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Archive for the ‘oral hygeine’ Category

Beat The Bad Breath Bully When You Come To Leeds

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

3062480_blogBad breath can be a really embarrassing problem, but if you have halitosis, this doesn’t mean that you have to hide away and suffer in silence. We can help!

Bad breath is commonly caused by bacteria collecting in the mouth. When you eat, the bacteria in your mouth feed and then release gases, which smell unpleasant and this is why you get bad breath. If you have a good daily oral hygiene routine, these bacteria shouldn’t be able to gather in your mouth and you should find that your breath smells much fresher and cleaner. Ideally, you should brush your teeth twice a day each day for at least 2 minutes each time and floss regularly to keep bad breath at bay.

If you have persistent bad breath, we can offer intensive hygiene treatments, which give the mouth a deep clean and remove bacteria, which may be lurking in areas that you can’t reach with your toothbrush.

Some people find that they have bad breath after eating or drinking foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, spicy meals and garlic. If this sounds familiar, chewing sugar-free gum can help to neutralise acids in your mouth and make your breath smell fresher after eating. Make sure you choose sugar-free gum, as sugary foods increase the risk of decay and gum disease.

Don’t Forget To Floss In City Centre Leeds

Monday, April 28th, 2014

iStock_000000363253XSmallYou often hear dentists talking about the importance of flossing in TV shows, adverts and magazine articles, but why is flossing so important and do you really need to floss every day?

Flossing is important for one main reason: it covers areas that you miss or are unable to reach properly when you are brushing. Brushing removes most of the plaque and bacteria from your teeth, but there are areas that cannot be reached with a brush head, including the cracks between the teeth. With flossing and brushing, you cover a greater surface areas and clean parts of the mouth that are prone to bacteria build-up, reducing the risk of plaque formation and lowering your risk of gum disease and decay.

It’s advisable to try and floss once a day to keep your mouth clean. When you floss, try to be very gentle and avoid pulling at the floss, as this can hurt your gums and cause them to bleed. Run the tape through the cracks between your teeth and along the gum line and use a new piece of floss for each tooth.

If you notice that your gums bleed when you floss and you are used to flossing, arrange to see your dentist. It is normal for the gums to bleed a little the first couple of times you floss, but if you do it on a regular basis and notice bleeding, this could be a sign of gum disease and it’s best to get this looked at.

City Dental Leeds Can Teach Your Nippers To Take Care Of Their Teeth

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

1391328_blogWhen it comes to children, it’s never too early to start thinking about oral health. We provide dental care for all the family and we encourage parents to bring their children for routine check-ups when they are very small to enable them to get used to the dental surgery and get to know their dentist.

Children’s dental health is so important because laying positive foundations during childhood has a massive impact on adult dental health. Children who have good oral health are much more likely to enjoy strong and healthy teeth and gums into adult life.

At City Dental Leeds we understand that kids can find it difficult and many parents face a daily battle to get their children to clean their teeth. If this sounds familiar, we can help! We offer children’s dental hygiene products and we recommend ways to make teeth cleaning fun, such as playing games, brushing together as a family and brushing along to popular songs in the charts. We are also happy to chat to kids about the importance of teeth cleaning and to answer their questions about brushing and why it is important for their teeth, as well as their general health.

We also offer preventative dental care for younger patients to help to protect the teeth and gums from harmful bacteria and increase their chances of staying pain-free. Sealant treatments and fluoride varnish help to strengthen the teeth and lower the risk of tooth decay and they are completely painless and very quick.

If your nippers are in need of a check-up, you have queries about brushing or you simply want advice about getting kids into a good oral hygiene routine, pop in when you’re next in Leeds or give us a quick call!

Which foods are best to avoid for good oral health in Central Leeds?

