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Archive for the ‘6months smiles’ Category

Six Months Smile produces beautiful smiles in just half a year with Leeds dentists

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

What if it was possible to get a perfectly straight set of teeth in a matter of months? Sounds like just a distant dream or something reserved only for the very richest in society, but thanks to the incredible Six Months Smile procedure, this is now available to everybody. All you need is the desire to correct your crooked teeth and an appointment with your Leeds dentist.
The thing about traditional metal braces is, for all their effectiveness, they can look unsightly to say the least and take rather a long time to achieve what they are meant for. All those metal brackets and wires can leave you feeling ashamed of even opening your mouth and the prospect of having to put up with that for as long as three years puts plenty of people off.
Six Months Smile circumvents both of those problems while retaining the effectiveness of the tried and tested traditional metal brace. In a brilliantly simple solution to the problem of discretion, the wires that are used in Six Months Smile to move your teeth over time are actually made from special nickel titanium which is matched to the colour of your teeth. As for the length of treatment time, Six Months Smile takes as long as the name suggests: six months.
Six Months Smile is unable to rotate teeth but for minor and general alignment issues, it is perfectly suited. Make an appointment with your Leeds dentist to find out more about this revolutionary product and how it can change the look of your smile for good. You’ll be amazed by the results it produces in your teeth.

Central Leeds dentists offer Six Months Smile treatments to patients looking for a stunning smile

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

For many years now, patients have worn traditional metal braces to correct alignment issues with their teeth. While undoubtedly effective, they look rather unsightly, can be difficult to clean and often need to be worn for several years. If the thought of this puts you off, you may be interested in a revolutionary new product which bypasses those difficulties.
Incredible Six Months Smile can deal with problems such as over bite, spacing, overcrowded and crooked teeth in just six months, that’s a quarter of the amount of time most people have to wear a traditional brace for. Happily the cost is roughly the same as most other treatments, making it a truly viable option for many.
A further benefit of choosing the Six Months Smile treatment is that the product is far more discreet than traditional metal braces with their profusion of wires and brackets. The nickel titanium wires that are used in Six Months Smile treatment are able to be matched to the colour of your teeth, so that they are barely noticeable.
The Six Months Smile treatment involves seeing your dentist every month or so for a short appointment where your dentist will make adjustments to ensure that your teeth are being moved as desired. They usually only last about fifteen minutes so even those who are extremely busy will be able to fit them into their schedule.
If you are concerned about the look of your smile but put off the thought of wearing traditional metal braces, have a chat with your Central Leeds dentist about Six Months Smile and you might find that it is ideal for you and your needs.

Leeds dentists offer amazing Six Months Smile treatment

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

The prospect of wearing braces or aligners for up to three years puts many off orthodontic treatment. Imagine if your teeth could be straightened in a fraction of that time by a revolutionary process that is taking the dentistry world by storm. New to the UK, Six Months Smile has been offering American patients a discreet, comfortable and quick solution to crooked smiles. In only six months all of your teeth problems can be solved, allowing you to smile with confidence.

Whether you wish to overcome crowded teeth, overbite or problems with spacing, Six Months Smile reduces treatment time by 75% at roughly half the cost of traditional braces. Leeds dentists are now offering this astonishing treatment that will see you fitted with small, tooth-coloured brackets shipped directly from our dedicated US laboratories. Once fitted, just visit your dentist every four to five weeks for a fifteen minute appointment involving low-force adjustment and minimum discomfort and you will be on your way to the perfect smile.

Six Months Smile works by adjusting only the teeth which are on show when you smile, using special nickel titanium wires. Unlike traditional braces however, these wires are virtually invisible. How many of us have suffered from lack of confidence brought on by unsightly braces? This need no longer happen with six months smile and hundreds of patients in America have reaped the benefits of correcting crooked teeth with a product that is virtually invisible.

If you have been thinking about correcting your crooked smile but have been put off by the length of treatment and price of wearing braces, delay no longer. Ask your dentist today about Six Months Smile and achieve the perfect smile for your wedding or holiday.

Dentist in Leeds Promises You a 6 Months Smile

Sunday, June 20th, 2010

Do you feel too conscious of your teeth to even smile openly? Do you need to straighten your teeth but are unwilling to wear traditional braces for them? There are many uncomfortable things about having to go through a teeth straightening process. For starters, you have to wear metal braces on your teeth that can really ruin your looks. You can’t even get rid of them easily because you have to wear them for a long period, in some cases you might even have to wear them for up to three years.
This is all a thing of the past. The latest development in teeth straightening technology is something called the 6 Months Smile. It consists of a set of very discreet braces that match the colour of your teeth so that you barely look like you are wearing any corrective braces. Since this is the latest technology, you can straighten out your crooked teeth in an average of 6 months. This method does not cause too much discomfort and you will barely feel that you are undergoing any corrective procedure.
There are dental practices in Leeds where you can ask for this revolutionary treatment. You can achieve a beautiful smile without having to spend too much money. Look for any practice that offers this treatment and do not waste your time with old fashioned and cumbersome methods. Your friends will barely know that you are wearing braces and you will not have to feel self conscious about your looks.

