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Archive for October, 2014

The Sweet Smell Of Success Gets Closer With A Whitened Smile

Friday, October 10th, 2014

3200188_blogStudies have shown that people who have an attractive, healthy looking smile are more likely to succeed in the worlds of employment and dating. If your smile is holding you back, our whitening treatments are here to boost your confidence and give your smile a gorgeous healthy sparkle.

We offer convenient home whitening treatment, which gives your smile a whitening boost in the comfort of your own home; this affordable, easy painless solution could be just what you’ve been searching for!

About home whitening

Home whitening is a really effective solution for dull, discoloured teeth. With this treatment, all you have to do is wear a specially designed whitening tray for 2 weeks at home. The tray contains whitening agent, which gradually lightens your teeth, giving you a stunning, healthy looking smile, which will blow potential employers and partners away!

Before you start treatment, we have a consultation to check your oral health and we make impressions of your teeth. The impressions are used to create your bespoke whitening trays. Once the trays are ready, you’re good to go and you can head home and start your treatment.

We recommend wearing the trays for around 6 hours every night for 2 weeks. At the end of treatment you should notice a significant difference and your smile will look bright and beautiful.

If you would like to top up the results, you can repeat treatment in the future.

Is whitening safe?

We use tried and tested premium home whitening products and offer all our patients a consultation and follow-up care. Our dental team is highly experienced and our dentists use their expertise and knowledge to bring you beautiful, healthy smiles every time.

Silent Stress Can Be A Grind To The Health Of Your Smile

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

1787127_blogAre you stressed? Do you constantly find that you’re chasing your tail or worrying about how you’ll get things done, how you can help others or find time to tackle a to-do list as long as your arm? If so, you’re not alone. Studies show that many people suffer from stress and this can be damaging to oral health, as well as your general health.

Tooth grinding, also known as bruxism, is often associated with stress and anxiety and if you wake up with symptoms include tooth pain, headaches, migraines, earache or pain in and around your jaw, you may be grinding your teeth during the night. Tooth grinding is a subconscious action and most people are unaware that they do it.

What are the effects of tooth grinding?

Tooth grinding can damage and weaken the teeth, as well as increasing the risk of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder, headaches and ear ache. TMJ disorder is a term given to symptoms that affect the TMJ, the joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull. Grinding the teeth can also interrupt sleep, which may further increase stress levels and affect your mood, energy levels and concentration.

Stressed? We can help!

If you’re stressed, we can help. With our bespoke bite guards, we can help to prevent damage caused by tooth grinding and ensure you and your partner enjoy a proper night’s sleep. We can also offer information about stress management and provide treatment for TMJ disorder.

Boost Those Competitive Instincts With A Custom OSO Mouth Guard

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

3206808_blogAre you searching for that special something to propel you to the next level in your sporting career? Are you looking for an easy, hassle-free way of boosting your sporting performance? If so, why not add the OSO Athletic mouth guard to your arsenal?

This innovative mouth guard offers much more than your standard gum shield and it can really make a difference to your performance, as well as helping to protect your from dental injuries. We recommend this state of the art appliance for elite athletes and amateurs.

What’s so good about the OSO Athletic mouth guard?

The OSO Athletic mouth guard is specially designed to adapt the position of the jaw to ensure that it is perfectly aligned when you step out into the ring or onto the pitch. By aligning the jaw, the mouth guard improves posture and removes stress and strain from the muscles around the jaw, leaving you pain-free and facilitates muscle contraction.

Each OSO Athletic mouth guard is bespoke; it is made with specific measurements and data about the jaw joint and the teeth and it is designed to reposition the jaw when it is in place for maximum comfort and improved performance.

We strongly recommend wearing a mouth guard if you participate in any activity or sport that involves a risk of dental injury. This may include wrestling, mixed martial arts, judo, karate, boxing, fighting and combat sports, hockey, lacrosse, rugby union, rugby league and ice hockey.

To find out more about the OSO Athletic mouth guard and arrange your consultation, call us now!

Are You One More TMJ Click Away From Expert Dental Advice?

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

5828041_blogTMJ disorder is usually mild, but it can cause unpleasant symptoms and affect your day to day life. If you’re suffering with TMJ problems, we can help! We are just a phone call away and we also provide expert advice via our website.

What is TMJ disorder?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint; TMJ disorder is the name given to a collection of symptoms, which affect this joint. The TMJ is a very busy and important joint; it joins the lower jaw to the skull and is involved in common actions, such as opening and closing the mouth and moving the jaw. Common symptoms of TMJ disorder include clicking and popping noises in the jaw, stiffness or pain in the joint, restricted movement, earache, headaches and neck and shoulder pain.