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

293756_blogYou may be used to your dentist telling you about how important it is to brush your teeth twice a day, but what about your diet? As well as oral hygiene, the foods you eat can also have a major impact on your oral health and no amount of brushing will be able to save your teeth if you consume excessive amounts of foods that are ‘bad’ for your teeth. Sugar is the number one enemy for the teeth, as it causes bacteria in your mouth to produce acids, known as plaque acids, which erode the enamel. Although enamel is the hardest substance in the body, there is a limit to how many attacks it can withstand and eventually, it can become thin and worn. Most people are aware that their favourite treats, like doughnuts, biscuits and chocolate bars, are laden with sugar, but you may be surprised to find out that sports drinks, fruit juice and shop-bought smoothies, can also be packed full of sugar. Another problem food is starchy carbohydrates, such as crisps, for example; carbohydrates are broken down into sugars, so they have the same effect as simple sugars and foods like crisps also tend to cling to the enamel and get stuck in the pits in the biting surfaces of the teeth. Drinking certain beverages, such as coffee, tea, red and white wine, can also contribute to discolouration of the teeth, so it’s best to avoid these if you are determined to keep your pearly whites clean and bright.



Which toothpaste and toothbrush should I use for sparkling teeth in LS1?

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

464425_blogPop into any supermarket or chemist to grab a new toothbrush or a tube of toothpaste and a 1-minute job could easily become a much more time-consuming task; if you’ve spent any time at all in the dental aisle, you’ll be aware that there are hundreds of different products to choose from, from kid’s toothpaste and coloured brushes, to sophisticated smart technology brushes and toothpastes, which claim to whiten your teeth by several shades. So, where do you start and which products do you go for? The answer is different for different patients; there are some products that are geared towards specific markets, while some products will benefit some patients much more than others. If you have sensitive teeth, for example, investing in toothpaste that is designed to reduce sensitivity and strengthen the enamel, is hugely beneficial. Children’s products are great for younger patients, as they tend to be more visually appealing, as well as easy to use and tasty in the case of toothpastes. Generally speaking, electric toothbrushes are better than manual brushes because they are much more powerful and this enables them to clean the teeth and remove plaque more effectively. If you have any questions or concerns about oral hygiene products, it is a good idea to speak to your dentist or dental hygienist, as they can recommend products based on your oral health status and your needs.


Oral hygiene tips to make your smile glow!

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

357249_blogMany people assume that they need to see a dentist for professional whitening treatment to achieve a glowing smile, but you can actually make a massive difference to the look of your teeth by maintaining good oral hygiene and steering clear of things that discolour your teeth. Oral hygiene is really important for your oral health, but is also has a bearing on the aesthetic of your teeth. Regular cleaning helps to keep the enamel strong and gives your teeth a radiant, smooth finish, if the enamel becomes worn, the dentin becomes visible and this is yellow in colour. Your diet can also have an influence on the colour and strength of your teeth. Foods which are strongly coloured, such as coffee and red wine, can contribute to discolouration, as can acidic drinks, such as white wine. Acidic foods and drinks erode the enamel, causing it to become thinner. When brushing, take care to cover all areas of your mouth and devote equal time to each corner of the mouth; try to angle your brush so that you are able to cover the gum line, as well as the chewing and biting surfaces of the teeth and avoid brushing too hard, as this can damage the enamel. In addition to brushing, it’s important to floss, as this helps you to clean between the teeth. You can also ask your dentist about using inter-dental brushes, which are tiny brushes, specifically designed to clean the cracks between the teeth. If after heeding all this advice, you still want to inject a bit of extra sparkle into your smile, whitening could be the answer.

Keeping teeth strong and healthy in the heart of Leeds

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

302075_blogIf you read the news or you like to flick through magazines now and again, you may have noticed that the results of surveys often reveal that people consider ‘a nice smile’ as the most attractive quality in a partner. Other polls also suggest that people perceive those who have a bright and healthy smile as more trustworthy than those with poor oral health and employers are more likely to hire somebody with an attractive smile than somebody who clearly neglects their oral hygiene. In short, your smile is important for a number of reasons and the good news is that it only takes a small amount of effort to maintain good oral health and keep your teeth feeling strong and looking shiny and bright. The first thing to consider is your oral hygiene routine; if you’re not brushing your teeth twice a day, every day for at least 2 minutes each time, you could be at risk of decay and gum disease, as well as bad breath and stained teeth. Flossing can also be hugely beneficial, as it removes plaque and bacteria from the places you struggle to reach with a toothbrush. Your diet is the best thing to think about. Many of us enjoy a sweet treat now and again, but if you’re consuming sweets, chocolate bars and biscuits on a daily basis or washing down your lunch with a can of fizzy pop or a sports drink, then this could lead to serious problems. Sugary foods cause bacteria in your mouth to attack and erode the protective enamel layer of the teeth. In order to ensure your teeth stay healthy and strong, keep an eye on your diet, brush and floss with dedication and see your dentist for a routine check-up every 6 months: it really is as simple as that!

