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Archive for the ‘gums’ Category

Good Grief! Gum Disease Can Be A Thing Of The Past In Heartland Leeds

Friday, April 11th, 2014

863081_blogGum disease is a condition, which affects thousands of people in the UK, but with good oral hygiene and a healthy diet, we can make sure that you are not one of the statistics. The good thing about gum disease is that it is completely preventable and we firmly believe that prevention is always a better option than cure.

Gum disease is most commonly caused by plaque, a sticky substance, which forms when bacteria combine with food debris and saliva. Plaque irritates the gums, causing them to become swollen, sore and tender. Bleeding from the gums is usually the first sign people notice. The best way to prevent plaque from developing in the mouth is to clean the teeth regularly and floss; when you brush your teeth, you remove bacteria and leftover bits of food from your mouth and this prevents harmful bacteria from gathering around the teeth and gums. Flossing is also essential because it targets areas, such as the gaps between the teeth, which cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush.

Treating gum disease

If you already have signs of gum disease, there is no need to panic; we can help! Our dentists work with highly trained dental hygienists to treat and manage gum disease and to reduce symptoms and ensure that you are as comfortable as possible. In cases of advanced gum disease, treatment usually takes a long time and involves repeat hygiene sessions. The most common treatments used for periodontal disease include scale and polish and root planning, which is designed to clean beneath the gum line.

Halt Gum Disease With Your City Of Leeds Hygienist

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

2990539_sYou may assume that you only need to see a dental hygienist if you’ve already got gum disease or you suffer from bad breath, but this isn’t the case and almost all patients would benefit from seeing a hygienist from time to time.

Our hygienists are an integral part of the team and they provide a range of services to help you enjoy good oral health and reduce your risk of developing decay and gum disease.

Our hygienists work with the dentists to lower the risk of gum disease in some patients and treat and manage the condition in others. By providing regular cleaning sessions and treatments, such as scale and polish, your hygienist will do everything they can to remove harmful bacteria from your mouth to prevent gum irritation and pain.

Oral hygiene is the key to preventing and fighting gum disease and you only need to dedicate five minutes of your day to cleaning your teeth to see the benefits. Without brushing, bacteria collect in your mouth and combine with saliva and food particles to form plaque, a sticky film, which irritates the gums and contributes to the formation of cavities. Once gum disease hits, it becomes more advanced and early treatment is essential. Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease, is easily managed with good oral hygiene, but periodontal disease is much more serious and requires intensive, long-term treatment.

If you notice signs of gum disease, including bleeding, swollen and sore gums, give us a call and we will make you an appointment as quickly as possible.

Has Your Smile Reached its Potential? Gum Contouring in Leeds City Centre

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

2904346_blogIt’s natural to want to look your best and as your smile is often the first thing people see when they meet you, it’s essential that you feel happy with the look of your teeth. Few people are blessed with a flawless smile, but if you want to improve the look of your smile, there are some amazing treatments that can achieve this. One popular treatment is gum contouring, a procedure used to treat a gummy smile.

What is a gummy smile?

A gummy smile is a term used by dentists to describe the smile when there is a large amount of the gum tissue covering the tooth crown. There are no medical complications of a gummy smile and patients do not suffer from pain, swelling or tenderness, but there are aesthetic implications. With a gummy smile, the teeth tend to look small and short and this can affect the overall appearance of the smile. Many people who have a gummy smile feel less confident when they speak to others or smile to greet people and gum contouring can help to increase self-esteem.

The procedure involves re-shaping the gums and removing tiny amounts of the gum tissue to make more of the tooth crown visible. The gums are anaesthetised beforehand to make sure you don’t feel any pain and the results of treatment are really impressive. The procedure usually takes less than an hour.

Prevention is better than Cure When it comes to Gum Disease

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

221838_blogAs dentists, we ardently support the notion that prevention is better than cure and there is no better demonstration of this than the case of gum disease. In the UK, gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults, yet it is completely preventable. We recommend good oral hygiene, healthy eating and regular dental appointments to ensure you have healthy, pain-free gums.

About gum disease

Gum disease is a common oral disease, which causes the gums to become very sore, tender and swollen. It is caused by bacteria, which are able to gather in your mouth if you neglect your daily brushing and cleaning routine. Bacteria combine with saliva and bits of food which results in the formation of plaque. Plaque is a soft, colourless substance, which is able to stick to the teeth and the gum line. When you eat, the bacteria in the plaque release acids. These acids attack the enamel and the gums, causing acid wear to the enamel and irritation to the gums.

It’s really important to be able to spot the signs of gum disease because early treatment is essential. Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease is easy to treat and manage, but I it is not treated, there is a risk that it will develop into periodontal disease. This is an advanced form of gum disease, which is much more difficult to treat.

The best ways to prevent gum disease are to keep tabs on your diet and avoid eating a lot of sugary foods, see your dentist every 6 months for a check-up and ensure you brush your teeth twice a day. Flossing is also really beneficial for making sure your gum line is free from plaque.

Are you aware of the dangers of bleeding gums?

