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Archive for the ‘Invisalign’ Category

Discreet Brace Treatment? Leeds Has Invisalign For Celebrity Straight Smiles

Thursday, April 24th, 2014

Woman SmileHave you ever thought that celebrities tend to have suspiciously perfect looking smiles? Do you feel hard done by because you’ve not been blessed with perfectly aligned teeth? If so, you may be comforted by the fact that many celebrities have undergone extensive dental treatment, including orthodontic treatment, to get their gleaming pearly whites and these treatments could help you to achieve the same Hollywood worthy smile.

Tom Cruise, Justin Bieber, Brooklyn Beckham and Miley Cyrus are just a handful of famous faces who have worn braces to get their flawless smiles and with Invisalign, you too can enjoy a dream smile. Invisalign is a clear brace system, which has taken the world by storm and offers a virtually invisible alternative to traditional fixed braces.

Invisalign employs a different method of tooth straightening to fixed braces and uses a series of specially designed removable aligners to move the teeth into place easily. The aligners are manufactured according to detailed personalised treatment plans, which plot the movement of the teeth and each one is worn for 2 weeks. The aligners should be worn for at least 21 hours per day and they are designed to be taken out when you eat and clean your teeth.

Aside from the obvious advantage that Invisalign aligners are clear, they are also comfortable and easy to keep clean; you can also enjoy the freedom of eating without any worry about getting food trapped in your teeth during meals out and the ability to clean your teeth in the normal way.

If you’re longing for a celebrity style smile and you are searching for a discreet treatment, Invisalign could be the answer!

Invisalign: Our Comfortable, Discreet Treat for Leeds Patients

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

4865112_blogAre you searching for a discreet, comfortable orthodontic treatment? Have you been waiting for a more appealing alternative to traditional fixed braces? If so, the wait is over! Allow us to introduce you to Invisalign.

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment with a difference! Unlike traditional treatments, this system uses a series of bespoke removable aligners to move the teeth, creating a beautiful smile. The aligners are made from transparent plastic and they are worn in a set order with each one in position for two weeks. Invisalign aligners are removable and they should be taken out when you clean your teeth and eat. As well as making these actions easier, it also means that it is very simple to keep you’re aligners clean. The braces are also very comfortable and they don’t need to be adjusted, which is usually quite painful for patients who have fixed braces.

Invisalign is a treatment that is suitable for most patients and ideal for those who would prefer a more discreet treatment. The aligners are virtually invisible, which means that you can go through treatment without worrying about how you look or battling comments from other people.

If you have crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth and you’re desperate to find a solution, which doesn’t involve wearing highly visible braces for months on end, this could be the perfect option for you.

Invisible Braces for the Self-Conscious Teen

Monday, March 24th, 2014

2370471_sTeenagers are under a lot of pressure to look good these days and often the last thing they want is a set of braces. Braces have never been the coolest look but image-conscious teens will be thrilled to learn that there is now an invisible means of getting an amazing new smile. Invisalign is an incredibly popular clear brace system, which offers a specially designed treatment, Invisalign Teen, for younger patients.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an innovative removable brace system, which offers a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional metal fixed braces. Rather than wearing a fixed brace for months, patients wear a series of specially made removable aligners, which are made from clear plastic. Each aligner is different and all are worn for a fortnight.

Invisalign Teen is the same as Invisalign but it offers additional benefits designed especially for teenagers. There are spare aligners available and the aligners are marked with coloured indicators to remind patients when to swap their brace for the next in the series.

Invisalign is a great option for younger patients who are worried about the impact of wearing a brace on their looks and what other people may say about them having treatment. These aligners are virtually invisible, they are convenient and comfortable and they will produce an amazing smile at the end of it all. Call us today to find out more!

People of Leeds, invisible braces really are all they’re cracked up to be!

Saturday, February 8th, 2014

 18625044If you’ve read about invisible braces, you may have thought you were dreaming, but we have good news: invisible braces really are all they’re cracked up to be! If you’ve been thinking about braces for a while, but always been reluctant because you didn’t want to wear highly visible braces, now is the time to go for it! Invisalign is a modern alternative to traditional braces, which provides a solution for al those people who have avoided braces in the past based on aesthetics. Invisalign is not like traditional orthodontic treatments. Rather than using a fixed brace, which is made from metal brackets and wires, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners to generate forces and straighten the teeth. These aligners are light and they are transparent, which makes them virtually invisible to other people. If you wanted to, you could go through the entire treatment process without anyone else even finding out that you are wearing braces. The treatment process is fairly simple. Before you wear your aligner for the first time, your treatment will be planned and the aligners will be made according to your personalised plan. Each aligner is different and the treatment works as a series, with each one worn for 2 weeks and removed to eat, drink and clean the teeth. Invisalign is suitable for most patients and it represents an ideal choice for those who want a discreet treatment, which also offers convenience and comfort.






The beautiful world of Invisalign in the City of Leeds

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

386703_blogThere are some things that come along in the dental world that blows your mind and when it comes to having your teeth straightened in the city of Leeds, there is none more exquisite than Invisalign; this treatment is brilliantly unique in the way it works. Once you have been measured up and have been approved with the programme (it doesn’t work for everybody), then you will be kitted out with around a half a dozen aligners that you swap over as your teeth start to move into line. These aligners are all removable so that is superb when it comes to oral hygiene. But aside from the fact that this is very fast, Invisalign’s best quality is that each aligner is manufactured from a clear plastic; what this means is that whenever it is in the mouth, anyone around you can barely tell you’re wearing it. Of course, all of this luxury comes at a price, and this product doesn’t come cheap- it is the more expensive options to go for. But come on, the benefits of going down this road far outweigh the costs…at least give it a look.