Are you aware of the dangers of bleeding gums?

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

297243_blogYour gums say a lot about your general health and if you notice that your gums are bleeding, this usually indicates the early signs of gum disease. Gum disease is a very common problem; in fact, most of us experience the symptoms of gum disease at some point in our lives. However, this does not mean that it should be ignored and several studies have linked gum disease to systemic illnesses, so it is perhaps more important to be wary of the waning signs of gum disease; researchers have found a connection between gum disease and heart disease, strokes, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and get checked out if you have bleeding gums. Gingivitis, the mild form of gum disease, which is usually characterised by swollen and bleeding gums, is easily treated with effective oral hygiene treatment. However, it can progress quickly and this is where gum disease becomes a real problem. Periodontal disease, the advanced form of gum disease, is impossible to cure and it results in permanent damage to the mouth, often causing the teeth to become loose and eventually, to fall out. The positive news about gum disease is that it is preventable and you only have to devote a few minutes a day to caring for your mouth to reduce your risks of gum disease significantly. Brushing your teeth and flossing remove bacteria and food deposits from the mouth before they can develop into plaque. Plaque is a colourless film, which clings to the teeth and gum line, irritating the gums and increasing the risk of damage to the tooth enamel. Effective oral hygiene helps to prevent the formation of plaque, keeping the teeth strong and the gums healthy.

Kicking back at Tooth Decay in Central Leeds

Monday, January 27th, 2014

464425_blogIf there is one thing that you are never going to avoid at some point in your life in central Leeds, it’s tooth decay. The problem is a result of a combination of things- bacteria, plaque, poor oral hygiene and failure to see your dentist. Bacteria will settle around your teeth, making it a strong possibility that plaque and tartar will breakout; the acids from these will soon start eating away at the teeth’s enamel. Caries may form and if it continues, these will eat through and infect the pulp and roots inside. This is why you should always be on the ball with your oral hygiene and remove these acids the best you can so that you ensure things don’t reach this level- and you’ll know if they do because your teeth will suffer from shooting pains whenever they come into contact with anything. If you also keep visiting your dentist, the early signs of tooth decay will be spotted and treated accordingly. If you get the problem in its early stages, your dentist may only need to administer you a filling, but a root canal will be required if the inside becomes infected. There is another more dangerous aspect to tooth decay; if you simply ignore it, you run the risk of getting an abscess and this is a dangerous condition that you will want to avoid, for in some cases they have proved to be fatal.

Why you needn’t fear Root Canals in Central Leeds anymore

Friday, January 24th, 2014

585811_blogIt is very easy to fall off the wagon and ignore your oral hygiene in an effervescent party-place like central Leeds- at least you’re having fun eh? But if you continue to do this and don’t look after your teeth and gums properly, they will bite back at you in the form of tooth decay. This will start by your teeth becoming sensitive and painful to the touch- get in now and a filling will suffice; leave it and the acids will break through the enamel and poison the inside of your teeth. If this happens, you will need root canal treatment to clear out the rotten rubbish inside your tooth, and the very mention of this procedure can conjure up horrible images for some people. It involves the dentist removing first the pulp and then the roots so that the tooth is completely free of all the infected matter within. Once this is done, then the tooth can be refilled, crowned and ultimately saved. Now in the past this was a spiteful and nasty little operation done with drills and possibly scalpels if the roots were complex, but fear ye not folks. Laser surgery has taken over from the drills and scalpels and the whole process can be done quickly and painlessly these days…but here’s the thing- try to look after your teeth in the future and avoid this procedure in the first place!