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

297243_blogYour gums say a lot about your general health and if you notice that your gums are bleeding, this usually indicates the early signs of gum disease. Gum disease is a very common problem; in fact, most of us experience the symptoms of gum disease at some point in our lives. However, this does not mean that it should be ignored and several studies have linked gum disease to systemic illnesses, so it is perhaps more important to be wary of the waning signs of gum disease; researchers have found a connection between gum disease and heart disease, strokes, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and get checked out if you have bleeding gums. Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease, which is usually characterised by swollen and bleeding gums, is easily treated with effective oral hygiene treatment. However, it can progress quickly and this is where gum disease becomes a real problem. Periodontal disease, the advanced form of gum disease, is impossible to cure and it results in permanent damage to the mouth, often causing the teeth to become loose and eventually, to fall out. The positive news about gum disease is that it is preventable and you only have to devote a few minutes a day to caring for your mouth to reduce your risks of gum disease significantly. Brushing your teeth and flossing remove bacteria and food deposits from the mouth before they can develop into plaque. Plaque is a colourless film, which clings to the teeth and gum line, irritating the gums and increasing the risk of damage to the tooth enamel. Effective oral hygiene helps to prevent the formation of plaque, keeping the teeth strong and the gums healthy.

The grief of Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

2591127_blogMake no mistake about it, gum disease can be a killer and unless you fight it on all fronts, it could be the death of you in the future in Leeds. You see, this condition is a direct result of you being flippant with your diet, your lifestyle and your oral hygiene and if it gets a hold, it is very difficult to tackle. If you find your gums are bleeding or weeping, get to your dentist ASAP and get treated; and whilst there ask for advice. You will have to turn your life around; change your ways and improve your lifestyle- certainly improve your oral hygiene. Bring in herbal remedies as they are good for tackling gum disease, and massage you gums each day, as this will promote blood flow. If you care to ignore this problem, good luck; it will lead to tooth loss, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Whilst the disease is doing a number on your gums, it is leaking toxins into your bloodstream which will be fed and deposited in all of your vital organs- especially the heart. In time these too will become diseased and in the end they will simply give up the ghost and fail….do you really need any other reasons to fight gum disease and look after your teeth and gums?

Shaping your gums for a better smile in Leeds

Friday, January 10th, 2014

3200188_blogIf you find that your confidence and self expression in Leeds is being held back because you have a ‘gummy’ smile, then it’s about time you got along to your dentist and talk about having your gums contoured. This operation has become a piece of cake to do thanks to laser surgery and you can be freed in no time at all from your inhibitions. Once you sit in that chair, your gums will be numbed with a local anaesthetic and then the dentist will slowly burn away the gums with the laser- the gums that show when you smile; this will only take around 30 minutes to do and it won’t cost a lot either. For a few days after, you may feel a little discomfort but because lasers do very little damage, healing will be fairly quick and you can also take painkillers to numb any pain. You must be careful of what you eat and drink, and of your oral hygiene; a medicated mouthwash is highly recommended until your gums settle. In some cases, it would be advisable to have veneers fitted afterwards to cover up areas of the teeth that have no enamel on them. But hey, come on! All of this is nothing compared to the freedom that you now have and are able to express yourself in a way that you never could before.

Being self-conscious of a Gummy Smile in Central Leeds

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

2977218_blogIt has been said that you are what you are born with and for some of us we inherit the physical traits of our parents. Okay, but it doesn’t help if you get some of the worst features and having a ‘gummy’ smile is a good example of this. This is where the length of the teeth is greatly reduced by excess gum and it doesn’t look pretty when you smile. This ‘condition’ can cause you to be withdrawn whenever you try to express yourself in public in central Leeds and over time it can make you shy and introverted. But the modern world of dentistry pretty much has the answers to everything that is wrong in the mouth today, and it does have the answer to excess gums- and it isn’t expensive either. Book an appointment with your dentist, pay your money and in just 30 minutes, the gums can be contoured with laser surgery. This will give back the length of your teeth again, but more importantly, make you feel like a new person for the first time in your life; your confidence will ooze out and you will be able to express yourself in a way you have never done before- go on, take a leap of faith and set yourself free.

Watching out for Periodontal Disease in Central Leeds

Friday, December 27th, 2013

4390244_blogOral hygiene is a very important part of your daily routine in central Leeds and it must be maintained to the highest standard you can; you also have your dentist in tow should you ever miss something. You see, your mouth is very vulnerable to the constant threat of plaque and this is where all problems start in the mouth. If allowed to progress, it can lead to the gums becoming diseased, the teeth decayed and then you could be into periodontal disease- plus the threat of an abscess or too. This will eat away at the bone structure below the teeth and in time, you will start to lose them. If your mouth has got to this stage, it will take a monumental and costly effort to turn around; it could involve quite complex bone and tissue grafting and it could jeopardise the future health of your mouth. If you show any signs of bleeding/weeping gums or suffer from toothache, then do something about it straight away; get to your dentist and get patched upon to prevent periodontal disease setting in.

The dangerous link between Diabetes and Gum Disease in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

302075_blogDiabetes is a very difficult condition to deal with and you have to adapt your life in the city of Leeds to cope with the condition. It weakens your immune system and you are very, very vulnerable to all manner of things going wrong. From a dentistry point of view, it can also cause the saliva levels in your mouth to dry-up and this is bad news for your mouth, because a dry mouth enables bacteria to breed and one of the results of this can be gum disease if you are not careful. Once this takes hold, it can poison your blood and compound the condition and infect most of the organs in the body- weakening you even further; but the links between these two conditions works the other way around as well. Gum disease attacks the immune system, and this can lower the sugar levels in your bloodstream and leave you open to the diabetes erupting in your body. Learn all you can about both conditions and then attack them the best you can should you suffer from either; what you don’t want is both so get as much advice you can at treating them.