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Archive for the ‘oral hygeine’ Category

Useful Oral Hygiene Tips For City Leeds Patients

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

357249_blogGood oral hygiene makes the world of difference when it comes to oral health and we are always here to offer advice about maintaining a clean and healthy mouth at home. By sticking to a good oral hygiene regime, you will reduce your risk of developing a host of dental problems, including gum disease, dental decay and bad breath.

Oral hygiene tips

Brushing and flossing

Brushing is really important and it only takes 2 minutes of your morning and evening to make a difference. Brushing removes bacteria and food debris from the mouth, which helps to prevent the development of plaque. Plaque is a sticky, colourless substance, which is made from bits of food, saliva and bacteria and it is bad news for oral health. Plaque irritates the gums and increases the risk of cavities. Brushing should take place twice a day, for at least 2 minutes each time. It’s advisable to use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen and protect the enamel.

Flossing is another really simple way of keeping your teeth and gums healthy and you only need to do it once a day. The beauty of flossing is that it takes over where brushing leaves off and it cleans the parts of the mouth that are tricky to cover with a toothbrush. Flossing can take a little getting used to, but it’s well worth persevering, as it helps to keep your teeth looking bright and clean, as well as keeping decay at arm’s length. When you floss, simply pass the dental tape through the cracks between the teeth and avoid pulling.

Seeing a dental hygienist

On top of good oral hygiene at home, we recommend seeing a dental hygienist. Our amazing dental hygienists can help to banish plaque, prevent gum disease and give your teeth a beautiful, white glow.

Don’t Let The Horror Of Halitosis Take You In Its Clutches

Saturday, August 23rd, 2014

2143132_blogDo you feel self-conscious when you stand up to present at work or meet somebody for the first time? Are you conscious that you have bad breath but you don’t know what to do about it? At City Dental Leeds we have experience in treating bad breath and our excellent dentists and dental hygienists will soon have you feeling confident and smelling fresh.

What causes halitosis?

Halitosis is the medical name for bad breath. Most people have experience of bad breath in the morning or after eating particularly strong foods, but if you suffer from odorous breath on a regular basis, there may be an underlying cause. In most cases, bad breath is linked to bacteria collecting in the mouth, which results from poor oral hygiene. If you don’t brush your teeth twice a day and floss, bacteria are allowed to gather and collect in the mouth and reproduce and this causes unpleasant odours, as they release gases when they feed.

Smoking and taking medication can also contribute to bad breath.

How we can help

Bad breath doesn’t need to set you back; with our powerful cleaning treatments and professional advice, we can help you to overcome these problems and enable you to face day to day life with confidence.

The best course of action for bad breath is usually regular hygiene sessions, which are provided by our incredible dental hygienists. Hygienists offer cleaning treatments, which are designed to blitz the mouth and rid bacteria, leaving your mouth feeling lovely and clean and your teeth looking sparkly and smooth.

We can also offer advice about brushing and flossing at home and we are on hand to make recommendations about oral hygiene products.

City Leeds Can Rid You Of That Bogus Breath

Friday, July 18th, 2014

2464492_blogDo you dread work meetings and presentations? Do you feel nervous in social situations? If you do and bad breath is to blame, we can help! We are experts in banishing bad breath for good and we can help you to feel confident, whether you’re aiming for a promotion, sealing a deal or going on a first date.

Bad breath is something, which affects most people at some point. In the majority of cases, people suffer from unpleasant smelling breath in the mornings or after eating or drinking certain foods, but sometimes, people suffer from persistent bad breath and this may indicate that there is an underlying dental cause.

What causes bad breath?

If you have persistent bad breath (known as halitosis), this is almost always the result of bacteria build-up in the mouth. When bacteria collect in the mouth and start to feed, this causes them to release odorous gases, which is why your breath smells unpleasant. Commonly, bad breath is linked to bacteria at the back of the tongue. Bacteria can be removed by regular brushing and flossing; if you neglect your oral hygiene routine, bacteria multiply and the risk of bad breath is much higher.

Bad breath can also be caused by smoking and it can be a side-effect of taking some types of medication.

Treating bad breath

If you suffer from bad breath, you’re not alone and we have treatments and therapies that can help to ensure your breath is fresh and clean smelling. Our oral hygiene treatments provide intensive cleaning to rid the mouth of armful bacteria and plaque, cleanse the tongue and clean and polish the teeth. We recommend regular hygiene sessions coupled with a thorough oral hygiene regime at home.

We also recommend steering clear of food triggers and smoking and chewing a piece of sugar-free gum after eating.

Floss Till You Drop And Save Those Yorkshire Pearlies

Monday, July 7th, 2014

357249_blogWhen it comes to oral hygiene, most people overlook flossing as the less important partner of brushing, but flossing is actually really important, especially if you want to keep your pearly whites looking bright and healthy. Flossing should never be a substitute for brushing; rather, you should brush and floss together to keep dental disease at bay and your smile looking radiant and gorgeous.

Why is flossing so important?