Revolutionary Six Month Smile braces from Central Leeds dentist

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

According to the makers of the Six Month Smile brace it is a ‘revolutionary combination of proven orthodontic techniques, modern materials and innovative thought’. And frankly it’s quite hard to disagree with them. Orthodontic treatment has for a long time been overshadowed by the ominous presence of the fixed metal brace but finally things are starting to change and a new wave of more modern treatments is being introduced. At the forefront of this new movement is the Six Month Smile brace but just what is it that makes it so impressive?

The system is based on tried and tested methods of orthodontics but with significant improvements. One of the main concerns for many brace wearers has always been the length of treatment. After all nobody wants to have his or her appearance negatively altered for years on end. Six Month Smile braces addressed this problem first and foremost and the average treatment time is just six-months. Such an impressive achievement that they even named the product after it.

The braces also reduce the visual impact of metal braces by using brackets made of clear plastic or even tooth coloured ceramic. The results attainable with the Six Month brace are also more predictable than with any other brace meaning patients will have a clearer idea of how their teeth might look. The braces also use relatively low forces meaning that the levels of discomfort are kept to a minimum and there is less of a need for check up appointments. If you have misaligned teeth and are considering braces, ask a Central Leeds dentist about Six Month Smile braces.

Braces that suit you with Six Month Smile from Central Leeds dentist

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

It is now possible to straighten teeth and create a beautiful smile in as little as six months. Using the old style fixed metal braces, straightening could take up to three years but as technology has improved, so has treatment time for orthodontic braces.

One brace that is leading the way in this improved and faster straightening is the Six Month Smile. Pioneered and still manufactured in the US, Six Month braces are a safe, reliable and affordable solution to all your straightening needs. Importantly, they also limit the impact on your life that braces can cause using modern materials and proven orthodontic techniques.

Millions of people in the UK are self-conscious about their teeth but many are unwilling to make the sacrifice of wearing braces as they know how uncomfortable they are and how unpleasant they look. Six month braces really could be the answer to many patient’s straightening needs so make an appointment to discuss the treatment with a Central Leeds dentist today.

Six Month braces are discreet with only a small metal wire running on front of the teeth. The remainder of the straightening mechanism is hidden behind the teeth for extra discretion. The braces are completely removable which means they can be taken out for meal times and teeth cleaning.

Six Month braces are able to achieve such stunning results in such a short space of time as they mainly focus on teeth that are visible when smiling. These are the all important teeth when it comes to producing a beautiful smile. If you are one of the millions who have been put off the though of a brace in the past, the Six Month Smile may be just the brace to suit you.

Join the dental revolution with Six-Month Smile braces from Leeds dentist

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

Six-Month Smile braces represent a genuine alternative for patients wishing to straighten their teeth without the arduous prospect of having to wear uncomfortable and ugly fixed metal bracket braces for months on end. Patients wanting to put the finishing touches to a slightly off-centre smile can now do so in as little as six months. That’s right, it does exactly what it says on the tin.

Six-Month Smile braces can be used to treat a variety of orthodontic concerns including overcrowding, uneven spacing and all forms of bite issues. Unlike the traditional fixed metal braces, the wires are small and discreet. In fact, they are usually tooth-coloured for an extra degree of discretion. Six-Month braces may not be able to compete with invisible retainer braces for complete discretion, but they certainly make up for this with incredible speed of treatment. They provide an average treatment time 75 per cent shorter than that of most other forms of orthodontic treatment. This makes Six-Month braces ideal for patients wanting rapid teeth straightening and is particularly popular with brides-to-be eager to look as perfect as possible on their wedding day. Six-Month braces also cost about half the price of most invisible retainers making the decision a fairly simple one for most people.

Treatment usually involves being assessed by a dentist, during a preliminary appointment to judge suitability. Once this has been established, a dentist will fit the Six-Month braces, manufactured in the special Six-Month laboratory in the United States. The braces require short ten to fifteen minute appointments with the dentist every month for tightening and adjustment. Like most orthodontic procedures, Six-Month braces will be slightly uncomfortable at first but his will usually pass within the first week. After that the braces rarely cause any further discomfort to wearers.

The Six-Month treatment is an exciting new development in orthodontic treatment that has revolutionised brace wearing in the US. Thousands of patients have gone through the treatment program with stunning results and finally the Six-Month treatment is available to patients in the UK. The revolutionary titanium wires are able to achieve such stunning and quick results by focusing solely on the teeth visible when smiling. Make an appointment with a Leeds dentist to discuss the further benefits of Six-Month smile braces and to gain a more detailed guide to costing.

Fast teeth straightening with Six-Month Smile braces from Leeds dentist

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Twenty years ago, patients who required orthodontic teeth straightening were limited in their options. Metal braces were sturdy and effective but they were also uncomfortable and unseemly and if you wanted straight teeth you had little option but to have them fitted. This could be especially upsetting for patients in their teenage years as it meant having to visibly stand out form the crowd during an emotionally difficult time. Thankfully, advances in technology have meant that patients now have a multitude of options available to them, ranging from the very discreet to the very fast acting. The aesthetic impact of braces has been greatly reduced, as has the level of discomfort. Nowhere is this more true than with the Six-Month Smile treatment.

