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Archive for September, 2014

Heavenly Hygienists Can Put You On The Road To Dental Recovery

Saturday, September 20th, 2014

585804_blogWe are proud to have excellent dental hygienists as part of our dental team. Hygienists are experts in oral hygiene and they help to prevent and treat oral diseases. Our hygienists work with our dentists and nurses to promote good oral health, encourage positive habits and keep oral diseases at bay.

Should I see a dental hygienist?

Many people assume that they only need to see a dental hygienist if they have gum disease or problems like bad breath, but the reality is that every single dental patient can benefit from a trip to the hygienist. This is because dental hygienists provide very powerful cleaning treatments, which are designed to blitz the mouth and remove traces of bacteria, plaque and tartar. This reduces the risk of oral health illnesses and also targets problems such as surface staining, to give your teeth a beautiful healthy glow.

What services do dental hygienists offer?

Our dental hygienists provide an extensive range of treatments, including preventative services, gum disease treatment, cleaning treatments, oral health education and advice and bad breath clinics. Our hygienists work with dentists to treat and manage gum disease and they also provide cleaning treatments, including scale and polish, to prevent and treat decay and bad breath.

We welcome patients of all ages and we often recommend preventative treatment for children, including fluoride varnish and sealant treatment. These treatments help to protect the teeth and lower the risk of tooth decay.

How often should I see a hygienist?

If you have existing dental troubles, we will probably recommend frequent sessions with our hygienists. If you have good oral health, an annual session will be hugely beneficial.

You’ll Be In The Dental Prime Of Your Life With Invisalign

Friday, September 19th, 2014

3943593_blogBraces are often associated with teenagers, but with modern treatments, orthodontics is a field of treatment, which is accessible to all. If you thought you were too old for braces, think again! With Invisalign, you’ll ensure that your smile matches the age you feel and you can enjoy the prime of life with a stunning new smile.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern take on orthodontic treatment, which employs removable appliances called aligners to move the teeth and create straight smiles. Invisalign aligners are not only light and comfortable, they are also made from clear plastic, making them virtually invisible when you smile. Unlike traditional treatments, Invisalign uses a series of aligners, rather than a single device and each aligner is worn for 2 weeks. The flexibility of a removable brace is very appealing to many patients and patients can also enjoy improved oral hygiene, as they are able to remove the aligner to clean their teeth.

With Invisalign, you can have treatment safe in the knowledge that nobody can even see that you’re wearing a brace. If you’ve been put off treatment because you think people will think you look silly or you’re worried about your professional image in meetings or interviews, Invisalign could be the perfect solution.

Who is the ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign is a good match for a whole host of orthodontic patients and is ideally suited to those with minor or moderate needs who prioritise comfort and discretion. Invisalign is an effective solution for crooked, crowded and twisted teeth, as well as issues with the bite, but it may not always be the best solution and in more complex cases, fixed braces may be recommended. We can determine whether you are a good fit for Invisalign when you have your consultation; call us now and your new smile could be just around the corner!

Which Hot And Cold Foods Can Cause You Dental Abscess Agony?

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

3534882_blogDental abscesses can be very painful and often, eating can contribute to throbbing, severe pain. There are certain foods and drinks, which may cause you to feel more pain and it’s best to avoid these. Here are some tips for handling dental abscesses and helping to reduce pain:

Dealing with pain

Abscesses can cause severe pain and it is particularly painful when you catch an abscess by mistake, you accidentally touch it or you eat or drink something that is sharp, acidic or very hot or cold. We advise our patients to take over the counter painkillers to reduce discomfort, but we strongly advise reading the dosage instructions and checking with us or a pharmacist beforehand if you have any queries. We also recommend applying an ice pack to the affected tooth; this will soothe pain and also reduce inflammation.

Seeing your dentist

When you have an abscess, it’s important to see your dentist as soon as you can, so that they can provide you with suitable treatment and relieve your pain. Unlike other abscesses, dental abscesses must be treated by dental professionals, other than doctors and if you see your GP there is only a limited amount of help they can give you. The reason for this is because dental abscesses need to be drained; this is to ensure that all harmful bacteria and fluids are removed from the mouth.

Watching what you eat and drink

If you have an abscess it’s best to avoid eating very hard or chewy foods, such as boiled sweets or candies, sharp foods, such as crisps and crusty bread, acidic flavours such as sour sweets and very hot foods and drinks, such as pies and pastries, hot coffee and tea and hot soup. If you’re eating a hot meal, try to wait for it to cool for longer than you would usually.

Stable? Long Lasting? Natural Looking? That’s A Dental Implant!

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

297243_blogIf you’re looking for a stable, long-term and amazingly natural tooth replacement, look no further than a dental implant. This relatively new treatment has taken the world by storm and you could be the next patient to enjoy the many benefits it offers.

The ins and outs of dental implants

Dental implants are a really effective, long-lasting treatment for missing teeth. Implants are designed to act as a substitute for the root section of the missing tooth and they are secure into sockets in the jaw bone in a similar way to natural roots. Implants are made from titanium, a biocompatible material, which means that they are able to integrate into the bone; this ensures maximum security and stability for the implant and the new restoration.