In some cases, TMJ disorder may be linked to tooth grinding, which is commonly caused by stress of anxiety. Biting down on the teeth increases pressure on the joint and the facial muscles and this contributes to aches and pains. Other potential causes include injuries to the joint and orthodontic problems.

How we can help

In many cases, no formal treatment is required and symptoms disappear quickly; however, in more serious cases, treatment may be required. If TMJ disorder is linked to tooth grinding, we recommend using a bite guard, which is a device used to prevent the upper and lower sets of teeth clashing during the night. We can also recommend stress management techniques. If orthodontic issues could be a factor, we can examine the mouth and analyse the bite to see if orthodontic treatment would be beneficial; this usually involves braces, but there are many different treatment systems available today, including discreet and very quick options.

It Will All Come Clear With A Dental Veneer

Monday, October 6th, 2014

18625044With dental veneers, your aesthetic dental woes can become a thing of the past and you can look forward to showcasing a stunning smile every time you open your mouth. If you’re worried about unsightly chips, you have worn teeth or you have gaps between your teeth, veneers can come to your rescue! Get ready to enjoy a magnificent new smile!

The advantages of dental veneers

Veneers have obvious cosmetic benefits, as they enhance the look of the smile and address problems, such as chipped, stained and worn teeth; however, they can also help to strengthen damaged and weak teeth and they have often have a positive effect on confidence.

Veneers create beautiful smiles and as your smile is often he first thing people notice about you, this has a significant impact on day to day life. If you’re happy with the look of your teeth, you’ll be more inclined to show off your smile and this means you can show your true personality. Veneers are particularly beneficial for people who have suffered from low confidence and poor self-image in the past as a result of being unhappy with the look of their smile.

How do veneers work?

Veneers are sheets of porcelain, which are trimmed to fit over the teeth to create a beautiful new smile. They are custom-designed for the patient and they simply sit on top of the natural teeth; they are fixed onto the surface using adhesive and they should last for several years. Before veneers are made, the teeth are prepared and an impression is created; this mould is sent away to the dental laboratory and the veneers are crafted according to the exact shape of the teeth. The preparation stage is nothing to worry about and it simply involves removing a very thin layer of the tooth surface to make space for the veneers.

A Well Fitting Denture Provides Perfect Support

Sunday, October 5th, 2014

2433646_sIf you have multiple missing teeth or a full arch of lost teeth, a denture could be the perfect solution. Dentures are sets of false teeth, which are designed to replace lost natural teeth; with a denture in place, you should be able to enjoy the same benefits as a healthy set of natural teeth, so you can smile with confidence and eat without anxiety or difficulty.

About dentures

Dentures are sometimes given a bad wrote-up, but they have come a long way in a relatively short space of time and modern dentures offer a really impressive alternative to missing teeth. If you have lost a number of teeth, this is likely to affect your ability to speak and eat, as well as your confidence when you smile and dentures provide a solution to these problems.

Dentures are usually made from plastic and acrylic and they are custom-made to fit the contours of your mouth for maximum comfort and the best aesthetics. It’s essential to check dentures regularly because the mouth constantly changes shape and if the denture starts to become loose, this can cause irritation, as well as affecting the function of the denture.

Dentures are held in place by the natural suction power of the gums; however, some people prefer to use a fixative for added stability. It is also possible to have implant-retained dentures, which are dentures that are anchored by dental implants. These dentures are more expensive, but the functionality is equal to natural teeth and there is no risk of a denture slipping or sliding.

Discretion Is The Name Of The Game With Invisalign

Saturday, October 4th, 2014

18625013If discretion is top of your list when you’re searching for an orthodontic treatment to give you beautifully straight teeth, look no further than Invisalign. This clear brae system will straighten your smile without anyone even knowing!

The ins and outs of Invisalign

Invisalign is a modern alternative to traditional fixed braces, which uses a different technique to straighten the teeth. Instead of using forces produced by brackets and wires, Invisalign uses a series of specially designed aligners to move the teeth. These aligners work in a set order and each one is different. All the aligners are worn for 2 weeks and they should be worn for at least 21 hours per day.

Invisalign aligners are removable, which gives patients more freedom and many people enjoy the flexibility they afford; they can be taken out to eat, drink and clean the teeth or when you’re desperate to look your best for a party or a special occasion.

Invisalign is a versatile treatment system and it is generally recommended for patients who have minor or moderate issues, including mild crowding, gaps between the teeth and slightly crooked teeth. Aligners don’t provide as much support as fixed braces and therefore they may always be the best solution for patients who need a lot of movement.