Flossing is essential for good oral health because it covers areas that you can’t reach properly with a toothbrush. When you brush, you clean the surfaces of the teeth, but you can’t fit a toothbrush head into the cracks between your teeth and it can be difficult to angle your brush to clean the gum line effectively. This is where flossing comes into play; with dental floss, you can remove plaque, bacteria and left over bits of food from the spaces between your teeth and the areas where your teeth meet your gums, which helps to reduce the risk of decay and gum disease.

Flossing tips

Flossing is easy, but it can take some getting used to. If you’ve not flossed before, be patient, as you will get the hang of it. Hold a piece of floss between your thumb and fingers and then gently guide it through the gaps between your teeth; use a new piece of floss for every tooth and never pull at the tape, as this could hurt your gums.

Many people ask about bleeding when flossing. Although it is common for the gums to bleed when you first start flossing or when you have not flossed for a long time, it is not normal for the gums to bleed on a regular basis and if you experience frequent bleeding when you floss, or you notice blood when you clean your teeth, we advise you to call and make an appointment. Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease and it best to rule that out as quickly as possible.

Heavenly Hygienists Can Help In LS1

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

658156_blogWhen it comes to keeping dental diseases at bay and ensuring your smile looks bright, clean and glossy, our hygienists have got it nailed. Our expert hygienists are on hand to provide advice, administer preventative treatments and help with the management of existing oral health problems, such as gum disease. We recommend our heavenly hygienists to everyone; even patients with beautifully clean and healthy teeth can benefit from a regular trip to the hygienist.

What do dental hygienists do?

Dental hygienists carry out a number of important roles at the practice, from providing younger patients with preventative treatments and offering advice about nutrition, oral hygiene and giving up smoking, to providing intensive cleaning treatments and helping our dentists with the treatment and management of advanced gum disease.

Dental hygienists are experts in oral hygiene and the treatments they provide are designed to clean the mouth thoroughly in a bid to prevent the spread of infection, ensure the teeth look bright and clean and reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

When should I see a dental hygienist?

It is now possible to book an appointment with a dental hygienist directly without a referral from a dentist and we encourage all our patients to visit a hygienist once a year. Hygienists provide powerful cleaning treatments, which remove bacteria and plaque from the mouth, polish the teeth and remove surface stains and cleanse the gums. You’ll be amazed at the difference just a short session with the hygienist can make to the way your teeth look and feel.

If you have a high risk of developing oral diseases or you have existing symptoms, it’s advisable to see a hygienist on a regular basis. Often, with cases of advanced gum disease, patients attend regular appointments with dentists and hygienists.

You Don’t Have To Suffer Bad Breath Any Longer Here In Leeds

Sunday, June 29th, 2014

1850575_blogBad breath is a problem, which troubles us all from time to time, but if you have bad breath on a regular basis and it’s starting to impact your day to day life, there may be an underlying reason and we can help! We will identify the cause and rectify the problem to make you feel more confident and ensure your breath smells lovely and fresh!

Why do I have bad breath?

Bad breath can be caused by many different things, but it is most commonly linked to poor oral hygiene. If you don’t brush your teeth on a regular basis, bacteria gather in your mouth and when these bacteria feed, they let off gases, which have an unpleasant odour.

Bad breath can also be linked to smoking, taking some types of medicine and eating certain foods, such as onions, garlic and spicy dishes.

How can City Dental help?

At City Dental we have an experienced team, which has expertise in dealing with bad breath. Our amazing hygienists can provide a range of treatments, as well as advice and information about oral hygiene, diet and brushing tips, to help banish bad breath for good. We often recommend seeing a dental hygienist on a regular basis if you are prone to bad breath. Hygiene treatments are designed to deep clean the mouth, remove bacteria and reduce the risk of oral disease. You will also feel really refreshed after treatment and your teeth will feel smooth and look a lot cleaner and brighter.

We also recommend trying to avoid triggers, such as strong-smelling foods and we can also help with giving up smoking.

Many people find it beneficial to chew gum after eating and we recommend sugar-free gum. Chewing gum helps to stimulate saliva production, which cleanses the mouth, as well as giving you fresh smelling breath.

Horrible Hygiene Can Be Sent Packing In The City Of Leeds

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

1787127_blogPoor oral hygiene doesn’t just give you bad breath it also increases your risk of tooth pain, sensitivity, cavities and gum disease. We actively recommend sticking to a smart daily oral hygiene routine at home and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups to keep oral diseases at bay and ensure you teeth look bright and clean.

The importance of good oral hygiene

Great oral routine is not just important for your oral health; it also plays a role in your general health. Numerous research studies have established a link between gum disease and a higher risk of heart problems or strokes and so keeping your mouth clean is really important. Good hygiene will also prevent bad breath and help to keep your smile looking healthy.

A great oral hygiene routine

A good daily oral hygiene routine will help to protect your teeth and gums and keep your teeth gleaming. All you need is 5 minutes a day to give your oral health a massive boost. We recommend brushing twice, every day, for at least 2 minutes in the morning when you wake and 2 minutes in the evening after a meal. It’s important to reach into the corners and to brush every surface of every tooth when you clean your teeth and to make sure you brush for long enough. If you think you aren’t brushing for long enough, you can buy a brush with a timer, set a timer on your phone or watch or even brush along to a song.