Once an implant has integrated, it can then be attached to a new restoration; this stage of the treatment process replaces the crown section of the tooth, which is the visible part of the tooth. Implants are compatible with a range of different restorative options, including a dental bridge, a crown or a denture. Once the restoration is attached, the tooth or teeth will look the same as natural teeth and you can enjoy amazing levels of functionality.

The benefits of dental implant treatment

Dental implant treatment offers a host of advantages. As implants are compatible with different types of restoration, this means that they are suitable for most patients, whether you’re an 18 year old who has lost a tooth playing rugby, or an older person who is hoping to replace a full arch of lost teeth. Implants last a lifetime and they give you the same level of functionality as natural teeth. The process of integration takes place without any pain or interference with the surrounding teeth and once they are in place, implants are very easy to care for.

Wake Up To White Filling Wonderland In Leeds

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

4756357_blogAre you sick of spotting silver fillings in photos or wondering about safer alternatives to mercury fillings? If so, we can offer white fillings to repair and strengthen your teeth with minimal aesthetic impact.

What are white fillings?

White fillings are a modern alternative to mercury amalgam fillings; they are used to fill cavities, small holes, in the teeth. White fillings are made from dental composite, which is designed to match the colour of the tooth. Composite is soft and malleable and it is hardened on exposure to light; this means it can be moulded to fit the cavity perfectly before it is set.

White fillings are becoming increasingly popular because they are much more aesthetically pleasing than silver fillings and they are also safer and better for the environment.

Can I get my mercury fillings replaced?

Yes! We will be happy to replace existing metal fillings with new white fillings, as well as fitting white fillings for the first time.

What are the benefits of a filling?

Fillings are restorations, which are designed to make a tooth stronger when there is a cavity. Cavities are holes, which weaken the structure of the teeth; they are caused by bacteria and once there is a hole in the tooth, there is a risk of infection spreading to other parts of the tooth. The filling strengthens the tooth, but it is also protects it from further infection.

How long do fillings last?

The design and technology behind dental materials is advancing all the time and white fillings are now extremely durable. If the tooth is well looked-after they should last for several years.

Tired Of TMJ Trouble? Take A Trip To See How City Leeds Can Help

Monday, September 15th, 2014

3520145_blogDo you suffer from symptoms such as headaches, clicking and popping noises in the jaw and stiffness around your jaw? If you do, you may have temporomandibular joint disorder. This term is used to describe symptoms that affect the TMJ, the joint that connects the skull to the lower jaw.

More about TMJ

TMJ disorder is not a dental condition in itself; the name TMJ disorder relates to a collection of symptoms, which affect the joint. Common symptoms include a restricted range of movement in the joint, pain when you open and close your mouth, yawn or move your jaw from side to side, tension in the muscles around your jaw and headaches. TMJ disorder can also cause pain in and around the ears and pressure in the temples.

There are various causes of TMJ disorder, including bruxism (tooth grinding), conditions that cause deterioration in the joints, such as arthritis and inflammatory conditions. Most cases of TMJ disorder are linked to tooth grinding.

The exact cause of tooth grinding is not known, but many cases are believed to be associated with stress and anxiety. Many people find that they grind their teeth when they are under pressure at work or in their personal life.

What can City Dental Leeds do for me?

Our dentists are trained to care for patients with symptoms linked to TMJ disorder and we are able to provide patients with bite guards, which prevent damage caused by tooth grinding. With custom-made bite guards, patients are able to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep safe in the knowledge that their teeth cannot clash and clench together. Bite guards are similar to gum shields and they are made for each patient to ensure a comfortable fit; they are simply placed over the teeth at night to prevent bruxism and subsequent symptoms.

A Porcelain Inlay Could Make Your Leeds Day

Sunday, September 14th, 2014

4843159_blogTired of battling toothache? Our porcelain inlays could make your day! With inlays, we are able to treat decayed and damaged teeth without detracting from the natural beauty of your smile. We can help to ensure your smile looks great and you are free from pain.

What are inlays?

Inlays are a type of restoration, which are used when a cavity is too large or damage is too extensive for a filling, but there is not sufficient damage to need a new crown. Inlays and onlays are often considered the mid-point between fillings and crowns and they strengthen the teeth, as well as improving the aesthetics of the tooth.

Inlays are placed on the biting surface of the tooth; they are slightly different to onlays, which cover the cusps of the tooth, as well as the surface. Inlays fit within the cusps of the tooth and are designed to blend in perfectly with the natural tooth structure, so you cannot see the difference between the tooth and the inlay.

Inlays can be made from many different materials, including precious metals, such as gold, as well as ceramics. We recommend porcelain inlays because of their amazing natural looking aesthetics.

What are the advantages of porcelain inlays?

If you have a large cavity or your tooth is damaged as a result of dental injury, we can help to prevent further damage and infection by placing an inlay. Inlays are custom-made and porcelain inlays are completely undetectable when you smile. Once an inlay is in place, it should last for several years and it will make a difference to the functionality of the tooth, as well as the look of it. With inlays, we can protect and strengthen the teeth without subjecting you to pain or complex treatment.