Six-Month Smile treatments focus especially on the teeth that are visible when smiling. The revolutionary new treatment uses specially designed nickel-titanium wires to reposition overcrowded teeth into more natural looking positions. Because of its more focused approach, Six-Month Smile braces can reduce overall treatment time by 75 per cent when compared to more traditional teeth straightening methods.

Another significant advantage is that the wires used by Six-Month Smile treatments are tooth-coloured and very small. This makes it a very discreet treatment that is hardly noticeable unless standing very close to the patient. Levels of discomfort are also lower than other methods of teeth straightening, including conventional metal braces and invisible plastic retainers. Six-Month braces require only ten to fifteen minute adjustment appointments each month to reposition wires.

If you suffer from overcrowded teeth or are considering having some form of orthodontic teeth straightening, ask a Leeds dentist about Six-Month Smile treatments. This revolutionary new system offers incredibly fast straightening, with most treatments proving effective after, you’ve guessed it, six-months. The braces have also been specially designed to be discreet and comfortable in order to minimise disruption to patients’ lives. Six-Month Smile braces really give you the best of both worlds when it comes to teeth straightening.

Discreet and fast-acting braces from Central Leeds dentist

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

More and more people are opting to have their teeth artificially straightened by orthodontic methods. More often than not this involves having some form of orthodontic brace fitted to reposition teeth. Twenty years ago, patients were limited in their options, with uncomfortable and unseemly metal braces being the only realistic option. While these braces were sturdy and effective, they were often too much of a sacrifice for many patients and could be especially troublesome for patients in their emotionally difficult teenage years. Thankfully, dental technology has advanced in huge strides in the last two decades and there are now braces available that offer incredibly fast and discreet treatment.

At the top end of the discretion scale is Invisalign invisible braces. Made of one millimetre thick clear plastic, Invisailgn braces were introduced in 1999 by Align technologies. By using a series of these retainers consecutively, each with minor adjustments, teeth can be straightened without anybody ever even realising you are wearing a brace. Invisalign braces are completely removable, and so do not cause any embarrassing messy eating and can be taken out for important social or professional occasions.

For patients seeking fast acting treatment there is the Inman aligner. Inman aligners sit behind the teeth with only a small metal bar visible across the front of the teeth. By utilising the force of a coiled spring, the aligner simultaneously pushes out the teeth at the side creating room for the front teeth to straighten. Results can be seen after only an incredible six weeks. Inman aligners are also completely removable.

Similarly fast is the Six-Month Smile treatment which promises straight teeth in, you’ve guessed it, six-months. Offering a more comfortable straightening treatment, the Six-Month Smile brace is constructed of thin, tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, which again are very discreet.

Even fixed metal braces are smaller and more efficient. Damon braces are fixed like the old ‘train-track’ braces, but by using their revolutionary sliding mechanism do not require any uncomfortable brace tightening. Damon braces also do not require patients to have multiple extractions before treatment starts, as was the case with the old fixed metal braces. With brackets made of ceramic and clear plastic they are also far less visibly intrusive.

These are just some of the options patients now have when considering having a brace fitted. Having a beautiful smile is something everybody wants. Now it can be achieved without having to wear ugly and irritating metal braces for months or even years. Ask a Central Leeds dentist to advise you on which brace would work best for you.

Leeds dentist straightens teeth in six weeks with Inman aligner

Friday, September 18th, 2009

Everybody wants to have straight teeth, but for those not born with naturally straight nashers, the only real option is to have them straightened. In the past this has meant wearing uncomfortable and unseemly metal braces, which can be the source of great embarrassment, especially for teenagers. More recently, we have seen the advent of invisible plastic braces which, while discreet, often take a very long time to be effective.

Now, however, there is a new alternative. A straightening device that is as discreet as invisible braces and as effective as the old fashioned metal ones. The Inman aligner works by using a coiled spring on the tongue side of the teeth which simultaneously pushes the side teeth back and the front teeth forwards. In doing so it creates room for the front teeth to move into and straighten.

The Inman aligner is not completely invisible. There is a metal bar that sits in front of the teeth but due to the astonishing speed of results, most patients and dentists don’t see this as a major disadvantage. Most treatments show results between six and sixteen weeks, which compared to the months and even years of conventional braces, is incredibly fast.

When initially used the aligner can cause some minor discomfort due to the pressure being exerted on the teeth but this rarely lasts more than a week as you become accustomed to it. Other than this the process is completely painless.

The Inman aligner is mostly suitable for patients with minor straightening issues. Any serious overcrowding will require more substantial corrective treatment but for patients looking to put the finishing touches to their straight teeth, there really is no substitute. The Inman aligner is also completely removable so can be taken out to eat or if the patient so desires in the circumstances.

If your teeth could do with being that little bit straighter, talk to a Leeds dentist about the Inman aligner, and within six weeks you could have the straight toothed smile you’ve always wanted. Call 0113 245 4868 to make an appointment with Dr Gakhal