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Archive for the ‘dental disorders’ Category

Gum Disease and Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Gum disease and bad breath have this uncanny knack of becoming dance partners at a party you really shouldn’t be at in central Leeds. Generally in most people that suffer the indignity of having bad breath, it’s a direct fall-out of not caring for your teeth in the first place- bad oral hygiene. It all starts with the build up of plaque that gets into the gums and infects them. Then the mouth can start to dry around the teeth and then give off a pungent taste in the mouth and if it tastes bad, it sure isn’t going to give off a nice smell either. But there are other factors that can also impact on gum disease- diabetes, diet, stress and heavy medication. The thing is, the problem of bad breath can only be treated head on by also getting your dentist involved- they can tackle the gum disease and then advise you on how to suppress the problem when working on your teeth and gums at home. Oral hygiene should be of the highest order here, to give your mouth and gums a fighting chance- herbal remedies are wonderful for treating gum disease, but so too is ensuring that you maintain the saliva levels in the mouth by ensuring it is constantly in a flux of hydration; this will ensure that any bacteria is ‘destroyed’ naturally. This can also be done by changing your diet and identifying the symptoms behind your lifestyle which may be adding to the problem of your gum disease and hence, your bad breath.

Preventing Teeth Grinding in the City of Leeds

Monday, September 26th, 2011

After a hectic day of stress and anxiety in the city of Leeds, do you know how to chill-out when you get home? Have a hot bath, soft music, glass of wine, light-up some incense, soft music and a cup of herbal tea before a book at bedtime? Or do you find you’re just as anxious and angry as you have been all day when you hit the pillow? Because if you’re not relaxing properly, you may well find that you are grinding your teeth while you sleep. The symptoms to look out for here are aching and clicking jaws, neck and upper back and if you suffer from any of these, you are putting your health on the line, let alone wearing down the enamel on your teeth and leaving yourself open to tooth decay and gum disease. The point at where the jaws meet is a very delicate area that has to take the every day things you throw at it anyway, but what it doesn’t need is extra stress placed upon it from teeth grinding and if you fail to rectify the problem, it could let to some very expensive repair work on your teeth and surgery on your jaws. A dentist can help your teeth by prescribing a mouth-guard, but what is really essential is to get your stress and anger under control by seeking professional help from someone who can teach you stress management, and stop you from feeding your tension through your jaws, into your head and then down the neck into the upper back.

The Concerns of Central Apnea in the City of Leeds

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

When we breathe at night, it’s done by the brain sending signals to the muscles that regulate the breathing. This also then leads onto the way the heart pushes blood and oxygen around the bloodstream. Central apnea however is the term used when the brain stops sending signals to these muscles and you stop breathing over and over again. It will normally occur in people in the city of Leeds that have had medical problems with the spine or that have had neurological problems in the passed that in some way, has interfered with the brainstem- with is the organ that deals with the muscles that control the breathing. Often term central sleep apnea, it can be very life threatening. Other than the causes already talked about, other causes of the disorder are obesity, people with problems associated with the spine such as Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, those who are on heavy medication and people with congestive heart disorders. The symptoms vary from fatigue, headaches when you wake and problems with sleeping, but treating it is complex is complex: the heart can be repaired, and dentists can supply devices to aid the breathing- some drugs are used too to help- but in people that have a damaged brainstem- it becomes difficult.

Bad Breath and the use of Oral Products in Leeds

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

It’s amazing when you look around Leeds just how many products there are on the market to keep up your oral hygiene program at home, and especially ones that promise to stave of bad breath. If you are someone who suffers from bad breath, you probably suffer from a lack of saliva in the mouth making it dry so probably, you’re first option to try to remedy the smell with a mouth wash- because that’s good for you and will, kill off bacteria in the mouth….or is it good for your mouth? Some of the cheaper mouthwashes contain alcohol which yes, is good for killing bacteria, but which also can dry the mouth out even more- adding to the problem of bad breath. They may also contain a masking agent, which dries your mouth out too and though your breath smells okay for a while afterwards- it does nothing to remedy the overall problem. If you are suffering from a dry mouth, you’d also be very wise to steer clear of toothpastes that whiten your teeth, for they contain bleaching agents that can compound your problem. What you need to do is seek advice from someone who can help with your problem and steer you away from products that will only make it worse- and the person best to do that is you dentist.

Understand bad breath and eliminate the causes; Central Leeds dentists can help you with this

Thursday, September 15th, 2011

If you are aware that you sometimes suffer from bad breath, it can be very difficult to cope with. Social occasions become that much more difficult if you know that every time you open your mouth to speak, breathe or smile you are giving off unpleasant smells. Dentists can help put an end to this problem as they are able to examine your mouth, find the cause of your bad breath and then advise about how you might deal with it.
Bad breath is caused by the prevalence of a certain type of bacteria in the mouth. Known as halitosis, bad breath bacteria favour certain types of conditions in the mouth and the key to ridding yourself of it is to make sure that your mouth is not the sort of place where it can thrive.
On a basic level, bad breath bacteria find it is easy to stick to the teeth if the mouth is dry. If you are a smoker or someone who tends to imbibe a lot of alcohol, these habits can contribute to the drying out of your mouth. Mouthwashes too, although effective at freshening breath in the short term, also dry out the mouth and leave it an ideal place for bad breath bacteria to hang around in.
Think about the ways in which you can moisten up your mouth on a regular basis. Chewing gum can help and regular tooth brushing too. If your mouth is dry and not producing enough saliva then you will be more open to the invidious effects of plaque as well so it is definitely worth seeking the advice of a dentist in central Leeds.