In addition to brushing, flossing is really important. Flossing involves passing dental tape, known as floss, through the gaps between the teeth and it helps to target areas that trap food, such as the gum line and the narrow gaps between the teeth.

Dental hygiene sessions

We highly recommend our dental hygienists and encourage al our patients to see a hygienist on a regular basis. Hygiene treatments are intensive and they give the mouth a really thorough clean. Not only will you teeth look and feel amazing, but your risk of decay and gum disease will also be lowered.

Dental Decay? We Have The Right Treatments For You in LS1

Sunday, June 1st, 2014

1787127_blogDecay is one of the most common preventable illnesses among children and adults in the UK. If you have a cavity, we have the solution. We can restore your tooth and reduce your risk of further infection in no time!


We use fillings to fill cavities and strengthen the teeth when they have been affected by decay. Cavities form when acids released by bacteria in plaque nibble away at the protective enamel, eroding it and making it thinner and weaker. Eventually, a hole can form in the enamel and this is known as a cavity. Once there is a cavity, there is a risk that bacteria can spread to other parts of the tooth and this increases the chances of further decay and dental abscesses.

Fillings help to stop the spread of infection and we use white fillings to restore the teeth without impacting on the look of your smile. White fillings are made from dental composite, which can be matched to your natural tooth shade and shaped to fit the cavity perfectly; once the composite is in place, it is then hardened using a powerful light source. This process takes a minute and you won’t feel any pain.

We carry out treatment under local anaesthetic so you won’t feel a thing during treatment.

We are happy to replace existing metal amalgam fillings with white fillings or to fit new white fillings.

Preventing decay

We are also on hand to offer advice about preventing decay. We recommend following these simple steps: eat well and avoid sugary foods and drinks, brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly and keep up with your regular dental check-ups.

Remember To Floss Away the Days Bacteria in LS1

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

510441_blogMost people find the time to brush their teeth every day, but flossing is much less common. Surveys show that most people do not floss as frequently as recommended. Failing to floss could increase your risk of bad breath, cavities and gum disease. If you’re unsure how to floss, our hygienists and dentists will be happy to show you; flossing can make a massive difference to your oral health, as well as the look of your smile.

About flossing

Flossing involves using dental floss to clean the gaps between the teeth and the gum line; it is not painful and it doesn’t take long. It’s important to floss because you can’t clean all the areas of your mouth with a brush. The bristles of the brush can’t fit in the cracks between your teeth and it can be tricky to brush along the gum line properly. With floss, you can ensure you cover the areas you missed when you were brushing and this helps to prevent bacteria from lingering in your mouth.

If bacteria gather in your mouth, they join forces with leftover food particles and form plaque, which is very troublesome for your teeth and gums. Plaque is the sticky white film, which you can sometimes feel and see on your teeth when you first wake up in the morning; it can be removed really easily by brushing or flossing, but if it’s left, it can cause decay and gum disease.

How to floss

When you have your piece of dental floss, hold it between your thumb and fingers and guide it through the cracks between your teeth. Pass the floss through gently and never pull at it, as this can make your gums sore. Try to use a new piece of floss for every corner of the mouth and floss every day. If you have any questions or you can’t seem to get the hang of flossing, ask your dentist.

If you notice bleeding when you floss, this may be indicative of gum disease. If you are flossing for the first time, it is common for the gums to bleed, but if you’re used to flossing and you notice that your gums are bleeding, arrange to see your dentist so that they can check your gums.

Banish That Bad Breath Bacteria In The Centre Of Leeds

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

758140_blogBad breath is a common problem, which can affect patients of all ages. The medical name for bad breath is halitosis. If you suffer from bad breath, there is no need to be embarrassed or ashamed; we are here to help and we’ll have you beaming with confidence in no time!

Causes of bad breath

There are many causes of bad breath, from smoking and eating spicy and strong foods, to taking some forms of medication, but most cases are associated with poor oral hygiene. Neglecting brushing and flossing leads to a build-up of bacteria inside the mouth and when these bacteria combine with food debris and saliva, this forms plaque, a leading cause of gum disease and decay. When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth release acids and gases, which smell unpleasant and this is why you suffer from bad breath. It is particularly common for bad breath to be caused by bacteria collecting on the tongue.

What can you do to battle bad breath?

Good oral hygiene will drastically reduce your risk of suffering from bad breath, as it helps to prevent bacteria from gathering in your mouth. Brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash can really help to keep your breath smelling fresh.

Chewing sugar-free gum can also help to prevent bad breath, especially if you find that you suffer after eating.

If you have persistent bad breath, we recommend seeing a dental hygienist, who can provide intensive cleaning treatment to banish bacteria, remove plaque and give your mouth a really thorough clean. Hygienists have experience in treating bad breath and they can help to solve the immediate problem, as well as preventing halitosis in the future. As well as providing hygiene treatments, we can also offer advice about oral hygiene at home.