If you’d like to find out more about porcelain inlays or any of our other excellent restorative treatment options, call us now or pop in and say hello when you’re next in Leeds.

Dental Chips And Gaps Are Scared Of The Magic Composite Bonding Can Do

Saturday, September 13th, 2014

3200188_blogIf you have dental chips and gaps, we have a treatment, which will banish them for good and give you a stunning new smile. Beware, dental flaws- our treatments are coming to get you!

Composite bonding, also known as cosmetic or dental bonding, is a treatment, which perfects the aesthetic of the smile in less than hour with minimal pain and no need for anaesthetic. It sounds too good to be true, but we really can transform your smile with minimal hassle.

About composite bonding

Composite bonding is a popular cosmetic dental treatment, which uses dental composite to make running repairs to the smile. This treatment is suitable for patients who have chipped and worn teeth, as well as those who have unsightly gaps between the teeth. Composite is very versatile and it comes in putty form, which means that it can be bent, moulded and morphed to fit and fill gaps and add structure to damaged teeth.

Your City Dental dentist will use their expertise and design skills to patch up worn and chipped teeth, close gaps and improve the shape of the teeth while the composite is soft and malleable. They will then shine a light on the composite to set it, making it firm and durable. Once the composite is hard, your dentist will ensure a perfect result by making any final modifications and then you can see the results.

With bonding, even the simplest of changes can make such a difference to the look of your smile. The procedure doesn’t take long and there’s no pain involved; the results are there to see as soon as your dentist has finished and they should last for years to come.

Is bonding the best treatment for me?

If you have minor aesthetic issues, such as a couple of chipped teeth, a small gap between your teeth or worn and uneven teeth, cosmetic bonding could be an excellent treatment for you. This procedure is less invasive and much more affordable than veneers. In some cases, for example, when issues are more complex and require more intensive treatment, other solutions may be better; we can discuss these with you during your consultation.

Our Leeds Porcelain Veneers Could Unleash Your Dental Potential

Friday, September 12th, 2014

2904341_blogHave you ever thought that your lack of confidence could be holding you back? Are you self-conscious about your smile and worried what other people will think when they see your teeth for the first time? If you have aesthetic woes, we are here to help! Our amazing veneers can transform even the most unattractive and unkempt smile and we look forward to giving you a gorgeous smile and the confidence to achieve your dreams.

About veneers

Porcelain veneers are designed to create beautiful smiles and they are a very popular choice for celebrities. Veneers are available in a host of different shades and shapes and you can design your own smile based on what you think would suit you and what kind of smile you like. Some of our clients are looking for ultra-white, glamorous smiles, while some prefer the subtle, natural look. We cater to your needs and desires and we encourage you to give us your ideas.

Veneers are very light tooth-shaped pieces of porcelain, which are fixed onto your natural teeth to create a new smile; the aim is to produce a flawless finish, which makes you look and feel amazing.

The benefits of veneers

The obvious benefit of veneer treatment is that you get a beautiful new smile, but the impact on your confidence cannot be underestimated. With a brand new smile, you can feel happy when you meet new people, speak in public and smile at people and this is so important in so many areas of life. Veneers can give you the confidence to nail that presentation or pitch or ask that special someone out for a drink or simply make you feel better about yourself when you look in the mirror or find yourself in a position where a friend is taking photos or you’re part of a special occasion and the spotlight is on you.

If you’re longing for a smile, which will help you to unlock your potential and live life to the full, call us now!

Useful Oral Hygiene Tips For City Leeds Patients

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

357249_blogGood oral hygiene makes the world of difference when it comes to oral health and we are always here to offer advice about maintaining a clean and healthy mouth at home. By sticking to a good oral hygiene regime, you will reduce your risk of developing a host of dental problems, including gum disease, dental decay and bad breath.

Oral hygiene tips

Brushing and flossing

Brushing is really important and it only takes 2 minutes of your morning and evening to make a difference. Brushing removes bacteria and food debris from the mouth, which helps to prevent the development of plaque. Plaque is a sticky, colourless substance, which is made from bits of food, saliva and bacteria and it is bad news for oral health. Plaque irritates the gums and increases the risk of cavities. Brushing should take place twice a day, for at least 2 minutes each time. It’s advisable to use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen and protect the enamel.

Flossing is another really simple way of keeping your teeth and gums healthy and you only need to do it once a day. The beauty of flossing is that it takes over where brushing leaves off and it cleans the parts of the mouth that are tricky to cover with a toothbrush. Flossing can take a little getting used to, but it’s well worth persevering, as it helps to keep your teeth looking bright and clean, as well as keeping decay at arm’s length. When you floss, simply pass the dental tape through the cracks between the teeth and avoid pulling.

Seeing a dental hygienist

On top of good oral hygiene at home, we recommend seeing a dental hygienist. Our amazing dental hygienists can help to banish plaque, prevent gum disease and give your teeth a beautiful, white glow.