Central Leeds dentist examines mouth of patient to find the cause of their bad breath

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

Bad breath is clinically known as halitosis and is something that most of us have had to put up with in small doses every now and then. Eating dishes that are heavy on the garlic leaves the smell of garlic lingering in the mouth for some time and coffee tends to affect the odour of breath. Many people first thing in the morning find that their breath does not smell fragrant then either. But for some people the problem is more chronic than just occasionally having unpleasant breath.
For these people with chronic bad breath, they are prone to the bacteria which causes breath to smell unpleasant and, without professional help, there is little that can be done about it. You should go and see your dentist if you have such a problem so that it can be sorted out by a trained expert who knows how oral hygiene works.
Bad breath is causes by certain bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria form when the mouth is particularly dry, thus explaining why breath can be bad in the morning and after coffee which dries out the mouth. Most people will be able to banish these bacteria in the morning by brushing their teeth but for some it just won’t go away.
There might be other conditions that are keeping the bacteria in the mouth. Smoking causes the mouth to be drier than it ought to be and this is the ideal condition for halitosis bacteria.
Dentists in central Leeds have all the solutions to problems with bad breath

The dangers of Thumb Sucking in Leeds

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Thumb sucking is a natural thing when a child is born, in fact, it’s a common thing attributed to apes as well- that’s not to akin people from Leeds to apes! Even from within the womb, a baby tends to suck on anything it can, which is considered to be a desire to suckle on the breast when born- it’s even comforting to a child. But when it comes to the way the teeth grow, it can be exceedingly detrimental if the process is not nipped in the bud. Thumb sucking before the teeth start to appear is perfectly acceptable as it helps to break the teeth through the gums during these early days. But after that, it needs to be stopped. For a start, teeth at this stage of a person’s life are ambiguous in themselves as they are very suceptible to infection and tooth decay from the foods that are put into a mouth full of erupting teeth through gums. But the pressure put on the teeth and gums at this very delicate from the sucking process can cause the teeth to grow out of synch and produce unnecessary inflammation in the gums. This can also lead to early tooth decay, so to wean a child off this habit at this early stage, can only be healthy for their teeth in the long term future.

Your kids and Ankylosis in the City of Leeds

Monday, August 29th, 2011

Ankylosis is one of those conditions in the city of Leeds, that you may well never have heard of before but may well have been a victim of. In the natural order of things, our teeth tend to grow healthy, and as a child, we start to lose our teeth, and a natural process will kick in where the baby teeth will dissolve allowing the new teeth to come through. However, in the real world of teeth, it isn’t always that easy and the fresh ligaments that protect the teeth may dry up and cause problems in the mouth because of complications which can be congenital or the constant pressure from the tongue. Teeth also grow at different rates which the mouth simply fails to keep up with and so there is a high risk of infection. But in adults, there can be a similar threat to the health of the mouth if a tooth suffers from injury and the ligaments cannot recover. The roots may require root canal treatment and a crown to save the tooth. One of the many studies of how the natural growth related between the gums and teeth has also been defined by diet and ankylosis has been linked to the calcium deficiency in third world countries. Constant appointments with a dentist from the moment the baby teeth start show all the way up to adulthood can monitor the way the teeth are affected by such problems and the earlier the issue related between the teeth and gums is diagnosed, the quicker the teeth can be treated.

Getting to grips with Sleep Apnea in Central Leeds

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

When we pack down for the night in central Leeds, the body goes into automatic and the heart, the brain and the lungs take over. All of these three units work together to regulate the breathing as you sleep. However, if there is a blockage somewhere down the line, especially in the mouth, these three start to work in an irregular fashion that makes the breathing intermittent; snoring is one of the side effects. Dentists are well aware of this problem because they realise what the overall downside is. Keeping your teeth free from gum disease prevents poisoning of the heart and allows you to sleep peacefully. But that’s not the only way to fight this problem- sleep apnea works in mysterious ways. It can cause breathing to become so irregular, it can give you a terrible night’s sleep. And the way you wake too can affect the heart as you pull out of the sleep. Over a sustained period of time, all of the major three units will start to operate dysfunction ally causing a total brake down in the sleep pattern and then your health will deteriorate,: poor sleep will show itself through stress and mood swings. Other than keeping yourself healthy and once the problem has been identified, your dentist will prescribe devices to wear at night to support the flow of air to the lungs. If this fails to work, an operation may be required.

Leeds dentists warn patients that sleep apnea can lead to heart failure

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Your dentist has all sorts of things to look out for in your mouth when you go and see him or her for your six month check up. Things like tooth decay and gum disease are obvious but many people don’t know that dentists can also spot the signs of sleep apnea, a debilitating condition which interrupts sleep. Read on to find out more information about it.
Sleep apnea occurs when muscles at the rear of patient’s mouth relax too much during sleep and oxygen is unable to get into the body. The brain will send a signal to wake up the body every time this happens so patient’s sleep can be severely disrupted. In some cases patients are unaware that they are actually waking up, they are more drifting into a lighter state of sleep but feel very tired during the day.
All of this means that sleep apnea patients have an increased risk of hypertension to contend with. Heart attacks and strokes become a greater concern too as well as the general fatigue they will experience. Leeds dentists can help to diagnose sleep apnea by examining the muscles in question during one of the six months check-ups which should be part of your routine.
Sleep apnea can be combatted by the wearing of one of several inter oral devices during sleep. In their various forms they ensure that oxygen get flow into the lungs unimpeded. Sometimes it might be a case of recognising what is causing your sleep apnea in the first place and then making the necessary changes to your lifestyle. Drinking alcohol before sleep can be a contributing factor and smokers are more prone to sleep apnea.