the perfect treatment to create your dream smile.

Our treatments

Whether you’ve got crooked or wonky teeth, your bite is slightly abnormal or you have spaces between your teeth, we can help. We have a comprehensive range of options to suit patients with all kinds of problems and we are also able to give patients choice and flexibility.

Our treatments include fixed braces, removable aligners, clear braces and lingual braces and modern treatments offer a host of attractive features and benefits, from speedy treatment to amazing, almost invisible aesthetics.

Our aligner treatments include Invisalign and the Inman Aligner, while our fixed brace systems include 6 Month Smiles, Damon Braces and Fastbraces. We also offer STb Social 6 braces, which are lingual braces; lingual braces are fixed to the back of the teeth.

Which treatment is best for me?   

The best thing to do if you are thinking about braces, is to book a consultation. It’s hard for a dentist to recommend treatments without having a look at your teeth and evaluating your needs, as some treatments are suited to specific problems, some cater for patients with minor or complex needs and some are beneficial for all. When your dentist has a good idea of what you need and also what you want in a treatment, they can then make recommendations. The level of treatment you need will often dictate the range of options available to you and then you may have preferences, which make it easy to narrow down the options.

Discoloured Dental Damage Could Be A Thing Of The Past With Enlighten

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

iStock_000001998629XSmallWear and tear, knocks, ageing and even a daily latte can take their toll on the look of your teeth, but if you’ve got unsightly discolouration, there’s no need to despair. With Enlighten, we can whiten and brighten your smile, producing incredible results in just 2 weeks.

All about Enlighten

Often described as the world’s best whitening treatment – Enlighten is currently the only system on the market than guarantees shade B1, the lightest shade. This treatment not only ensures amazing results, but it also offers convenience and a very simple, pain-free process.

Enlighten is a professional whitening system, which takes elements of clinic and at-home treatment to produce the most incredible outcome. For the first 14 days of treatment, patients receive treatment at home; on the 15th day, patients come into the practice and undergo a power whitening session. At the end of the 2 week period, patients have amazing beautiful and bright smiles.

The process

The process involves two key stages. Before treatment begins, we invite patients to come in for a consultation, so that we can explore the mouth and check for any potential issues before we agree to go ahead with treatment. We create impressions of the teeth and these are used to make the Enlighten whitening trays. These trays contain whitening agent and they are custom-made to ensure they sit over the top of your teeth comfortably.

When your trays are ready, treatment begins. All you have to do is wear your trays at home for 2 weeks for around 6 hours during the day or night. Treatment is not painful in any way and it shouldn’t have much of an impact on your normal daily routine.

On the 15th day, we ask you to come in and see us for a power whitening treatment; this takes just one hour and again, there’s no pain involved and no needles to worry about. We simply ask you to relax in the dental chair and then we apply whitening agent to your teeth and shine a light on the teeth to activate it. You have an hour to catch 40 winks, listen to music or just sit back and chill out. We are happy to provide music or put a film on for you if you wish. At the end of your treatment, you’ll be able to have a look at your amazing new smile.

In A Hurry For That Perfect Smile? 6 Months Could Be All You Need

Monday, September 1st, 2014

4541412_blogAre you desperate for a straight smile? Do you have a date or event in mind and time is of the essence? If you’re in a hurry, we have great news; our amazing 6 Month Smile treatment could give you your dream smile in perfect time for that all-important special occasion.

The ins and outs of 6 Month Smiles

As you can probably guess from the name, this treatment takes just 6 months to straighten the smile, making it considerably quicker than most other treatments out there. With 6 Month Smiles, the braces focus directly on the front teeth, as these are the teeth that can be seen when you smile. They also employ the latest technology to enable extremely quick tooth movement.

6 Month Smiles are an excellent choice for patients who need minor adjustments and corrections and they are really great for people who have a special occasion in mind and are desperate to look their best. We often provide this treatment for couples who are getting married and students who are looking forward to showing off the fruits of their hard work at their graduation ceremony.

What are the benefits of 6 Month Smiles?

6 Month Smiles has so many benefits that it’s hard to know where to start; this treatment really is as amazing as it sounds! The speed of treatment is the most obvious advantage, but these braces are also comfortable and they are much more aesthetically pleasing and discreet than traditional fixed braces because they have clear brackets and wires. The braces use self-ligating wires to prevent friction and they are lighter and smaller than conventional train-tracks; they also focus on the front teeth for the best aesthetics and offer a solution for patients who don’t need intensive treatment.