Invisalign or Fixed Metal Braces? You decide in Central Leeds

Saturday, April 6th, 2013

The world of orthodontics has gone through quite an amazing transition over the past 30 years in central Leeds. It’s no longer all about metal braces and years of pipe-work in your mouth because there are some incredible upstarts come over from America to challenge the old ideas of fixed braces, one of which is a aligner based treatment called Invisalign- this really does push the boundaries when it comes to teeth alignment. For a start, it works faster than traditional braces, which is already a bonus; it is also removable, an incredible advantage, so it’s brushing and eating as normal. But probably the most outrageous thing about this aligner is that it is invisible: made from a clear plastic, it can barely be seen when fitted into the mouth- and therein lies the biggest issue for brace wearers in the past, the look. However it isn’t for everyone and will not overcome serious orthodontic problems: metal braces can. For whatever you may hate about metal braces, they can overcome the most serious of teeth problems as they can be built bespoke for your mouth and cope with the most complex orthodontic challenges- Invisalign can’t do this. Yes the metal may look unsightly and yes, they may be a nuisance to clean, but they work slowly and precisely, and will deliver superb results in the end…..they are also far cheaper.


Central Leeds gets the invisible Aligner- Invisalign

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

If you have to go through a serious operation to your teeth like tooth alignment, you’d rather it be done as quickly as possible and with the utmost discretion, as the eyes of onlookers will always be drawn to your smile, especially if you have half of the steel industry wrapped around your teeth. Well, if it’s discretion that you seek during this turbulent time in central Leeds then look no further than Invisalign, for this aligner is a dream. During the treatment, you will change the aligner regularly as your teeth start to move into the desired position, but oh boy, how it moves the teeth! For a start, the aligner is constructed from a see-through plastic which means it is virtually invisible once in place. You also have the luxury of it being removable, so hygiene and eating pose no problem what-so-ever, so essentially, life goes on as normal while your teeth are being straightened. The other bonus of this system is that it is fast- three times faster than conventional treatments; in fact, there is a strain of Invisalign that boasts results in just 6 months! Before you embark on your teeth alignment, you should seriously take a good look at this device; though not the cheapest, it is unbelievably brilliant.


Stunning Invisalign in Central Leeds

Saturday, March 9th, 2013

Finding Nemo, Saving Private Ryan, Looking for Invisalign…great movies! Well, except for the last one maybe, but none-the-less, Invisalign is a classic in its own right and one that has dentists reaching for their voting pads in dentistry circles all around central Leeds. Why? Well it literally poops on all other forms of tooth alignment that have ever gone before it- it’s a cracker! There is no self consciousness when you have this aligner in your mouth because it is literally invisible, due to the fact it is manufactured from a special clear plastic that is hard to see when it is being worn. Now that is freedom enough for anyone going through any form of teeth alignment, but it gets better. You can take the aligner out whenever you fancy and this allows you to clean your teeth and to eat as normal- magical. But the icing on this cake is that the treatment is rapid: various forms of this treatment can be over and done with anywhere from six months upwards. It doesn’t suit everyone, so you will need to get measured up first to see if it will work for you. It isn’t the cheapest treatment either, but for what it does and how it does it, there is nothing quite like it and it can make possibly one of the most important periods of your life (tooth alignment) a complete breeze; check it out.


Clever Invisalign wins over Central Leeds

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

The USA is responsible for a lot of what is going on in the world today, but there is no doubting that one field they excel in is orthodontics; all things dental in fact. So it is wonderful then that some of their radically brilliant aligners have sailed across the Atlantic to woo the British and about time too: traditional braces aren’t the best option to get your teeth straightened, for many reasons, like the time involved, but especially the way they look once they are in. All of this is completely removed if you opt for Invisalign, a States-side dream that will woo you in central Leeds too. Once you are measured up and ready to go, you will be fitted with your first-of-many dainty, ‘gum-shield’ styled aligners. Dainty….dramatic more likes! The aligner is made from clear plastic, making it virtually invisible once it is fitted into place. That’s Invisalign’s first big plus. The second is that it can be removed at any time, as long as you wear it for around 22 hours a day, so that is perfect for eating and then, cleaning your teeth afterwards. Another advantage is that it works on average, a lot faster than most of the other options out there: Invisalign is also evolving its methods; one derivative can work as quickly as 6 months, which pretty much makes it the best aligner around today.


Hiding no more with Invisalign in Leeds

Friday, February 15th, 2013

If you have ever had the ordeal of ever having to wear, or watch someone you love wear traditional fixed braces in Leeds, it isn’t the most pleasant of sites. It stunts self expression and makes you introverted while wearing them. Plus they can be a nightmare to clean and expose you to the greater threat of bacteria attacking your teeth. Nice to know then that those days have been thoroughly disposed of, thanks to Invisalign. This aligner turns every thought you may have of teeth straightening on its head. For a start, once you have been fitted with the first of many aligners, you can take it out whenever you want, allowing you to clean your teeth normally and which instantly removes the threat of bacteria and plaque building up in your mouth. The treatment works fast and depending on the complexity of your teeth, you can be done in as little as a year. But it is what Invisalign is made from that gives it its greatest quality of all: the aligner is made from a clear plastic which means that when fitted, it’s almost invisible! Pricey yes, but priceless- absolutely!