The benefits

Aside from the obvious benefit of complete discretion, which is made possible by the clear components, Invisalign also offers comfort, convenience and flexibility. It is a very popular treatment, which is hugely effective when used properly.

Walk The Line With Our Fantastic Cosmetic Options

Friday, October 3rd, 2014

297243_blogCosmetic dentistry provides solutions to any aesthetic problem, no matter how big or small. With cosmetic dental treatments, anyone can enjoy a beautiful smile. If you’re conscious about your smile, you worry that your teeth look unattractive or you’re lacking confidence when you have interviews or meet new people because of the look of your smile, cosmetic dentistry can help.

Cosmetic dental treatments

Today, there is an array of cosmetic dental treatments available and patients are spoiled for choice. The range of treatments is expanding all the time thanks to amazing developments in technology and there are solutions out there for any aesthetic issue, from stained and worn teeth to missing, wonky teeth and a gummy smile.

Further examples of cosmetic dental treatments include tooth whitening, gum reshaping, veneers, tooth contouring, cosmetic bonding (also known as composite bonding), white fillings and cosmetic braces.

Smile makeovers

In the event that you would like a dramatic transformation and you dream of a perfect new smile, a smile makeover could be just the ticket. This treatment is made up of a series of different techniques and treatments, which aim to address cosmetic flaws and produce amazing results. The patient is heavily involved in the design process and the goal is to create the smile of their dreams.

Advantages of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry improves the look of the smile, but it also offers so much more. The smile is symbolic of happiness and it is usually the first thing you notice about another person, so it’s really important to be happy with your smile. Cosmetic dentistry gives everyone the opportunity to have a beautiful smile and enables people to feel confident and comfortable when they smile and speak. Treatment is becoming more affordable and accessible than ever before and the treatments are really impressive and innovative.

3 Steps To Dental Heaven With These Healthy Diet Tips

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

2429879_blogDiet has a strong influence on oral health and eating a healthy diet can really help to keep dental diseases at bay. Here are 3 healthy diet tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong:

  1. Keep an eye on your sugar consumption: sugar is the enemy when it comes to oral health because it causes bacteria in the mouth to feed and release harmful acids, which attack the enamel. Try to avoid eating a lot of sugary foods and washing them down with fizzy pop or energy drinks, especially between meals and always wait an hour before brushing your teeth after eating. If you have a sweet tooth, try to go for natural alternatives, such as fruit, yoghurt and frozen yoghurt.
  2. Watch out for ‘healthy’ products: many drinks and snacks, which are branded as healthy alternatives to junk food and confectionary are actually packed with hidden sugars. Look out for shop-bought smoothies, fruit juices and cereal bars and read the labels carefully. Smoothies are a really healthy option if you mane them yourself at home, but commercial products are often laden with sugar and sometimes contain more than fizzy drinks. Fruit juice is often very sugary and it is also very acidic, which is harmful for the tooth enamel; if you’re a fan of juice, try diluting it and avoid drinking it between meals.
  3. Hit your RDA of calcium every day: calcium is really important for healthy teeth and bones and it’s important to get your recommended daily intake every day. Good sources of calcium include milk, cheese, nuts, soya beans, leafy green vegetables and yoghurt. Adults need around 700mg per day, while children need around 1,000mg per day.

We Can Soothe Your Gummy Smile Gripes In Leeds

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

Woman SmileAlthough a gummy smile doesn’t cause any pain or unpleasant symptoms, it can affect confidence. If you have a gummy smile, we can help. With our gum reshaping techniques, we can enhance the look of your smile and boost your confidence.

What is a gummy smile?

A gummy smile is a cosmetic dental issue, which occurs when the gums cover a larger portion of the teeth than usual; this makes the teeth look smaller and shorter and means that a lot of gum tissue is visible when you smile. A gummy smile does not affect dental health and there are no symptoms; however, many people who have a gummy smile feel conscious about the appearance of their smile and this can affect the way they behave around others and how they feel in situations where their smile is in the spotlight.

Gum reshaping, also known as gum contouring, is a procedure used to treat a gummy smile. This procedure involves removing very small pieces of the gum tissue and reshaping the gums to expose more of the tooth crown and make the smile look more attractive. With gum reshaping, the teeth look longer and larger and the overall appearance of the smile is improved.

If you have a gummy smile and it’s affecting your confidence and holding you back, gum reshaping could help. The procedure is short and we use mild anaesthetic to prevent any pain; once the healing process is complete, you will be able to enjoy a beautiful new smile and confidence issues will be a thing of the past.