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Central Leeds dentists help prevent teeth decay with expert advice

Taking excellent care of your teeth involves avoiding such afflictions as tooth decay. This painful process can mean that you need to have a tooth removed or that it falls out. Needless to say, prevention is a better course of actions so that you don’t suffer the pain and indignity of losing a tooth and then having it replaced.
Teeth can decay if plaque is allowed to build up on them. Plaque is an entirely unavoidable substance that forms after you have eaten, particularly foods containing a lot of sugar and or starch. Although it is entirely unavoidable it can be and should be dealt with effectively. Otherwise it attacks the enamel and begins to break down teeth.
You can deal with plaque by effectively brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day and after meals too if necessary. This dislodges the plaque so that it cannot compromise your teeth. Of course, pursuing a healthy diet also helps here as reducing sugary snacks to a minimum means that there is less plaque for you to have to deal with in the first place.
If tooth decay ensues then cavities can begin to form in the teeth and these will need to be filled to protect the sensitive inner parts of your teeth. If the process of decay goes further, then tooth as a whole will begin to break down and might fail entirely and become dislodged. You will need to have it replaced in this case, with a crown or a dental implant or dentures.
You Central Leeds dentist is trained to spot the signs of teeth decay and will be able to offer you advice on how to avoid it effectively, ensuring ling term oral health.

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